Partilhar via

OperationBindingCollection Classe


Representa uma coleção de instâncias da classe OperationBinding. Essa classe não pode ser herdada.

public ref class OperationBindingCollection sealed : System::Web::Services::Description::ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection
public sealed class OperationBindingCollection : System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection
type OperationBindingCollection = class
    inherit ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection
Public NotInheritable Class OperationBindingCollection
Inherits ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection


#using <System.Xml.dll>
#using <System.Web.Services.dll>
#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Web::Services::Description;
int main()
      ServiceDescription^ myServiceDescription = ServiceDescription::Read( "MathService_input_cpp.wsdl" );
      // Add the OperationBinding for the Add operation.
      OperationBinding^ addOperationBinding = gcnew OperationBinding;
      String^ addOperation = "Add";
      String^ myTargetNamespace = myServiceDescription->TargetNamespace;
      addOperationBinding->Name = addOperation;
      // Add the InputBinding for the operation.
      InputBinding^ myInputBinding = gcnew InputBinding;
      SoapBodyBinding^ mySoapBodyBinding = gcnew SoapBodyBinding;
      mySoapBodyBinding->Use = SoapBindingUse::Literal;
      myInputBinding->Extensions->Add( mySoapBodyBinding );
      addOperationBinding->Input = myInputBinding;
      // Add the OutputBinding for the operation.
      OutputBinding^ myOutputBinding = gcnew OutputBinding;
      myOutputBinding->Extensions->Add( mySoapBodyBinding );
      addOperationBinding->Output = myOutputBinding;
      // Add the extensibility element for the SoapOperationBinding.
      SoapOperationBinding^ mySoapOperationBinding = gcnew SoapOperationBinding;
      mySoapOperationBinding->Style = SoapBindingStyle::Document;
      mySoapOperationBinding->SoapAction = String::Concat( myTargetNamespace, addOperation );
      addOperationBinding->Extensions->Add( mySoapOperationBinding );
      // Get the BindingCollection from the ServiceDescription.
      BindingCollection^ myBindingCollection = myServiceDescription->Bindings;
      // Get the OperationBindingCollection of SOAP binding from
      // the BindingCollection.
      OperationBindingCollection^ myOperationBindingCollection = myBindingCollection[ 0 ]->Operations;
      // Check for the Add OperationBinding in the collection.
      bool contains = myOperationBindingCollection->Contains( addOperationBinding );
      Console::WriteLine( "\nWhether the collection contains the Add OperationBinding : {0}", contains );

      // Add the Add OperationBinding to the collection.
      myOperationBindingCollection->Add( addOperationBinding );
      Console::WriteLine( "\nAdded the OperationBinding of the Add"
      " operation to the collection." );

      // Get the OperationBinding of the Add operation from the collection.
      OperationBinding^ myOperationBinding = myOperationBindingCollection[ 3 ];

      // Remove the OperationBinding of the Add operation from
      // the collection.
      myOperationBindingCollection->Remove( myOperationBinding );
      Console::WriteLine( "\nRemoved the OperationBinding of the "
      "Add operation from the collection." );

      // Insert the OperationBinding of the Add operation at index 0.
      myOperationBindingCollection->Insert( 0, addOperationBinding );
      Console::WriteLine( "\nInserted the OperationBinding of the "
      "Add operation in the collection." );

      // Get the index of the OperationBinding of the Add
      // operation from the collection.
      int index = myOperationBindingCollection->IndexOf( addOperationBinding );
      Console::WriteLine( "\nThe index of the OperationBinding of the Add operation : {0}", index );

      Console::WriteLine( "" );
      array<OperationBinding^>^operationBindingArray =
            gcnew array<OperationBinding^>(myOperationBindingCollection->Count);

      // Copy this collection to the OperationBinding array.
      myOperationBindingCollection->CopyTo( operationBindingArray, 0 );
      Console::WriteLine( "The operations supported by this service "
      "are :" );

      for each(OperationBinding^ myOperationBinding1 in operationBindingArray)
         Binding^ myBinding = myOperationBinding1->Binding;
         Console::WriteLine(" Binding : "+ myBinding->Name + " Name of " +
            "operation : " + myOperationBinding1->Name);

      // Save the ServiceDescription to an external file.
      myServiceDescription->Write( "MathService_new_cpp.wsdl" );
   catch ( Exception^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "Exception caught!!!" );
      Console::WriteLine( "Source : {0}", e->Source );
      Console::WriteLine( "Message : {0}", e->Message );
using System;
using System.Web.Services.Description;

class MyOperationBindingCollectionSample
   static void Main()
         ServiceDescription myServiceDescription =

         // Add the OperationBinding for the Add operation.
         OperationBinding addOperationBinding = new OperationBinding();
         string addOperation = "Add";
         string myTargetNamespace = myServiceDescription.TargetNamespace;
         addOperationBinding.Name = addOperation;

         // Add the InputBinding for the operation.
         InputBinding myInputBinding = new InputBinding();
         SoapBodyBinding mySoapBodyBinding = new SoapBodyBinding();
         mySoapBodyBinding.Use = SoapBindingUse.Literal;
         addOperationBinding.Input = myInputBinding;

         // Add the OutputBinding for the operation.
         OutputBinding myOutputBinding = new OutputBinding();
         addOperationBinding.Output = myOutputBinding;

         // Add the extensibility element for the SoapOperationBinding.
         SoapOperationBinding mySoapOperationBinding =
            new SoapOperationBinding();
         mySoapOperationBinding.Style = SoapBindingStyle.Document;
         mySoapOperationBinding.SoapAction = myTargetNamespace + addOperation;

         // Get the BindingCollection from the ServiceDescription.
         BindingCollection myBindingCollection =

         // Get the OperationBindingCollection of SOAP binding from
         // the BindingCollection.
         OperationBindingCollection myOperationBindingCollection =

         // Check for the Add OperationBinding in the collection.
         bool contains = myOperationBindingCollection.Contains
         Console.WriteLine("\nWhether the collection contains the Add " +
            "OperationBinding : " + contains);

         // Add the Add OperationBinding to the collection.
         Console.WriteLine("\nAdded the OperationBinding of the Add" +
            " operation to the collection.");

         // Get the OperationBinding of the Add operation from the collection.
         OperationBinding myOperationBinding =

         // Remove the OperationBinding of the Add operation from
         // the collection.
         Console.WriteLine("\nRemoved the OperationBinding of the " +
            "Add operation from the collection.");

         // Insert the OperationBinding of the Add operation at index 0.
         myOperationBindingCollection.Insert(0, addOperationBinding);
         Console.WriteLine("\nInserted the OperationBinding of the " +
            "Add operation in the collection.");

         // Get the index of the OperationBinding of the Add
         // operation from the collection.
         int index = myOperationBindingCollection.IndexOf(addOperationBinding);
         Console.WriteLine("\nThe index of the OperationBinding of the " +
            "Add operation : " + index);

         OperationBinding[] operationBindingArray = new

         // Copy this collection to the OperationBinding array.
         myOperationBindingCollection.CopyTo(operationBindingArray, 0);
         Console.WriteLine("The operations supported by this service " +
            "are :");
         foreach(OperationBinding myOperationBinding1 in
            Binding myBinding = myOperationBinding1.Binding;
            Console.WriteLine(" Binding : "+ myBinding.Name + " Name of " +
               "operation : " + myOperationBinding1.Name);

         // Save the ServiceDescription to an external file.
      catch(Exception e)
         Console.WriteLine("Exception caught!!!");
         Console.WriteLine("Source : " + e.Source);
         Console.WriteLine("Message : " + e.Message);
Imports System.Web.Services.Description

Class MyOperationBindingCollectionSample

   Shared Sub Main()
         Dim myServiceDescription As ServiceDescription = _

         ' Add the OperationBinding for the Add operation.
         Dim addOperationBinding As New OperationBinding()
         Dim addOperation As String = "Add"
         Dim myTargetNamespace As String = myServiceDescription.TargetNamespace
         addOperationBinding.Name = addOperation

         ' Add the InputBinding for the operation.
         Dim myInputBinding As New InputBinding()
         Dim mySoapBodyBinding As New SoapBodyBinding()
         mySoapBodyBinding.Use = SoapBindingUse.Literal
         addOperationBinding.Input = myInputBinding

         ' Add the OutputBinding for the operation.
         Dim myOutputBinding As New OutputBinding()
         addOperationBinding.Output = myOutputBinding

         ' Add the extensibility element for the SoapOperationBinding.
         Dim mySoapOperationBinding As New SoapOperationBinding()
         mySoapOperationBinding.Style = SoapBindingStyle.Document
         mySoapOperationBinding.SoapAction = myTargetNamespace & addOperation

         ' Get the BindingCollection from the ServiceDescription.
         Dim myBindingCollection As BindingCollection = _

         ' Get the OperationBindingCollection of SOAP binding from
         ' the BindingCollection.
         Dim myOperationBindingCollection As OperationBindingCollection = _

         ' Check for the Add OperationBinding in the collection.
         Dim contains As Boolean = _
         Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.NewLine & _
            "Whether the collection contains the Add " & _
            "OperationBinding : " & contains.ToString())

         ' Add the Add OperationBinding to the collection.
         Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.NewLine & _
            "Added the OperationBinding of the Add " & _
            "operation to the collection.")

         ' Get the OperationBinding of the Add operation from the collection.
         Dim myOperationBinding As OperationBinding = _

         ' Remove the OperationBinding of the 'Add' operation from
         ' the collection.
         Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.NewLine & _
            "Removed the OperationBinding of the " & _
            "Add operation from the collection.")
         ' Insert the OperationBinding of the Add operation at index 0.
         myOperationBindingCollection.Insert(0, addOperationBinding)
         Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.NewLine & _
            "Inserted the OperationBinding of the " & _
            "Add operation in the collection.")

         ' Get the index of the OperationBinding of the Add
         ' operation from the collection.
         Dim index As Integer = myOperationBindingCollection.IndexOf( _
         Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.NewLine & _
            "The index of the OperationBinding of the " & _
            "Add operation : " & index.ToString())

         Dim operationBindingArray(myOperationBindingCollection.Count -1  ) _
            As OperationBinding

         ' Copy this collection to the OperationBinding array.
         myOperationBindingCollection.CopyTo(operationBindingArray, 0)
         Console.WriteLine("The operations supported by this service " & _
            "are :")
         Dim myOperationBinding1 As OperationBinding
         For Each myOperationBinding1 In  operationBindingArray
            Dim myBinding As Binding = myOperationBinding1.Binding
            Console.WriteLine(" Binding : " & myBinding.Name & " Name of " & _
               "operation : " & myOperationBinding1.Name)
         Next myOperationBinding1

         ' Save the ServiceDescription to an external file.
      Catch e As Exception
         Console.WriteLine("Exception caught!!!")
         Console.WriteLine("Source : " & e.Source.ToString())
         Console.WriteLine("Message : " & e.Message.ToString())
      End Try
   End Sub
End Class


A OperationBinding classe corresponde ao elemento WSDL (Linguagem de Descrição dos Serviços Web) <operation> colocado pelo <binding> elemento, que, por sua vez, corresponde à Binding classe. Para obter mais informações sobre WSDL, confira a especificação WSDL.



Obtém ou define o número de elementos que o CollectionBase pode conter.

(Herdado de CollectionBase)

Obtém o número de elementos contidos na instância de CollectionBase. Essa propriedade não pode ser substituída.

(Herdado de CollectionBase)

Obtém uma ArrayList que contém a lista de elementos na instância de CollectionBase.

(Herdado de CollectionBase)

Obtém ou define o valor de um OperationBinding no índice de base zero especificado.


Obtém uma IList que contém a lista de elementos na instância de CollectionBase.

(Herdado de CollectionBase)

Obtém uma interface que implementa a associação das chaves e valores no ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection.

(Herdado de ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection)



Adiciona o OperationBinding especificado ao final do OperationBindingCollection.


Remove todos os objetos da instância CollectionBase. Esse método não pode ser substituído.

(Herdado de CollectionBase)

Retorna um valor que indica se o OperationBinding especificado é um membro do OperationBindingCollection.

CopyTo(OperationBinding[], Int32)

Copia todo o OperationBindingCollection para uma matriz unidimensional compatível do tipo OperationBinding, começando no índice de base zero especificado da matriz de destino.


Determina se o objeto especificado é igual ao objeto atual.

(Herdado de Object)

Retorna um enumerador que itera pela instância CollectionBase.

(Herdado de CollectionBase)

Serve como a função de hash padrão.

(Herdado de Object)

Retorna o nome da chave associada com o valor passado por referência.

(Herdado de ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection)

Obtém o Type da instância atual.

(Herdado de Object)

Pesquisa o OperationBinding especificado e retorna o índice de base zero da primeira ocorrência dentro de toda a coleção.

Insert(Int32, OperationBinding)

Adiciona a instância de OperationBinding especificada ao OperationBindingCollection no índice de base zero especificado.


Cria uma cópia superficial do Object atual.

(Herdado de Object)

Limpa o conteúdo da instância ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection.

(Herdado de ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection)

Executa processos adicionais personalizados após limpar o conteúdo da instância CollectionBase.

(Herdado de CollectionBase)
OnInsert(Int32, Object)

Executa os processos personalizados adicionais antes de inserir um novo elemento na instância CollectionBase.

(Herdado de CollectionBase)
OnInsertComplete(Int32, Object)

Realiza processos personalizados adicionais após inserir um novo elemento no ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection.

(Herdado de ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection)
OnRemove(Int32, Object)

Remove um elemento do ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection.

(Herdado de ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection)
OnRemoveComplete(Int32, Object)

Executa processos personalizados adicionais após remover um elemento da instância de CollectionBase.

(Herdado de CollectionBase)
OnSet(Int32, Object, Object)

Substitui um valor por outro dentro do ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection.

(Herdado de ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection)
OnSetComplete(Int32, Object, Object)

Executa processos personalizados adicionais após configurar um valor na instância de CollectionBase.

(Herdado de CollectionBase)

Executa processos personalizados adicionais ao validar um valor.

(Herdado de CollectionBase)

Remove a primeira ocorrência do OperationBinding especificado do OperationBindingCollection.


Remove o elemento no índice especificado da instância CollectionBase. Este método não é substituível.

(Herdado de CollectionBase)
SetParent(Object, Object)

Define o objeto pai da instância de ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection.

(Herdado de ServiceDescriptionBaseCollection)

Retorna uma cadeia de caracteres que representa o objeto atual.

(Herdado de Object)

Implantações explícitas de interface

ICollection.CopyTo(Array, Int32)

Copia todo o CollectionBase em um Array unidimensional compatível, começando no índice especificado da matriz de destino.

(Herdado de CollectionBase)

Obtém um valor que indica se o acesso à CollectionBase é sincronizado (thread-safe).

(Herdado de CollectionBase)

Obtém um objeto que pode ser usado para sincronizar o acesso ao CollectionBase.

(Herdado de CollectionBase)

Adiciona um objeto ao final do CollectionBase.

(Herdado de CollectionBase)

Determina se o CollectionBase contém um elemento específico.

(Herdado de CollectionBase)

Pesquisa o Object especificado e retorna o índice de base zero da primeira ocorrência dentro de todo o CollectionBase.

(Herdado de CollectionBase)
IList.Insert(Int32, Object)

Insere um elemento no CollectionBase, no índice especificado.

(Herdado de CollectionBase)

Obtém um valor que indica se o CollectionBase tem um tamanho fixo.

(Herdado de CollectionBase)

Obtém um valor que indica se o CollectionBase é somente leitura.

(Herdado de CollectionBase)

Obtém ou define o elemento no índice especificado.

(Herdado de CollectionBase)

Remove a primeira ocorrência de um objeto específico do CollectionBase.

(Herdado de CollectionBase)

Métodos de Extensão


Converte os elementos de um IEnumerable para o tipo especificado.


Filtra os elementos de um IEnumerable com base em um tipo especificado.


Habilita a paralelização de uma consulta.


Converte um IEnumerable em um IQueryable.

Aplica-se a