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Configuration service

The Configuration Service enables the retrieval, creation, and editing of Prebid Server Premium (PSP) configurations. PSP configurations are objects that map Monetize inventory to demand partners, allowing the partners to identify the inventory in bid requests. Each configuration includes an array of demand partner parameters attached which specify the values partners will receive. Note that the partners must first be added at the global level via the demand partner service. Configurations can also be managed through the UI.


HTTP Method Endpoint Description
GET Return all of the Prebid configurations.
GET{prebidSettingsId} Return specific Prebid configurations.
POST Add a new Prebid configuration.
PUT{prebidSettingsId} Update an existing Prebid configuration.
PATCH{prebidSettingsId} Update a portion of the existing Prebid configurations.
DELETE{prebidSettingsId} Delete an existing Prebid configuration.


Returns all Prebid configurations for the caller's member. Results are returned as JSON.


Property Scope Type Description
status_filter string Optional Filter results based on whether a configuration is enabled or disabled. Pass the status_filter argument in the query and set the value to either enabled or disabled.

Example call using curl with status filter arguments

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json"

Example call using curl to return a specific configuration

Append the configuration ID as the last component of the URL.

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json"{prebidSettingsId}


A successful response will return JSON containing the member's cross-partner settings and all of their PSP configurations. Including a specific prebidSettingsId in the query string will lead to a response containing only that configuration.

Property Type Description
bidder_timeout_ms integer This is defined in the cross-partner-settings service.
configs array Container with the configs objects for the member or a specific configuration object. For items contained in a configuration object, see the configuration properties table below.
deleted boolean If true, indicates that the config object is not available for use but its data is still viewable.
demand_partner_settings array The demand partner properties. For the items contained in the demand_partner_settings object, see the demand partner settings table below.
id integer - When the request does not specify a prebidSettingsId, the first ID in the response represents the unique cross-partner settings ID for the member. The configs object includes the id values of each configuration.
- When the request specifies a prebidSettingsId, that will be the unique identifier in the response. This id is referred to as prebid_settings_id in other endpoints of this API.
last_modified string The most recent modification date of the configuration object.
last_modified_by string The user who made the last modification to the configuration object.
member_id integer The ID of the member associated with the configurations.
price_granularity object Defines the CPM price buckets into which demand partner bids will be grouped in the ad server. See the price granularity table below. Object is managed via the cross-partner-settings service.
total_configs integer The number of configurations returned.

Demand partner settings

Property Type Description
bid_cpm_adjustment float A multiplier value applied to the Demand Partner's CPM bid price to adjust how the bids compete in the auction. See the Demand Partner Service for more information.
enabled boolean Indicates if the demand partner has been enabled or disabled.
id integer The id for the demand partner settings.
name string The name of the demand partner. See the Demand Partner Service for more information.

Config properties

Property Type Description
deleted boolean If true, indicates that the configuration object is not available for use but its data is still viewable.
demand_partner_config_params array A container with the demand partner's adapter parameters and the values they will receive in bid requests from PSP. For items contained in the demand_partner_config_params object, see the demand partner configs properties table below.
enabled boolean Indicates if the configuration is enabled or disabled.
id integer This ID is referred to as prebid_settings_id in other endpoints of the API.
last_modified string The most recent modification date of the configuration. Formatted as date-time.
last_modified_by string The user who made the last modification to the configuration object.
media_types object The media types associated with the configurations. For items contained in a media_types object, see the media types properties table below.
member_id integer The ID of the member associated with the configurations.
name string The name of the configuration.
targeting_level_code integer The type of object associated with the configuration:
- 1 placement
- 2 placement group/site
- 3 publisher
- 4 line item/targeting profile
targeting_id integer The identifier of the object with which the configuration is associated (e.g., line item, placement, placement group, publisher). Requests will be sent to demand partners when the bid request specifies the same object or matches the targeting of the line item/profile. If a line item ID is used, it must be a "psp" subtype line item attached to a profile. When creating configurations in the PSP UI, these objects are created and linked automatically.
targeting_level_name string The name of the level (example: publisher).
targeting_metadata object Includes modifiers for the targeting object. See the Targeting Metadata Properties table for items contained in the targeting_metadata object. When the targeting_id is a line item ID, targeting_metadata.priority is required.

Media types

The media type object determines which formats (currently banner, native, and video) and ad sizes are included in the requests to demand partners.

Property Type Description
sizes object Demand Partners will only receive requests for this configuration where these ad sizes are present.
sizes.width integer Width of the unit. For Example, 300.
sizes.height integer Height of the unit. For Example, 250.
sizes.is_standard boolean Denotes whether the size has been defined as standard by the member.
types array Includes the media type(s) eligible for the configuration. Only these types will be passed to demand partners in requests. Values are banner, native, video.

Targeting metadata properties

Property Type Description
os_family_ids array Demand Partners will only receive requests for this configuration where these operating systems are present. Operating systems represented by integer ids from the Operating System-Families Service.
priority integer The rank of the configuration is used only when it is tied to a line item. This rank instructs Monetize which configuration to use when the targeting of multiple line items is eligible for the same bid request. The scale ranges from 1 to 20, with 20 being the highest. This ranking is required when the targeting_id is a line item ID and does not apply to placement, placement group, or publisher configurations. When multiple line item configurations have the same priority, the configuration with the higher (more recent) ID will be used in the auction.

Demand partner configs properties

Property Type Description
deleted boolean If true, indicates that the configuration object is not available for use but its data is still viewable.
enabled boolean Indicates if the Demand Partner has been enabled or disabled. For more information, see the Demand Partner Service.
id integer The id of the parameter mappings for the specific demand partner.
last_modified string The most recent modification date of the demand_partner_config.
last_modified_by string The person who made the last modifications to the demand_partner_config.
member_id integer The member_id associated with the demand_partner_config.
name string The Prebid bidder name for the Demand Partner.
params object The partner-specific parameters and mapped values. For more information, see the Demand Partner Params Service.
prebid_settings_id integer The ID of the configuration which can contain multiple demand partner parameter mappings.

Price granularity

Price granularity defines the CPM price buckets into which demand partner bids will be grouped in the ad server. This is defined in the Cross-Partner Settings Service.

Property Type Description
currency_code string A string containing the desired currency code for price bucket calculations. It must be part of the Microsoft-approved list of currencies.
label string The type of scale as defined in Prebid documentation (low, medium, high, auto, dense, custom). See the cross-partner-settings service.
precision integer The number of decimal places to which the price is rounded. The default is two decimal places, so a price of 2.1234 would be rounded to 2.12.
ranges object Container object describing the price granularity range.
ranges.max integer The maximum length of the range.
ranges.increment float The amount to increment through the range.


The number of responses can be limited by passing the num_elements argument. Which element to start viewing can be set through the start_element argument.

Property Type Description
num_elements int How many elements to return. For example, start at object # 4 and return 3 objects, or # 4, 5, 6.
start_element int The number at which to start counting.

Example call to limit to fifteen results and to start the results at the tenth element

The elements returned will be indexed from the 10th through the twenty-fifth.


Example response

  "id": 450,
  "member_id": 13859,
  "bidder_timeout_ms": 500,
  "price_granularity": {
    "label": "Auto",
    "currency_code": "USD",
    "precision": 2,
    "ranges": [
        "max": 5,
        "increment": 0.05
        "max": 10,
        "increment": 0.1
        "max": 20,
        "increment": 0.5
  "deleted": 0,
  "last_modified_by": "user123",
  "last_modified": "2024-08-21T16:37:24.000Z",
  "demand_partner_settings": {
    "appnexus": {
      "id": 2045,
      "bid_cpm_adjustment": 0.7,
      "enabled": 1
    "openx": {
      "id": 2065,
      "bid_cpm_adjustment": 1,
      "enabled": 0
    "ix": {
      "id": 2106,
      "bid_cpm_adjustment": 0.9,
      "enabled": 1
    "adform": {
      "id": 2110,
      "bid_cpm_adjustment": 1,
      "enabled": 1
  "total_configs": 2,
  "configs": [
      "id": 87053,
      "member_id": 13859,
      "name": "ConfigName1",
      "targeting_level_code": 1,
      "targeting_id": 25172737,
      "enabled": 1,
      "media_types": {
        "sizes": [],
        "types": [
      "targeting_metadata": {
        "os_family_ids": []
      "deleted": 0,
      "last_modified_by": "user123",
      "last_modified": "2024-07-17T18:17:56.000Z",
      "targeting_level_name": "placement",
      "demand_partner_config_params": [
          "id": 619584,
          "member_id": 13859,
          "prebid_settings_id": 87053,
          "name": "ix",
          "params": {
            "size": null,
            "siteId": ""
          "enabled": 1,
          "deleted": 0,
          "last_modified_by": "user123",
          "last_modified": "2024-07-17T18:36:40.000Z"
      "id": 87784,
      "member_id": 13859,
      "name": "ConfigName2",
      "targeting_level_code": 1,
      "targeting_id": 25175861,
      "enabled": 1,
      "media_types": {
        "sizes": [],
        "types": [
      "targeting_metadata": {
        "os_family_ids": []
      "deleted": 0,
      "last_modified_by": "user123",
      "last_modified": "2024-07-31T21:34:34.000Z",
      "targeting_level_name": "placement",
      "demand_partner_config_params": [
          "id": 619080,
          "member_id": 13859,
          "prebid_settings_id": 87784,
          "name": "openx",
          "params": {
            "unit": "3456",
            "platform": null,
            "delDomain": "",
            "customFloor": null,
            "customParams": null
          "enabled": 0,
          "deleted": 0,
          "last_modified_by": "user123",
          "last_modified": "2024-08-21T21:10:28.000Z"
          "id": 619081,
          "member_id": 13859,
          "prebid_settings_id": 87784,
          "name": "ix",
          "params": {
            "size": null,
            "siteId": ""
          "enabled": 1,
          "deleted": 0,
          "last_modified_by": "user123",
          "last_modified": "2024-07-17T18:36:06.000Z"
          "id": 625915,
          "member_id": 13859,
          "prebid_settings_id": 87784,
          "name": "adform",
          "params": {
            "inv": null,
            "mid": "1414158",
            "mname": null,
            "priceType": null
          "enabled": 1,
          "deleted": 0,
          "last_modified_by": "user123",
          "last_modified": "2024-07-17T18:36:09.000Z"



Enables the creation of a new configurations object.

Example call using curl

curl -d @config.json -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" ''

POST: Parameters

Property Type Scope Description
demand_partner_config_params array Required A container with the demand partner's adapter parameters and the values they will receive in bid requests from PSP. For items contained in the demand_partner_config_params object, see the demand partner configs properties table below.
enabled boolean Required Indicates whether the configuration is enabled or disabled.
media_types object Required The media_types associated with the configuration. For items contained in a media_type object, see the media type properties table below.
name string Required The name of the configuration.
targeting_id integer Required The identifier of the object with which the configuration is associated (e.g., line item, placement, placement group, publisher). Requests will be sent to demand partners when the bid request specifies the same object or matches the targeting of the line item/profile. If a line item ID is used, it must be a "psp" subtype line item attached to a profile. When creating configurations in the PSP UI, these objects are created and linked automatically.
targeting_level_code integer Required The type of object associated with the configuration:
- 1 placement
- 2 placement group/site
- 3 publisher
- 4 line item/targeting profile
targeting_metadata object Optional Includes modifiers for the targeting object. See the Targeting Metadata Properties table for items contained in the targeting_metadata object. When the targeting_id is a line item ID, targeting_metadata.priority is required.

POST: Demand partner configs properties

Property Type Scope Description
name string Required The Prebid bidder name for the Demand Partner.
params object Required The partner-specific parameters and mapped values. For more information, see the Demand Partner Params Service.

POST: Media types

The media type object determines which formats (currently banner, native, and video) and ad sizes are included in the requests to demand partners.

Property Type Scope Description
sizes object Optional Demand Partners will only receive requests for this configuration where these ad sizes are present.
sizes.width integer Optional Width of the unit. For Example, 300.
sizes.height integer Optional Height of the unit. For Example, 250.
sizes.is_standard boolean Optional Denotes whether the size has been defined as standard by the member.
types array Required Includes the media type(s) eligible for the configuration. Only these types will be passed to demand partners in requests. Values are banner, native, video.

POST: Targeting metadata properties

Property Type Scope Description
os_family_ids array Optional Demand Partners will only receive requests for this configuration where these operating systems are present. Operating systems represented by integer ids from the Operating System-Families Service.
priority integer Optional The rank of the configuration is used only when it is tied to a line item. This rank instructs Monetize which configuration to use when the targeting of multiple line items is eligible for the same bid request. The scale ranges from 1 to 20, with 20 being the highest. This ranking is required when the targeting_id is a line item ID and does not apply to placement, placement group, or publisher configurations. When multiple line item configurations have the same priority, the configuration with the higher (more recent) ID will be used in the auction.

Example JSON request

    "name": "ConfigName1",
    "targeting_level_code": 4,
    "targeting_id": 25401118,
    "enabled": true,
    "media_types": {
        "sizes": [
                "height": 300,
                "width": 250
        "types": [
    "targeting_metadata": {
        "priority": 20
    "demand_partner_config_params": [
            "name": "appnexus",
            "params": {
                "placement_id": 123456


A successful response will return the new configuration object.

POST: Example JSON response

    "id": 196038,
    "member_id": 13859,
    "name": "ConfigName1",
    "targeting_level_code": 4,
    "targeting_id": 22378872,
    "enabled": 1,
    "media_types": {
      "sizes": [
          "height": 300,
          "width": 250
      "types": [
    "targeting_metadata": {
      "priority": 20
    "deleted": 0,
    "last_modified_by": "user123",
    "last_modified": "2024-08-22T21:24:40.000Z",
    "demand_partner_config_params": [
        "id": 1718542,
        "member_id": 13859,
        "prebid_settings_id": 196038,
        "name": "appnexus",
        "params": {
          "placement_id": 123456
        "enabled": 1,
        "deleted": 0,
        "last_modified_by": "user123",
        "last_modified": "2024-08-22T21:24:40.000Z"


Overwrite an existing Prebid configuration. Include the prebidSettingsId as the last component of the URL path. Pass the update information as JSON in the body of the request.

PUT: Example call using curl

curl -d @config-update.json -X PUT --header "Content-Type: application/json{prebidSettingsId}

PUT: Example JSON request

    "name": "ConfigName1",
    "targeting_level_code": 4,
    "targeting_id": 22378872,
    "enabled": 0,
    "media_types": {
        "sizes": [
                "height": 300,
                "width": 250
        "types": [
    "targeting_metadata": {
        "priority": 20
    "demand_partner_config_params": [
            "id": 1718542,
            "member_id": 13859,
            "prebid_settings_id": 196038,
            "name": "appnexus",
            "params": {
                "placement_id": 123456
            "enabled": 1

PUT: Response

Returns a Prebid configuration object.


Partially update an existing Prebid configuration. Include the prebidSettingsId as the last component of the path. Pass the update information as JSON in the body of the request. The request must include a top-level config object that contains the other elements to be updated.

PATCH: Example call using curl

curl -d @config-update.json -X PATCH --header "Content-Type: application/json{prebidSettingsId}

PATCH: Example JSON request

    "config": {
        "enabled": 0,
        "media_types": {
            "types": [

PATCH: Response

Returns a Prebid configuration object.


Delete an existing Prebid configuration. Include the prebidSettingsId as the last component of the path.

DELETE: Example call using curl

curl -X DELETE{prebidSettingsId}

DELETE: Response

On success, the configuration indicated will be returned as a JSON object with the deleted property set to true. It will no longer be available within the system. All sub-objects will also be deleted.