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Prebid Demand Partner Params service

The Prebid Demand Partner Params Service allows users to view, add, remove, enable, and disable specific partners on PSP configurations. Configurations are managed via the Config Service. A demand partner must be enabled in the Cross-Partner Settings Service before they can be added to any configurations in the params service and before they can receive bid requests through Prebid Server Premium (PSP). Attempting to add a partner who is not present in the Cross-Partner Settings will result in an error.


While a partner may be disabled via this service at the configuration level, any future changes to the partner in the Cross-Partner Settings Service will override individual configurations and enable/disable the partner across all configurations. Details on the parameters supported by each partner can be found in the Demand Partner Schema Service.


HTTP Method Endpoint Description
GET -{prebid_settings_id} Get all Prebid demand partner parameters for a specific Prebid configuration.
GET{prebidDemandPartnerParamId} Get a specific Prebid demand partner parameter. Include the param ID as the last URL path component.
POST Create new demand partner parameters. For cURL example and response, see POST section below.
PUT{prebidDemandPartnerParamId} Update a specific Prebid demand partner parameter. Include the param ID as the last component of the URL path.
DELETE{prebidDemandPartnerParamId} Delete a specific Prebid demand partner parameter. Include the param ID as the last URL path component.


Returns all or a specific set of demand partner parameters within a PSP configuration. Include either the prebid_settings_id (configuration) or the ID of the parameters as the last component of the URL.

Example call using cURL to return a specific param

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json"{prebidDemandPartnerParamId}

Example call using cURL to return all params for a specific config

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json"{prebid_settings_id}


A successful response will return all parameters for the requested Prebid configuration or a specific requested parameter.

Property Type Description
deleted boolean Indicates whether the params object for this partner has been deleted.
enabled boolean Indicates if the Prebid demand partner params are enabled or disabled.
id integer The unique identifier for the set of parameters associated with the demand partner in the PSP configuration.
last_modified string The most recent modification date of the demand partner config params.
last_modified_by string The person who made the last modifications to the demand partner params.
member_id integer The caller's member ID.
name object The name of the demand partner.
params object An object containing the parameters supported by the partner and the mapped values. Supported parameters can be found here.
prebid_settings_id integer The unique identifier of the PSP configuration.

Response example

    "id": 1718542,
    "member_id": 13859,
    "prebid_settings_id": 196038,
    "name": "appnexus",
    "params": {
      "placement_id": 123456
    "enabled": 0,
    "deleted": 0,
    "last_modified_by": "user123",
    "last_modified": "2024-08-22T21:45:05.000Z"


Enables the creation of a new Prebid Demand Partner Param object.

Example call using cURL

curl -d @demand-partner-params.json -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" ''

Example JSON request

    "prebid_settings_id": 196038,
    "member_id": 13859,
    "name": "adform",
    "params": {
        "inv": null,
        "mid": "11111111",
        "mname": null,
        "priceType": null
    "enabled": 1


Name Type Scope Description
name string Required The name of the Prebid demand partner.
enabled boolean Required Indicates if the Prebid demand partner params are enabled or disabled.
member_id integer Required The ID of the member associated with the configuration.
params object Required An object containing the parameters supported by the partner and the mapped values. Supported parameters can be found here.
prebid_settings_id integer Required The unique identifier for the PSP configuration.

POST: Example response

    "id": 1718543,
    "member_id": 13859,
    "prebid_settings_id": 196038,
    "name": "adform",
    "params": {
      "inv": null,
      "mid": "11111111",
      "mname": null,
      "priceType": null
    "enabled": 1,
    "deleted": 0,
    "last_modified_by": "user123",
    "last_modified": "2024-08-22T22:40:21.000Z"


Overwrites an existing Prebid demand partner parameter. Include the prebidDemandPartnerParamId as the last component of the URL path. Pass the update information as JSON in the body of the request.

PUT: Example call using cURL

curl -d @config-update.json -X PUT --header "Content-Type: application/json{prebidDemandPartnerParamId}

Example JSON request

    "member_id": 13859,
    "prebid_settings_id": 196038,
    "name": "adform",
    "params": {
        "inv": null,
        "mid": "11111111",
        "mname": null,
        "priceType": null
    "enabled": 0

PUT: Response

Returns a Prebid demand partner param object.


Delete an existing Prebid demand partner param. Include the prebidSettingsId as the last component of the path.

DELETE: Example call using cURL

curl -X DELETE{prebidDemandPartnerParamId}

DELETE: Response

On success the Prebid demand partner param object is returned as a JSON object with the deleted property set to true. The Prebid demand partner params will no longer be available in the system. Any sub-objects will also be deleted.