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RightsManagementFailureCode Enum


Specifies error conditions that can occur when performing a rights management operation.

public enum class RightsManagementFailureCode
public enum RightsManagementFailureCode
type RightsManagementFailureCode = 
Public Enum RightsManagementFailureCode


Name Value Description
ManifestPolicyViolation -2147183860

An operation is in violation of the rights management manifest policy.

InvalidLicense -2147168512

The license structure in one of the certificates is invalid.

InfoNotInLicense -2147168511

When creating a bound license, an issuance license, not an end-use license, was specified.

InvalidLicenseSignature -2147168510

Rights management signed digital certificate cannot be validated. (The signed certificate may have been tampered.)

EncryptionNotPermitted -2147168508

Encryption is not permitted.

RightNotGranted -2147168507

The current user does not have rights to access the protected content.

InvalidVersion -2147168506

The rights management version is incorrect.

InvalidEncodingType -2147168505

The specified encoding type is invalid.

InvalidNumericalValue -2147168504

The numeric value specified is invalid.

InvalidAlgorithmType -2147168503

The algorithm type specified is invalid.

EnvironmentNotLoaded -2147168502

The SecureEnvironment cannot load.

EnvironmentCannotLoad -2147168501

The SecureEnvironment cannot load.

TooManyLoadedEnvironments -2147168500

Too many SecureEnvironment instance have been created.

IncompatibleObjects -2147168498

An object type passed is incompatible with this operation.

LibraryFail -2147168497

A library operation failed.

EnablingPrincipalFailure -2147168496

The specified principal cannot be enabled.

InfoNotPresent -2147168495

Some information is missing.

BadGetInfoQuery -2147168494

An invalid constant was passed.

KeyTypeUnsupported -2147168493

The key type specified in a key/value pair is not supported.

CryptoOperationUnsupported -2147168492

A cryptographic operation that was requested is not supported. For example, passing an RMS encrypting object for decrypting purposes.

ClockRollbackDetected -2147168491

Clock rollback has been detected. Protected content cannot be accessed.

QueryReportsNoResults -2147168490

No instances of the requested attribute exist.

UnexpectedException -2147168489

An unspecified error occurred. Also thrown when an application runs in debug mode.

BindValidityTimeViolated -2147168488

The defined time period for the protected content has expired; access is no longer permitted.

BrokenCertChain -2147168487

The rights management certificate chain is broken.

BindPolicyViolation -2147168485

The current user does not have rights to access the protected content.

BindRevokedLicense -2147168484

The current user does not have rights to access the protected content.

BindRevokedIssuer -2147168483

The current user does not have rights to access the protected content.

BindRevokedPrincipal -2147168482

The current user does not have rights to access the protected content.

BindRevokedResource -2147168481

The current user does not have rights to access the protected content.

BindRevokedModule -2147168480

Rights management services are not properly configured.

BindContentNotInEndUseLicense -2147168479

The specified resource is not contained in any WORK node of the license.

BindAccessPrincipalNotEnabling -2147168478

The access condition is not matched to the enabling principal that is handed into the bind.

BindAccessUnsatisfied -2147168477

The current user does not satisfy the conditions defined in the End Use License (EUL).

BindIndicatedPrincipalMissing -2147168476

The enabling principal does not match the issued principal of the End Use License (EUL).

BindMachineNotFoundInGroupIdentity -2147168475

The current machine is not defined within the rights managed group identity.

LibraryUnsupportedPlugIn -2147168474

The specified library plug-in is not supported.

BindRevocationListStale -2147168473

The license requires that a new revocation list must be acquired.

BindNoApplicableRevocationList -2147168472

The current user does not have rights to access the protected content.

InvalidHandle -2147168468

Either the environment or the enabling principal handle is invalid.

BindIntervalTimeViolated -2147168465

The defined time period for the protected content has expired; access is no longer permitted.

BindNoSatisfiedRightsGroup -2147168464

The specified rights group is not contained in the End Use License (EUL).

BindSpecifiedWorkMissing -2147168463

The End Use License (EUL) contains no WORK node.

NoMoreData -2147168461

No license or certificate exists at the specified index.

LicenseAcquisitionFailed -2147168460

An End Use License (EUL) could not be acquired from the rights management server.

IdMismatch -2147168459

The content ID from the license does not match the content ID the license storage session.

TooManyCertificates -2147168458

The number of certificates has exceeded the maximum number allowed.

NoDistributionPointUrlFound -2147168457

The protected content is corrupted.

AlreadyInProgress -2147168456

The requested operation is already in progress.

GroupIdentityNotSet -2147168455

A user name was not specified for the client session.

RecordNotFound -2147168454

The specified license was not found.

NoConnect -2147168453

Rights management cannot connect to the URI specified for the license server.

NoLicense -2147168452

A required license is not available.

NeedsMachineActivation -2147168451

The computer must be activated before the user can be activated.

NeedsGroupIdentityActivation -2147168450

The user is not activated, or no Rights Account Certificate (RAC) was submitted and none was found in the license store to match the license associated with this session.

ActivationFailed -2147168448

License activation failed; rights management services are not properly configured.

Aborted -2147168447

Asynchronous operation canceled, or a non-recoverable error has occurred.

OutOfQuota -2147168446

The license server's maximum quota of End Use Licenses (EULs) has been reached.

AuthenticationFailed -2147168445

Possible authentication error (HTTP error 401) returned by an Internet request. Or, the current user does not have valid domain credentials in a silent user activation attempt. Or, the certification server in silent user activation is not in the local intranet or trusted sites zone.

ServerError -2147168444

Rights management services are not properly configured.

InstallationFailed -2147168443

An installation operation failed.

HidCorrupted -2147168442

The Hardware ID (HID) used in a machine activation attempt is incorrectly formatted. Rights management services are not properly configured.

InvalidServerResponse -2147168441

Rights management services are not properly configured.

ServiceNotFound -2147168440

Rights management services are not properly configured.

UseDefault -2147168439

If a request is made for computer activation or a rights account certificate, receiving UseDefault indicates that the application should pass null into the ActServInfo parameter.

ServerNotFound -2147168438

Rights management services are not properly configured.

InvalidEmail -2147168437

RMS Server email address verification failed.

ValidityTimeViolation -2147168436

The defined time period for the protected content has expired; access is no longer permitted.

OutdatedModule -2147168435

Rights management services are not properly configured.

NotSet -2147168434

The item requested to delete does not exist.

MetadataNotSet -2147168433

The specified metadata could net be set.

RevocationInfoNotSet -2147168432

Certificate or license revocation information has not been set.

InvalidTimeInfo -2147168431

The time information specified is invalid.

RightNotSet -2147168430

The requested right was not specified when the content was published with rights management.

LicenseBindingToWindowsIdentityFailed -2147168429

The current user credentials are not valid for acquiring a license.

InvalidIssuanceLicenseTemplate -2147168428

The Rights Management Services template contains one or more errors.

InvalidKeyLength -2147168427

The key length specified in a key/value pair is invalid.

ExpiredOfficialIssuanceLicenseTemplate -2147168425

The authorized time period defined in the issuance license template has expired; access is no longer permitted.

InvalidClientLicensorCertificate -2147168424

Rights management services are not properly configured.

HidInvalid -2147168423

The Hardware ID (HID) used in a machine activation attempt is invalid. Rights management services are not properly configured.

EmailNotVerified -2147168422

The user's email address cannot be verified.

ServiceMoved -2147168421

Rights management services are not properly configured.

ServiceGone -2147168420

Rights management services are not properly configured.

AdEntryNotFound -2147168419

The current user was not found in the Active Directory (AD) for certification under Windows authentication.

NotAChain -2147168418

Rights managed content is corrupted.

RequestDenied -2147168417

The Rights Management server does not allow temporary certification of the current user.

DebuggerDetected -2147168416

Cannot open or publish content with restricted permissions because a debugger has been detected.

InvalidLockboxType -2147168400

Rights management services are not properly configured.

InvalidLockboxPath -2147168399

Rights management services are not properly configured.

InvalidRegistryPath -2147168398

The specified registry path is invalid.

NoAesCryptoProvider -2147168397

Rights management services are not properly configured.

GlobalOptionAlreadySet -2147168396

The option specified has already been set.

OwnerLicenseNotFound -2147168395

The document does not contain an Owner License.

Success 0

Operation has competed successfully.


The following example shows use of the FailureCode and Message properties to create an error message for the user.

WriteStatus("   Building secure environment.");
    string applicationManifest = "<manifest></manifest>";
    if (File.Exists("rpc.xml"))
        StreamReader manifestReader = File.OpenText("rpc.xml");
        applicationManifest = manifestReader.ReadToEnd();

    if (_secureEnv == null)
        if (SecureEnvironment.IsUserActivated(new ContentUser(
                    _currentUserId, AuthenticationType.Windows)))
            _secureEnv = SecureEnvironment.Create(
                applicationManifest, new ContentUser(
                    _currentUserId, AuthenticationType.Windows));
            _secureEnv = SecureEnvironment.Create(
catch (RightsManagementException ex)
    MessageBox.Show("ERROR: Failed to build secure environment.\n" +
        "Exception: " + ex.Message + "\n\n" +
        ex.FailureCode.ToString() + "\n\n" + ex.StackTrace,
        "Rights Management Exception",
        MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
    return false;
WriteStatus("   Building secure environment.")
    Dim applicationManifest As String = "<manifest></manifest>"
    If File.Exists("rpc.xml") Then
        Dim manifestReader As StreamReader = File.OpenText("rpc.xml")
        applicationManifest = manifestReader.ReadToEnd()
    End If

    If _secureEnv Is Nothing Then
        If SecureEnvironment.IsUserActivated(New ContentUser(_currentUserId, AuthenticationType.Windows)) Then
            _secureEnv = SecureEnvironment.Create(applicationManifest, New ContentUser(_currentUserId, AuthenticationType.Windows))
            _secureEnv = SecureEnvironment.Create(applicationManifest, AuthenticationType.Windows, UserActivationMode.Permanent)
        End If
    End If
Catch ex As RightsManagementException
    MessageBox.Show("ERROR: Failed to build secure environment." & vbLf & "Exception: " & ex.Message & vbLf & vbLf & ex.FailureCode.ToString() & vbLf & vbLf & ex.StackTrace, "Rights Management Exception", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error)
    Return False
End Try

Applies to

See also