Compartilhar via

contact EntityType

Person with whom a business unit has a relationship, such as customer, supplier, and colleague.

Entity set path: 
[organization URI]/api/data/v9.2/contacts
Base type: 
Table type: 
Display name: 
Primary key: 
Primary key attribute: 
Operations supported: 


Properties represent fields of data stored in the entity. Some properties are read-only.

Name Type Details
accountrolecode Edm.Int32

Select the contact's role within the company or sales process, such as decision maker, employee, or influencer.

Display name: Role

Default options
Values Label
1 Decision Maker
2 Employee
3 Influencer
address1_addressid Edm.Guid

Unique identifier for address 1.

Display name: Address 1: ID

address1_addresstypecode Edm.Int32

Select the primary address type.

Display name: Address 1: Address Type

Default options
Values Label
1 Bill To
2 Ship To
3 Primary
4 Other
address1_city Edm.String

Type the city for the primary address.

Display name: Address 1: City

address1_composite Edm.String

Shows the complete primary address.

Display name: Address 1

Read only
address1_country Edm.String

Type the country or region for the primary address.

Display name: Address 1: Country/Region

address1_county Edm.String

Type the county for the primary address.

Display name: Address 1: County

address1_fax Edm.String

Type the fax number associated with the primary address.

Display name: Address 1: Fax

address1_freighttermscode Edm.Int32

Select the freight terms for the primary address to make sure shipping orders are processed correctly.

Display name: Address 1: Freight Terms

Default options
Values Label
2 No Charge
address1_latitude Edm.Double

Type the latitude value for the primary address for use in mapping and other applications.

Display name: Address 1: Latitude

address1_line1 Edm.String

Type the first line of the primary address.

Display name: Address 1: Street 1

address1_line2 Edm.String

Type the second line of the primary address.

Display name: Address 1: Street 2

address1_line3 Edm.String

Type the third line of the primary address.

Display name: Address 1: Street 3

address1_longitude Edm.Double

Type the longitude value for the primary address for use in mapping and other applications.

Display name: Address 1: Longitude

address1_name Edm.String

Type a descriptive name for the primary address, such as Corporate Headquarters.

Display name: Address 1: Name

address1_postalcode Edm.String

Type the ZIP Code or postal code for the primary address.

Display name: Address 1: ZIP/Postal Code

address1_postofficebox Edm.String

Type the post office box number of the primary address.

Display name: Address 1: Post Office Box

address1_primarycontactname Edm.String

Type the name of the main contact at the account's primary address.

Display name: Address 1: Primary Contact Name

address1_shippingmethodcode Edm.Int32

Select a shipping method for deliveries sent to this address.

Display name: Address 1: Shipping Method

Default options
Values Label
1 Airborne
3 FedEx
5 Postal Mail
6 Full Load
7 Will Call
address1_stateorprovince Edm.String

Type the state or province of the primary address.

Display name: Address 1: State/Province

address1_telephone1 Edm.String

Type the main phone number associated with the primary address.

Display name: Address 1: Phone

address1_telephone2 Edm.String

Type a second phone number associated with the primary address.

Display name: Address 1: Telephone 2

address1_telephone3 Edm.String

Type a third phone number associated with the primary address.

Display name: Address 1: Telephone 3

address1_upszone Edm.String

Type the UPS zone of the primary address to make sure shipping charges are calculated correctly and deliveries are made promptly, if shipped by UPS.

Display name: Address 1: UPS Zone

address1_utcoffset Edm.Int32

Select the time zone, or UTC offset, for this address so that other people can reference it when they contact someone at this address.

Display name: Address 1: UTC Offset

address2_addressid Edm.Guid

Unique identifier for address 2.

Display name: Address 2: ID

address2_addresstypecode Edm.Int32

Select the secondary address type.

Display name: Address 2: Address Type

Default options
Values Label
1 Default Value
address2_city Edm.String

Type the city for the secondary address.

Display name: Address 2: City

address2_composite Edm.String

Shows the complete secondary address.

Display name: Address 2

Read only
address2_country Edm.String

Type the country or region for the secondary address.

Display name: Address 2: Country/Region

address2_county Edm.String

Type the county for the secondary address.

Display name: Address 2: County

address2_fax Edm.String

Type the fax number associated with the secondary address.

Display name: Address 2: Fax

address2_freighttermscode Edm.Int32

Select the freight terms for the secondary address to make sure shipping orders are processed correctly.

Display name: Address 2: Freight Terms

Default options
Values Label
1 Default Value
address2_latitude Edm.Double

Type the latitude value for the secondary address for use in mapping and other applications.

Display name: Address 2: Latitude

address2_line1 Edm.String

Type the first line of the secondary address.

Display name: Address 2: Street 1

address2_line2 Edm.String

Type the second line of the secondary address.

Display name: Address 2: Street 2

address2_line3 Edm.String

Type the third line of the secondary address.

Display name: Address 2: Street 3

address2_longitude Edm.Double

Type the longitude value for the secondary address for use in mapping and other applications.

Display name: Address 2: Longitude

address2_name Edm.String

Type a descriptive name for the secondary address, such as Corporate Headquarters.

Display name: Address 2: Name

address2_postalcode Edm.String

Type the ZIP Code or postal code for the secondary address.

Display name: Address 2: ZIP/Postal Code

address2_postofficebox Edm.String

Type the post office box number of the secondary address.

Display name: Address 2: Post Office Box

address2_primarycontactname Edm.String

Type the name of the main contact at the account's secondary address.

Display name: Address 2: Primary Contact Name

address2_shippingmethodcode Edm.Int32

Select a shipping method for deliveries sent to this address.

Display name: Address 2: Shipping Method

Default options
Values Label
1 Default Value
address2_stateorprovince Edm.String

Type the state or province of the secondary address.

Display name: Address 2: State/Province

address2_telephone1 Edm.String

Type the main phone number associated with the secondary address.

Display name: Address 2: Telephone 1

address2_telephone2 Edm.String

Type a second phone number associated with the secondary address.

Display name: Address 2: Telephone 2

address2_telephone3 Edm.String

Type a third phone number associated with the secondary address.

Display name: Address 2: Telephone 3

address2_upszone Edm.String

Type the UPS zone of the secondary address to make sure shipping charges are calculated correctly and deliveries are made promptly, if shipped by UPS.

Display name: Address 2: UPS Zone

address2_utcoffset Edm.Int32

Select the time zone, or UTC offset, for this address so that other people can reference it when they contact someone at this address.

Display name: Address 2: UTC Offset

address3_addressid Edm.Guid

Unique identifier for address 3.

Display name: Address 3: ID

address3_addresstypecode Edm.Int32

Select the third address type.

Display name: Address 3: Address Type

Default options
Values Label
1 Default Value
address3_city Edm.String

Type the city for the 3rd address.

Display name: Address 3: City

address3_composite Edm.String

Shows the complete third address.

Display name: Address 3

Read only
address3_country Edm.String

the country or region for the 3rd address.

Display name: Address3: Country/Region

address3_county Edm.String

Type the county for the third address.

Display name: Address 3: County

address3_fax Edm.String

Type the fax number associated with the third address.

Display name: Address 3: Fax

address3_freighttermscode Edm.Int32

Select the freight terms for the third address to make sure shipping orders are processed correctly.

Display name: Address 3: Freight Terms

Default options
Values Label
1 Default Value
address3_latitude Edm.Double

Type the latitude value for the third address for use in mapping and other applications.

Display name: Address 3: Latitude

address3_line1 Edm.String

the first line of the 3rd address.

Display name: Address3: Street 1

address3_line2 Edm.String

the second line of the 3rd address.

Display name: Address3: Street 2

address3_line3 Edm.String

the third line of the 3rd address.

Display name: Address3: Street 3

address3_longitude Edm.Double

Type the longitude value for the third address for use in mapping and other applications.

Display name: Address 3: Longitude

address3_name Edm.String

Type a descriptive name for the third address, such as Corporate Headquarters.

Display name: Address 3: Name

address3_postalcode Edm.String

the ZIP Code or postal code for the 3rd address.

Display name: Address3: ZIP/Postal Code

address3_postofficebox Edm.String

the post office box number of the 3rd address.

Display name: Address 3: Post Office Box

address3_primarycontactname Edm.String

Type the name of the main contact at the account's third address.

Display name: Address 3: Primary Contact Name

address3_shippingmethodcode Edm.Int32

Select a shipping method for deliveries sent to this address.

Display name: Address 3: Shipping Method

Default options
Values Label
1 Default Value
address3_stateorprovince Edm.String

the state or province of the third address.

Display name: Address3: State/Province

address3_telephone1 Edm.String

Type the main phone number associated with the third address.

Display name: Address 3: Telephone1

address3_telephone2 Edm.String

Type a second phone number associated with the third address.

Display name: Address 3: Telephone2

address3_telephone3 Edm.String

Type a third phone number associated with the primary address.

Display name: Address 3: Telephone3

address3_upszone Edm.String

Type the UPS zone of the third address to make sure shipping charges are calculated correctly and deliveries are made promptly, if shipped by UPS.

Display name: Address 3: UPS Zone

address3_utcoffset Edm.Int32

Select the time zone, or UTC offset, for this address so that other people can reference it when they contact someone at this address.

Display name: Address 3: UTC Offset

adx_confirmremovepassword Edm.Boolean

Display name: Confirm Remove Password

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
adx_createdbyipaddress Edm.String

Display name: Created By IP Address

adx_createdbyusername Edm.String

Display name: Created By Username

adx_identity_accessfailedcount Edm.Int32

Shows the current count of failed password attempts for the contact.

Display name: Access Failed Count

adx_identity_emailaddress1confirmed Edm.Boolean

Determines if the email is confirmed by the contact.

Display name: Email Confirmed

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
adx_identity_lastsuccessfullogin Edm.DateTimeOffset

Indicates the last date and time the user successfully signed in to a portal.

Display name: Last Successful Login

adx_identity_locallogindisabled Edm.Boolean

Indicates that the contact can no longer sign in to the portal using the local account.

Display name: Local Login Disabled

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
adx_identity_lockoutenabled Edm.Boolean

Determines if this contact will track failed access attempts and become locked after too many failed attempts. To prevent the contact from becoming locked, you can disable this setting.

Display name: Lockout Enabled

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
adx_identity_lockoutenddate Edm.DateTimeOffset

Shows the moment in time when the locked contact becomes unlocked again.

Display name: Lockout End Date

adx_identity_logonenabled Edm.Boolean

Determines if web authentication is enabled for the contact.

Display name: Login Enabled

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
adx_identity_mobilephoneconfirmed Edm.Boolean

Determines if the phone number is confirmed by the contact.

Display name: Mobile Phone Confirmed

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
adx_identity_newpassword Edm.String

Display name: New Password Input

adx_identity_passwordhash Edm.String

Display name: Password Hash

adx_identity_securitystamp Edm.String

A token used to manage the web authentication session.

Display name: Security Stamp

adx_identity_twofactorenabled Edm.Boolean

Determines if two-factor authentication is enabled for the contact.

Display name: Two Factor Enabled

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
adx_identity_username Edm.String

Shows the user identity for local web authentication.

Display name: User Name

adx_modifiedbyipaddress Edm.String

Display name: Modified By IP Address

adx_modifiedbyusername Edm.String

Display name: Modified By Username

adx_organizationname Edm.String

Display name: Organization Name

adx_preferredlcid Edm.Int32

User’s preferred portal LCID

Display name: Preferred LCID (Deprecated)

adx_profilealert Edm.Boolean

Display name: Profile Alert

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
adx_profilealertdate Edm.DateTimeOffset

Display name: Profile Alert Date

adx_profilealertinstructions Edm.String

Display name: Profile Alert Instructions

adx_profileisanonymous Edm.Boolean

Display name: Profile Is Anonymous

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
adx_profilelastactivity Edm.DateTimeOffset

Display name: Profile Last Activity

adx_profilemodifiedon Edm.DateTimeOffset

Display name: Profile Modified On

adx_publicprofilecopy Edm.String

Display name: Public Profile Copy

adx_timezone Edm.Int32

Display name: Time Zone

aging30 Edm.Decimal

For system use only.

Display name: Aging 30

Read only
aging30_base Edm.Decimal

Shows the Aging 30 field converted to the system's default base currency. The calculations use the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area.

Display name: Aging 30 (Base)

Read only
aging60 Edm.Decimal

For system use only.

Display name: Aging 60

Read only
aging60_base Edm.Decimal

Shows the Aging 60 field converted to the system's default base currency. The calculations use the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area.

Display name: Aging 60 (Base)

Read only
aging90 Edm.Decimal

For system use only.

Display name: Aging 90

Read only
aging90_base Edm.Decimal

Shows the Aging 90 field converted to the system's default base currency. The calculations use the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area.

Display name: Aging 90 (Base)

Read only
anniversary Edm.Date

Enter the date of the contact's wedding or service anniversary for use in customer gift programs or other communications.

Display name: Anniversary

annualincome Edm.Decimal

Type the contact's annual income for use in profiling and financial analysis.

Display name: Annual Income

annualincome_base Edm.Decimal

Shows the Annual Income field converted to the system's default base currency. The calculations use the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area.

Display name: Annual Income (Base)

Read only
assistantname Edm.String

Type the name of the contact's assistant.

Display name: Assistant

assistantphone Edm.String

Type the phone number for the contact's assistant.

Display name: Assistant Phone

birthdate Edm.Date

Enter the contact's birthday for use in customer gift programs or other communications.

Display name: Birthday

business2 Edm.String

Type a second business phone number for this contact.

Display name: Business Phone 2

callback Edm.String

Type a callback phone number for this contact.

Display name: Callback Number

childrensnames Edm.String

Type the names of the contact's children for reference in communications and client programs.

Display name: Children's Names

company Edm.String

Type the company phone of the contact.

Display name: Company Phone

contactid Edm.Guid

Unique identifier of the contact.

Display name: Contact

createdon Edm.DateTimeOffset

Shows the date and time when the record was created. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected in Microsoft Dynamics 365 options.

Display name: Created On

Read only
creditlimit Edm.Decimal

Type the credit limit of the contact for reference when you address invoice and accounting issues with the customer.

Display name: Credit Limit

creditlimit_base Edm.Decimal

Shows the Credit Limit field converted to the system's default base currency for reporting purposes. The calculations use the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area.

Display name: Credit Limit (Base)

Read only
creditonhold Edm.Boolean

Select whether the contact is on a credit hold, for reference when addressing invoice and accounting issues.

Display name: Credit Hold

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
customersizecode Edm.Int32

Select the size of the contact's company for segmentation and reporting purposes.

Display name: Customer Size

Default options
Values Label
1 Default Value
customertypecode Edm.Int32

Select the category that best describes the relationship between the contact and your organization.

Display name: Relationship Type

Default options
Values Label
1 Default Value
department Edm.String

Type the department or business unit where the contact works in the parent company or business.

Display name: Department

description Edm.String

Type additional information to describe the contact, such as an excerpt from the company's website.

Display name: Description

donotbulkemail Edm.Boolean

Select whether the contact accepts bulk email sent through marketing campaigns or quick campaigns. If Do Not Allow is selected, the contact can be added to marketing lists, but will be excluded from the email.

Display name: Do not allow Bulk Emails

Default options
Values Label
1 Do Not Allow
0 Allow
donotbulkpostalmail Edm.Boolean

Select whether the contact accepts bulk postal mail sent through marketing campaigns or quick campaigns. If Do Not Allow is selected, the contact can be added to marketing lists, but will be excluded from the letters.

Display name: Do not allow Bulk Mails

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
donotemail Edm.Boolean

Select whether the contact allows direct email sent from Microsoft Dynamics 365. If Do Not Allow is selected, Microsoft Dynamics 365 will not send the email.

Display name: Do not allow Emails

Default options
Values Label
1 Do Not Allow
0 Allow
donotfax Edm.Boolean

Select whether the contact allows faxes. If Do Not Allow is selected, the contact will be excluded from any fax activities distributed in marketing campaigns.

Display name: Do not allow Faxes

Default options
Values Label
1 Do Not Allow
0 Allow
donotphone Edm.Boolean

Select whether the contact accepts phone calls. If Do Not Allow is selected, the contact will be excluded from any phone call activities distributed in marketing campaigns.

Display name: Do not allow Phone Calls

Default options
Values Label
1 Do Not Allow
0 Allow
donotpostalmail Edm.Boolean

Select whether the contact allows direct mail. If Do Not Allow is selected, the contact will be excluded from letter activities distributed in marketing campaigns.

Display name: Do not allow Mails

Default options
Values Label
1 Do Not Allow
0 Allow
donotsendmm Edm.Boolean

Select whether the contact accepts marketing materials, such as brochures or catalogs. Contacts that opt out can be excluded from marketing initiatives.

Display name: Send Marketing Materials

Default options
Values Label
1 Do Not Send
0 Send
educationcode Edm.Int32

Select the contact's highest level of education for use in segmentation and analysis.

Display name: Education

Default options
Values Label
1 Default Value
emailaddress1 Edm.String

Type the primary email address for the contact.

Display name: Email

emailaddress2 Edm.String

Type the secondary email address for the contact.

Display name: Email Address 2

emailaddress3 Edm.String

Type an alternate email address for the contact.

Display name: Email Address 3

employeeid Edm.String

Type the employee ID or number for the contact for reference in orders, service cases, or other communications with the contact's organization.

Display name: Employee

entityimage Edm.Binary

Shows the default image for the record.

Display name: Entity Image

entityimage_timestamp Edm.Int64
Read only
entityimage_url Edm.String
Read only
entityimageid Edm.Guid

For internal use only.

Display name: Entity Image Id

Read only
exchangerate Edm.Decimal

Shows the conversion rate of the record's currency. The exchange rate is used to convert all money fields in the record from the local currency to the system's default currency.

Display name: Exchange Rate

Read only
externaluseridentifier Edm.String

Identifier for an external user.

Display name: External User Identifier

familystatuscode Edm.Int32

Select the marital status of the contact for reference in follow-up phone calls and other communications.

Display name: Marital Status

Default options
Values Label
1 Single
2 Married
3 Divorced
4 Widowed
fax Edm.String

Type the fax number for the contact.

Display name: Fax

firstname Edm.String

Type the contact's first name to make sure the contact is addressed correctly in sales calls, email, and marketing campaigns.

Display name: First Name

followemail Edm.Boolean

Information about whether to allow following email activity like opens, attachment views and link clicks for emails sent to the contact.

Display name: Follow Email Activity

Default options
Values Label
1 Allow
0 Do Not Allow
ftpsiteurl Edm.String

Type the URL for the contact's FTP site to enable users to access data and share documents.

Display name: FTP Site

fullname Edm.String

Combines and shows the contact's first and last names so that the full name can be displayed in views and reports.

Display name: Full Name

Read only
gendercode Edm.Int32

Select the contact's gender to make sure the contact is addressed correctly in sales calls, email, and marketing campaigns.

Display name: Gender

Default options
Values Label
1 Male
2 Female
governmentid Edm.String

Type the passport number or other government ID for the contact for use in documents or reports.

Display name: Government

haschildrencode Edm.Int32

Select whether the contact has any children for reference in follow-up phone calls and other communications.

Display name: Has Children

Default options
Values Label
1 Default Value
home2 Edm.String

Type a second home phone number for this contact.

Display name: Home Phone 2

importsequencenumber Edm.Int32

Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record.

Display name: Import Sequence Number

isbackofficecustomer Edm.Boolean

Select whether the contact exists in a separate accounting or other system, such as Microsoft Dynamics GP or another ERP database, for use in integration processes.

Display name: Back Office Customer

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
jobtitle Edm.String

Type the job title of the contact to make sure the contact is addressed correctly in sales calls, email, and marketing campaigns.

Display name: Job Title

lastname Edm.String

Type the contact's last name to make sure the contact is addressed correctly in sales calls, email, and marketing campaigns.

Display name: Last Name

lastonholdtime Edm.DateTimeOffset

Contains the date and time stamp of the last on hold time.

Display name: Last On Hold Time

lastusedincampaign Edm.DateTimeOffset

Shows the date when the contact was last included in a marketing campaign or quick campaign.

Display name: Last Date Included in Campaign

leadsourcecode Edm.Int32

Select the primary marketing source that directed the contact to your organization.

Display name: Lead Source

Default options
Values Label
1 Default Value
managername Edm.String

Type the name of the contact's manager for use in escalating issues or other follow-up communications with the contact.

Display name: Manager

managerphone Edm.String

Type the phone number for the contact's manager.

Display name: Manager Phone

marketingonly Edm.Boolean

Whether is only for marketing

Display name: Marketing Only

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
merged Edm.Boolean

Shows whether the account has been merged with a master contact.

Display name: Merged

Read only
Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
middlename Edm.String

Type the contact's middle name or initial to make sure the contact is addressed correctly.

Display name: Middle Name

mobilephone Edm.String

Type the mobile phone number for the contact.

Display name: Mobile Phone

modifiedon Edm.DateTimeOffset

Shows the date and time when the record was last updated. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected in Microsoft Dynamics 365 options.

Display name: Modified On

Read only
msdyn_disablewebtracking Edm.Boolean

Indicates that the contact has opted out of web tracking.

Display name: Disable Web Tracking

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
msdyn_isminor Edm.Boolean

Indicates that the contact is considered a minor in their jurisdiction.

Display name: Is Minor

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
msdyn_isminorwithparentalconsent Edm.Boolean

Indicates that the contact is considered a minor in their jurisdiction and has parental consent.

Display name: Is Minor with Parental Consent

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
msdyn_portaltermsagreementdate Edm.DateTimeOffset

Indicates the date and time that the person agreed to the portal terms and conditions.

Display name: Portal Terms Agreement Date

mspp_userpreferredlcid Edm.Int32

User’s preferred portal language

Display name: Preferred Language

Default options
Values Label
1025 Arabic
1069 Basque - Basque
1026 Bulgarian - Bulgaria
1027 Catalan - Catalan
2052 Chinese - China
3076 Chinese - Hong Kong SAR
1028 Chinese - Traditional
1050 Croatian - Croatia
1029 Czech - Czech Republic
1030 Danish - Denmark
1043 Dutch - Netherlands
1033 English
1061 Estonian - Estonia
1035 Finnish - Finland
1036 French - France
1110 Galician - Spain
1031 German - Germany
1032 Greek - Greece
1037 Hebrew
1081 Hindi - India
1038 Hungarian - Hungary
1057 Indonesian - Indonesia
1040 Italian - Italy
1041 Japanese - Japan
1087 Kazakh - Kazakhstan
1042 Korean - Korea
1062 Latvian - Latvia
1063 Lithuanian - Lithuania
1086 Malay - Malaysia
1044 Norwegian (Bokmål) - Norway
1045 Polish - Poland
1046 Portuguese - Brazil
2070 Portuguese - Portugal
1048 Romanian - Romania
1049 Russian - Russia
3098 Serbian (Cyrillic) - Serbia
2074 Serbian (Latin) - Serbia
1051 Slovak - Slovakia
1060 Slovenian - Slovenia
3082 Spanish (Traditional Sort) - Spain
1053 Swedish - Sweden
1054 Thai - Thailand
1055 Turkish - Türkiye
1058 Ukrainian - Ukraine
1066 Vietnamese - Vietnam
nickname Edm.String

Type the contact's nickname.

Display name: Nickname

numberofchildren Edm.Int32

Type the number of children the contact has for reference in follow-up phone calls and other communications.

Display name: No. of Children

onholdtime Edm.Int32

Shows how long, in minutes, that the record was on hold.

Display name: On Hold Time (Minutes)

Read only
overriddencreatedon Edm.DateTimeOffset

Date and time that the record was migrated.

Display name: Record Created On

pager Edm.String

Type the pager number for the contact.

Display name: Pager

participatesinworkflow Edm.Boolean

Shows whether the contact participates in workflow rules.

Display name: Participates in Workflow

Default options
Values Label
1 Yes
0 No
paymenttermscode Edm.Int32

Select the payment terms to indicate when the customer needs to pay the total amount.

Display name: Payment Terms

Default options
Values Label
1 Net 30
2 2% 10, Net 30
3 Net 45
4 Net 60
preferredappointmentdaycode Edm.Int32

Select the preferred day of the week for service appointments.

Display name: Preferred Day

Default options
Values Label
0 Sunday
1 Monday
2 Tuesday
3 Wednesday
4 Thursday
5 Friday
6 Saturday
preferredappointmenttimecode Edm.Int32

Select the preferred time of day for service appointments.

Display name: Preferred Time

Default options
Values Label
1 Morning
2 Afternoon
3 Evening
preferredcontactmethodcode Edm.Int32

Select the preferred method of contact.

Display name: Preferred Method of Contact

Default options
Values Label
1 Any
2 Email
3 Phone
4 Fax
5 Mail
processid Edm.Guid

Shows the ID of the process.

Display name: Process

salutation Edm.String

Type the salutation of the contact to make sure the contact is addressed correctly in sales calls, email messages, and marketing campaigns.

Display name: Salutation

shippingmethodcode Edm.Int32

Select a shipping method for deliveries sent to this address.

Display name: Shipping Method

Default options
Values Label
1 Default Value
spousesname Edm.String

Type the name of the contact's spouse or partner for reference during calls, events, or other communications with the contact.

Display name: Spouse/Partner Name

stageid Edm.Guid

Shows the ID of the stage.

Display name: (Deprecated) Process Stage

statecode Edm.Int32

Shows whether the contact is active or inactive. Inactive contacts are read-only and can't be edited unless they are reactivated.

Display name: Status

Default options
Values Label
0 Active
1 Inactive
statuscode Edm.Int32

Select the contact's status.

Display name: Status Reason

Default options
Values Label
1 Active
2 Inactive
subscriptionid Edm.Guid

For internal use only.

Display name: Subscription

suffix Edm.String

Type the suffix used in the contact's name, such as Jr. or Sr. to make sure the contact is addressed correctly in sales calls, email, and marketing campaigns.

Display name: Suffix

telephone1 Edm.String

Type the main phone number for this contact.

Display name: Business Phone

telephone2 Edm.String

Type a second phone number for this contact.

Display name: Home Phone

telephone3 Edm.String

Type a third phone number for this contact.

Display name: Telephone 3

territorycode Edm.Int32

Select a region or territory for the contact for use in segmentation and analysis.

Display name: Territory

Default options
Values Label
1 Default Value
timespentbymeonemailandmeetings Edm.String

Total time spent for emails (read and write) and meetings by me in relation to the contact record.

Display name: Time Spent by me

Read only
timezoneruleversionnumber Edm.Int32

For internal use only.

Display name: Time Zone Rule Version Number

traversedpath Edm.String

For internal use only.

Display name: (Deprecated) Traversed Path

utcconversiontimezonecode Edm.Int32

Time zone code that was in use when the record was created.

Display name: UTC Conversion Time Zone Code

versionnumber Edm.Int64

Version number of the contact.

Display name: Version Number

Read only
websiteurl Edm.String

Type the contact's professional or personal website or blog URL.

Display name: Website

yomifirstname Edm.String

Type the phonetic spelling of the contact's first name, if the name is specified in Japanese, to make sure the name is pronounced correctly in phone calls with the contact.

Display name: Yomi First Name

yomifullname Edm.String

Shows the combined Yomi first and last names of the contact so that the full phonetic name can be displayed in views and reports.

Display name: Yomi Full Name

Read only
yomilastname Edm.String

Type the phonetic spelling of the contact's last name, if the name is specified in Japanese, to make sure the name is pronounced correctly in phone calls with the contact.

Display name: Yomi Last Name

yomimiddlename Edm.String

Type the phonetic spelling of the contact's middle name, if the name is specified in Japanese, to make sure the name is pronounced correctly in phone calls with the contact.

Display name: Yomi Middle Name

Lookup properties

Lookup properties are read-only, computed properties which contain entity primary key Edm.Guid data for one or more corresponding single-valued navigation properties. More information: Lookup properties and Lookup property data.

Name Single-valued navigation property Description
_createdby_value createdby

Shows who created the record.

_createdonbehalfby_value createdonbehalfby

Shows who created the record on behalf of another user.

_masterid_value masterid

Unique identifier of the master contact for merge.

_modifiedby_value modifiedby

Shows who last updated the record.

_modifiedonbehalfby_value modifiedonbehalfby

Shows who last updated the record on behalf of another user.

_msa_managingpartnerid_value msa_managingpartnerid

Unique identifier for Account associated with Contact.

_ownerid_value ownerid

Enter the user or team who is assigned to manage the record. This field is updated every time the record is assigned to a different user.

_owningbusinessunit_value owningbusinessunit

Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the contact.

_owningteam_value owningteam

Unique identifier of the team who owns the contact.

_owninguser_value owninguser

Unique identifier of the user who owns the contact.

_parentcustomerid_value parentcustomerid_account

Select the parent account or parent contact for the contact to provide a quick link to additional details, such as financial information, activities, and opportunities.

_preferredsystemuserid_value preferredsystemuserid

Choose the regular or preferred customer service representative for reference when scheduling service activities for the contact.

_slaid_value sla_contact_sla

Choose the service level agreement (SLA) that you want to apply to the Contact record.

_slainvokedid_value slainvokedid_contact_sla

Last SLA that was applied to this case. This field is for internal use only.

_transactioncurrencyid_value transactioncurrencyid

Choose the local currency for the record to make sure budgets are reported in the correct currency.

Single-valued navigation properties

Single-valued navigation properties represent lookup fields where a single entity can be referenced. Each single-valued navigation property has a corresponding partner collection-valued navigation property on the related entity.

Name Type Partner
createdby systemuser lk_contactbase_createdby
createdonbehalfby systemuser lk_contact_createdonbehalfby
masterid contact contact_master_contact
modifiedby systemuser lk_contactbase_modifiedby
modifiedonbehalfby systemuser lk_contact_modifiedonbehalfby
msa_managingpartnerid account msa_contact_managingpartner
ownerid principal owner_contacts
owningbusinessunit businessunit business_unit_contacts
owningteam team team_contacts
owninguser systemuser contact_owning_user
parentcustomerid_account account contact_customer_accounts
parentcustomerid_contact contact contact_customer_contacts
preferredsystemuserid systemuser system_user_contacts
sla_contact_sla sla manualsla_contact
slainvokedid_contact_sla sla sla_contact
stageid_processstage processstage processstage_contact
transactioncurrencyid transactioncurrency transactioncurrency_contact

Collection-valued navigation properties

Collection-valued navigation properties represent collections of entities which may represent either a one-to-many (1:N) or many-to-many (N:N) relationship between the entities.

Name Type Partner
account_primary_contact account primarycontactid
adx_contact_externalidentity adx_externalidentity adx_contactid
adx_invitation_invitecontact adx_invitation adx_inviteContact
adx_invitation_invitecontacts adx_invitation adx_invitation_invitecontacts
adx_invitation_invitercontact adx_invitation adx_invitercontact
adx_invitation_redeemedContact adx_invitation adx_redeemedContact
adx_invitation_redeemedcontacts adx_invitation adx_invitation_redeemedcontacts
adx_webformsession_contact adx_webformsession adx_contact
contact_actioncard actioncard regardingobjectid_contact_actioncard
contact_activity_parties activityparty partyid_contact
Contact_ActivityPointers activitypointer regardingobjectid_contact
contact_adx_inviteredemptions adx_inviteredemption regardingobjectid_contact_adx_inviteredemption
contact_adx_portalcomments adx_portalcomment regardingobjectid_contact_adx_portalcomment
Contact_Annotation annotation objectid_contact
Contact_Appointments appointment regardingobjectid_contact_appointment
Contact_AsyncOperations asyncoperation regardingobjectid_contact
Contact_BulkDeleteFailures bulkdeletefailure regardingobjectid_contact
contact_chats chat regardingobjectid_contact_chat
contact_connections1 connection record1id_contact
contact_connections2 connection record2id_contact
contact_customer_contacts contact parentcustomerid_contact
Contact_CustomerAddress customeraddress parentid_contact
Contact_DuplicateBaseRecord duplicaterecord baserecordid_contact
Contact_DuplicateMatchingRecord duplicaterecord duplicaterecordid_contact
Contact_Email_EmailSender email emailsender_contact
Contact_Emails email regardingobjectid_contact_email
Contact_Faxes fax regardingobjectid_contact_fax
Contact_Feedback feedback ContactId
Contact_Letters letter regardingobjectid_contact_letter
Contact_MailboxTrackingFolder mailboxtrackingfolder regardingobjectid_contact
contact_master_contact contact masterid
Contact_Phonecalls phonecall regardingobjectid_contact_phonecall
contact_PostFollows postfollow regardingobjectid_contact
contact_PostRegardings postregarding regardingobjectid_contact
contact_principalobjectattributeaccess principalobjectattributeaccess objectid_contact
Contact_ProcessSessions processsession regardingobjectid_contact
Contact_RecurringAppointmentMasters recurringappointmentmaster regardingobjectid_contact_recurringappointmentmaster
Contact_SocialActivities socialactivity regardingobjectid_contact_socialactivity
Contact_SyncErrors syncerror regardingobjectid_contact_syncerror
Contact_Tasks task regardingobjectid_contact_task
lk_contact_feedback_createdby feedback CreatedByContact
lk_contact_feedback_createdonbehalfby feedback CreatedOnBehalfByContact
powerpagecomponent_mspp_webrole_contact powerpagecomponent powerpagecomponent_mspp_webrole_contact
slakpiinstance_contact slakpiinstance regarding_contact
socialactivity_postauthor_contacts socialactivity postauthor_contact
socialactivity_postauthoraccount_contacts socialactivity postauthoraccount_contact
Socialprofile_customer_contacts socialprofile customerid_contact


The following operations can be used with the contact entity type.

Name Binding
CreateMultiple Not Bound
GrantAccess Not Bound
IsValidStateTransition Not Bound
Merge Not Bound
ModifyAccess Not Bound
RetrievePrincipalAccess Not Bound
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess Not Bound
RevokeAccess Not Bound
Rollup Not Bound
UpdateMultiple Not Bound

See also