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GetCimInstanceCommand Class


Returns zero, one or more CIM (dynamic) instances with the properties specified in the Property parameter, KeysOnly parameter or the Select clause of the Query parameter.

public class GetCimInstanceCommand : Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets.CimBaseCommand
[System.Management.Automation.Alias(new System.String[] { "gcim" })]
[System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Get", "CimInstance", DefaultParameterSetName="ClassNameComputerSet", HelpUri="")]
[System.Management.Automation.OutputType(new System.Type[] { typeof(Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance) })]
public class GetCimInstanceCommand : Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets.CimBaseCommand
type GetCimInstanceCommand = class
    inherit CimBaseCommand
[<System.Management.Automation.Alias(new System.String[] { "gcim" })>]
[<System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Get", "CimInstance", DefaultParameterSetName="ClassNameComputerSet", HelpUri="")>]
[<System.Management.Automation.OutputType(new System.Type[] { typeof(Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance) })>]
type GetCimInstanceCommand = class
    inherit CimBaseCommand
Public Class GetCimInstanceCommand
Inherits CimBaseCommand



Initializes a new instance of the GetCimInstanceCommand class. Constructor.



The following is the definition of the input parameter "CimSession". Identifies the CimSession which is to be used to retrieve the instances.


The following is the definition of the input parameter "ClassName". Define the class name for which the instances are retrieved.


This property tells you if you were being invoked inside the runspace or if it was an external request.

(Inherited from InternalCommand)

Holds the command runtime object for this command. This object controls what actually happens when a write is called.

(Inherited from Cmdlet)

The following is the definition of the input parameter "ComputerName". Provides the name of the computer from which to retrieve the instances. The ComputerName is used to create a temporary CimSession with default parameter values, which is then used to retrieve the instances.

If no ComputerName is specified the default value is "localhost"


Gets an object that surfaces the current PowerShell transaction. When this object is disposed, PowerShell resets the active transaction.

(Inherited from Cmdlet)

The following is the definition of the input parameter "Filter". Specifies the where clause of the query.


The following is the definition of the input parameter "InputObject". Provides the Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets.GetCimInstanceCommand.CimInstance that containing the [Key] properties, based on the key properties to retrieve the Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets.GetCimInstanceCommand.CimInstance.

User can call New-CimInstance to create the CimInstance with key only properties, for example: New-CimInstance -ClassName C -Namespace root\cimv2 -Property @{CreationClassName="CIM_VirtualComputerSystem";Name="VM3358"} -Keys {"CreationClassName", "Name"} -Local


The following is the definition of the input parameter "KeyOnly". Indicates that only key properties of the retrieved instances should be returned to the client.


The following is the definition of the input parameter "Namespace". Identifies the Namespace in which the class, indicated by ClassName, is registered.

Default namespace is 'root\cimv2' if this property is not specified.


The following is the definition of the input parameter "OperationTimeoutSec". Specifies the operation timeout after which the client operation should be canceled. The default is the CimSession operation timeout. If this parameter is specified, then this value takes precedence over the CimSession OperationTimeout.


The following is the definition of the input parameter "Property". Specifies the selected properties of result instances.


The following is the definition of the input parameter "Query". Specifies the query string for what instances, and what properties of those instances, should be retrieve.


The following is the definition of the input parameter "QueryDialect". Specifies the dialect used by the query Engine that interprets the Query string.


The following is the definition of the input parameter "ResourceUri". Define the Resource Uri for which the instances are retrieved.


The following is the definition of the input parameter "Shallow". If the switch is set to True, only instance of the class identified by Namespace + ClassName will be returned. If the switch is not set, instances of the above class and of all of its descendents will be returned (the enumeration will cascade the class inheritance hierarchy).


Is this command stopping?

(Inherited from Cmdlet)



BeginProcessing method.


Dispose() calls Dispose(true). Implement IDisposable. Do not make this method virtual. A derived class should not be able to override this method.

(Inherited from CimBaseCommand)

Dispose(bool disposing) executes in two distinct scenarios. If disposing equals true, the method has been called directly or indirectly by a user's code. Managed and unmanaged resources can be disposed. If disposing equals false, the method has been called by the runtime from inside the finalizer and you should not reference other objects. Only unmanaged resources can be disposed.

(Inherited from CimBaseCommand)

Clean up resources.

(Inherited from CimBaseCommand)

EndProcessing method.

GetResourceString(String, String)

Gets the resource string corresponding to baseName and resourceId from the current assembly. You should override this if you require a different behavior.

(Inherited from Cmdlet)

Invoke this cmdlet object returning a collection of results.

(Inherited from Cmdlet)

Returns a strongly-typed enumerator for the results of this cmdlet.

(Inherited from Cmdlet)

ProcessRecord method.

ShouldContinue(String, String)

Confirm an operation or grouping of operations with the user. This differs from ShouldProcess in that it is not affected by preference settings or command-line parameters, it always does the query. This variant only offers Yes/No, not YesToAll/NoToAll.

(Inherited from Cmdlet)
ShouldContinue(String, String, Boolean, Boolean)

Confirm an operation or grouping of operations with the user. This differs from ShouldProcess in that it is not affected by preference settings or command-line parameters, it always does the query. This variant offers Yes, No, YesToAll and NoToAll.

(Inherited from Cmdlet)
ShouldContinue(String, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)

Confirm an operation or grouping of operations with the user. This differs from ShouldProcess in that it is not affected by preference settings or command-line parameters, it always does the query. This variant offers Yes, No, YesToAll and NoToAll.

(Inherited from Cmdlet)

Confirm the operation with the user. Cmdlets which make changes (e.g. delete files, stop services etc.) should call ShouldProcess to give the user the opportunity to confirm that the operation should actually be performed.

(Inherited from Cmdlet)
ShouldProcess(String, String)

Confirm the operation with the user. Cmdlets which make changes (e.g. delete files, stop services etc.) should call ShouldProcess to give the user the opportunity to confirm that the operation should actually be performed.

This variant allows the caller to specify text for both the target resource and the action.

(Inherited from Cmdlet)
ShouldProcess(String, String, String)

Confirm the operation with the user. Cmdlets which make changes (e.g. delete files, stop services etc.) should call ShouldProcess to give the user the opportunity to confirm that the operation should actually be performed.

This variant allows the caller to specify the complete text describing the operation, rather than just the name and action.

(Inherited from Cmdlet)
ShouldProcess(String, String, String, ShouldProcessReason)

Confirm the operation with the user. Cmdlets which make changes (e.g. delete files, stop services etc.) should call ShouldProcess to give the user the opportunity to confirm that the operation should actually be performed.

This variant allows the caller to specify the complete text describing the operation, rather than just the name and action.

(Inherited from Cmdlet)

StopProcessing method.

(Inherited from CimBaseCommand)

Terminate the command and report an error.

(Inherited from Cmdlet)

Returns true if a transaction is available and active.

(Inherited from Cmdlet)

Write text into pipeline execution log.

(Inherited from Cmdlet)

Display debug information.

(Inherited from Cmdlet)

Internal variant: Writes the specified error to the error pipe.

(Inherited from Cmdlet)

Route information to the user or host.

(Inherited from Cmdlet)
WriteInformation(Object, String[])

Route information to the user or host.

(Inherited from Cmdlet)

Writes the object to the output pipe.

(Inherited from Cmdlet)
WriteObject(Object, Boolean)

Writes one or more objects to the output pipe. If the object is a collection and the enumerateCollection flag is true, the objects in the collection will be written individually.

(Inherited from Cmdlet)

Display progress information.

(Inherited from Cmdlet)

Display verbose information.

(Inherited from Cmdlet)

Display warning information.

(Inherited from Cmdlet)

Applies to