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Data for Host Files

Platform Compatibility

Code Page Conversions

The Data Provider supports a combination of single byte character sets (SBCS), mixed-byte character sets (MBCS) double-byte character sets (DBCS), and Unicode - UTF8 [1208], which is an 8-bit Unicode transformation format.


The Data Provider requires a value for Host CCSID (Coded Character Set Identifier) with which to perform code page conversions on string data. The default Host CCSID value is EBCDIC – U.S./Canada [37]. Typically, IBM z/OS and IBM i utilize EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code).

PC Code Page

The Data Provider requires a value for PC Code Page with which to perform code page conversions on string data. The default PC code page is ANSI – Latin I [1252]. Typically, data consumers use either ANSI (American National Standards Institute) or Unicode.

Process Binary as Character

The optional Process binary (CCSID 65535) as character instructs the Data Provider to convert host bytes to and from Windows character strings, based on the Host CCSID and PC Code Page. The default is false.

Data Type Mapping

This topic describes all data type mappings supported by the MsHostFileClient.

ADO.NET Data Type Mapping

The following table defines the supported Data Provider (MsHostFileClient.HostFileType) to Host File Designer (System.Type) to IBM COBOL and RPG data types.

HostFileType HostFileMetaType Restrictions Host File Designer Type COBOL
HostFileType.BigInt System.Int64 Integer PIC S9(n) COMP-4
HostFileType.Char System.String Max Length: 32765; 255 String PIC X(n)
HostFileType.CharForBit System.Byte Max Length: 32765 Short PIC S9(n) COMP-4
HostFileType.Date System.DateTime Length: 10 DateTime ISO DATE only YYYY-MM-DD
HostFileType.Decimal System.Decimal Max Precision: 28 Decimal PIC S9(n)V9(n) COMP-3
HostFileType.Double double Double COMP-2
HostFileType.Graphic System.String Max Length: 16382; 127 String PIC G(n)
HostFileType.Int System.Int32 Integer PIC S9(n) COMP-4
HostFileType.Numeric System.Decimal Max Precision: 31 Decimal PIC S9(n)V9(n) COMP-3
HostFileType.Real float Single COMP-1
HostFileType.SmallInt System.Int16 Short PIC S9(n) COMP-4
HostFileType.Time System.TimeSpan Length: 8 DateTime ISO TIME only HH.MM.SS
HostFileType.Timestamp System.DateTime Length: 26 DateTime ISO DATE and TIME YYYY-MM-DD HH.MM.SS
HostFileType.UDT System.Object Max Length: 32739 Byte PIC X untranslated
HostFileType.VarChar System.String Max Length: 32739; 4045 String PIC X(n)
HostFileType.VarCharForBit System.Byte Max Length: 32739: 4045 Byte PIC X untranslated
HostFileType.VarGraphic System.String Max Length: 16369; 4045 PIC G(n)

The following table defines the supported ADO.NET (System.Data.DbType) to Data Provider (MsHostFileClient.HostFileType) to Host File Designer (System.Type) to IBM COBOL and RPG data types.

DbType HostFileMetaType HostFileType Restrictions Host File Designer Type COBOL
DbType.AnsiString System.String HostFileType.VarChar Max Length: 32739; 4045 String PIC X(n)
DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength System.String HostFileType.Char Max Length: 32765; 255 String PIC X(n)
DbType.Binary System.Byte HostFileType.VarCharForBit Max Length: 32739 Byte PIC X untranslated
DbType.Boolean System.Boolean HostFileType.SmallInt Boolean PIC S9(4) COMP-4
DbType.Byte System.Byte HostFileType.SmallInt Short PIC S9(n) COMP-4
DbType.Currency System.Decimal HostFileType.Decimal Max Precision: 31 Decimal PIC S9(n)V9(n) COMP-3
DbType.Date System.DateTime HostFileType.Date Length: 10 DateTime ISO DATE only YYYY-MM-DD
DbType.DateTime System.DateTime HostFileType.Timestamp Length: 26 DateTime ISO DATE and TIME YYYY-MM-DD HH.MM.SS
DbType.Decimal System.Decimal HostFileType.Decimal Max Precision: 31 Decimal PIC S9(n)V9(n) COMP-3
DbType.Double double HostFileType.Double Double COMP-2
DbType.Guid System.Guid HostFileType.VarCharForBit Max Length: 32739 Byte PIC X untranslated
DbType.Int16 System.Int16 HostFileType.SmallInt Short PIC S9(n) COMP-4
DbType.Int32 System.Int32 HostFileType.Int Integer PIC S9(n) COMP-4
DbType.Int64 System.Int64 HostFileType.BigInt Integer PIC S9(n) COMP-4
DbType.Object System.Object HostFileType.VarCharForBit Max Length: 32739 Byte PIC X untranslated
DbType.SByte SByte HostFileType.SmallInt Short PIC S9(n) COMP-4
DbType.Single float HostFileType.Real Single COMP-1
DbType.String System.String HostFileType.VarChar Max Length: 32739; 4045 String PIC X(n)
DbType.StringFixedLength System.String HostFileType.Char Max Length: 32765; 255 String PIC X(n)
DbType.Time System.TimeSpan HostFileType.Time Length: 8 DateTime ISO TIME only HH.MM.SS
DbType.UInt16 System.UInt16 HostFileType.SmallInt Short PIC 9(n) COMP-4
DbType.UInt32 System.UInt32 HostFileType.Int Integer PIC 9(n) COMP-4
DbType.UInt64 System.UInt64 HostFileType.BigInt Integer PIC 9(n) COMP-4
DbType.VarNumeric System.Decimal HostFileType.Decimal Decimal PIC S9(n)V9(n) COMP-3


This topic contains the following sections that will help you maximize performance when you are using the Data Providers for Host Files.

Configuring for Performance

Measuring Performance

Configuring for Performance

To improve performance, configure the providers in the following ways.

Pool provider resources to reduce connection startup time

Connection Pooling is a client-side optimization that reduces connection startup time, while reducing memory utilization on the client computer. The ADO.NET provider and BizTalk Adapter support connection pooling. You can specify pooling using the ADO.NET connection string (Connection Pooling=True). Also, you can configure pooling using the Advanced dialog of the Data Source Wizard and All dialog of Data Links.

The provider maintains a cache of connections, based on a Max Pool Size property. The default pool size is 100 connections (Max Pool Size=100), which you can adjust using the All dialog of the Data Source Wizard or Data Links. There is no upper limit for the Max Pool Size property. If you configure a value that is less than 0 for the Max Pool Size property, the default value of 100 is used.

Optionally, you can specify a number of seconds, to instruct the data provider to wait to establish connections using client-side pooling. When all connections in a pool are in use and the timeout period expires, then the data provider will return an error to the data consumer (“connection not available”). The default is 15 seconds (Connect Timeout=15), which you can adjust using the All dialog of the Data Source Wizard or Data Links. There is no upper limit for the Connect Timeout property. Specify -1 to instruct the data provider to wait indefinitely for an open connection in the client-side connection pool.

Measuring Performance

To measure performance, the data provider offers performance counters. By default performance counters are turned off. They can be turned on by changing value of the following registry key to 1:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Host Integration Server\Data Integration\UpdateCounters = 1

The data provider performance counters capture information about open connections, open statements, packets and bytes sent/received, average host (Host server) processing time, command executions, and data fetches.