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Profile service overview

A profile is a set of targeting parameters, such as gender, age, geography, and frequency. It can be applied to several objects in the system, most of which are listed below. The most common use of the profile service is to run a campaign; you create a profile and then associate it with the Campaign Service. The campaign object includes fields such as flight dates and associated creatives.

  • Except for segment targeting, parameters are absolute. For example, if the geographical target is set only to the United States, ONLY U.S.-based impressions will receive bids.
  • Segment targeting uses and/or Boolean logic.
  • Profiles must be associated with either an advertiser or a publisher, in order to be used with several other objects in the system, listed below.

Profiles can be used with several other objects in the system (listed below). Any fields in the profile that do not apply to the associated object will be ignored.

  • Advertiser
  • Line Item
  • Creative
  • Campaign
  • Payment Rule
  • Ad Quality Rule

It is also possible to refer to a profile within a deal object, while it is not necessary for the profile to be associated to an advertiser or publisher.


HTTP Method Endpoint Description
(profile JSON)
Add a new profile.
(profile JSON)
Add a new profile.
(profile JSON)
Modify an existing profile.
(profile JSON)
Modify an existing profile.
GET View all of the profiles for one of your advertisers.
GET View all of the profiles for one of your advertisers.
GET View a specific profile for one of your advertisers.
GET View a specific profile for one of your advertisers.


postal_code_action_include - To use this service for publisher profiles, replace advertiser_id with publisher_id.

JSON fields


Field Type Description
id int The ID of the profile.
Required: PUT, in query string.
code string Custom code for the profile.
description string Optional description.
is_template Boolean If true, the profile has been saved as a targeting template in. To get profiles that are targeting templates in, pass is_template=true in the query string of a GET call. For more details about targeting templates in, see "Managing Targeting Templates" within the app's Help System.
Default: false
last_modified timestamp Time of last modification to this profile.
is_archived boolean Read-only. Indicates whether the profile has been automatically archived due to it's parent line item not being used (and therefore, having been archived). Once set as true, the value can't be changed and the only calls that can be made on the profile object are GET and DELETE.

Note: If a profile's parent is automatically archived, the profile will also be archived. In addition, once archived, the profile may not be associated with any line items or campaigns.
Default: false
archived_on timestamp Read-only. The date and time on which the profile was archived (i.e., when the is_archived field was set to true).
Default: null


For details on Frequency and Recency Targeting and the below fields, see here.

Field Type Description
max_lifetime_imps int The maximum number of impressions per person. If set, this value must be between 0 and 255.
Default: null
min_session_imps int The minimum number of impressions per person per session. If set, this value must be between 0 and 255.
Default: null
max_session_imps int The maximum number of impressions per person per session. If set, this value must be between 0 and 255.
Default: null
max_day_imps int The maximum number of impressions per person per day. If set, this value must be between 0 and 255.
Default: null
max_hour_imps int The maximum number of impressions per person per hour. If set, this value must be between 0 and 255.
Default: null
max_week_imps int The maximum number of impressions per person per week. If set, this value must be between 0 and 255.
Default: null
max_month_imps int The maximum number of impressions per person per month. If set, this value must be between 0 and 255.
Default: null
min_minutes_per_imp int The minimum number of minutes between impressions per person. This field may not be set to 0.
Default: null
max_page_imps int The maximum number of impressions per page load (seller's ad request).

Note: Only relevant for multi-tag auctions (For example: /(ss)vmap).
Default: null
require_cookie_for_freq_cap Boolean Indicates whether you'll exclusively serve to users with known identifiers to maintain your frequency cap settings. Setting this field to true indicates that you'll only serve ads to users with known identifiers, thereby maintaining your frequency cap settings. Setting this field to false indicates that you'll serve to anonymous users as well. If you've set a daily-occurring frequency cap, advanced frequency management will control impressions to anonymous users through modeling. Otherwise, frequency-cap settings won't apply to those users. Because this flag is only enforced when a frequency cap has been set, setting this field to true won't require identifiers for an object that has no active frequency-cap settings.

Default: true
Note: Advanced Frequency Management is currently not supported for Monetize users.


When multiple targets are set, only inventory that satisfies all targeting criteria is eligible. For example, if you target intended audience general and inventory sources x, y, and z, then the profile will only target general audience inventory from inventory sources x, y, and z.


You may not specify both the segment_targets and segment_group_targets fields in any POST or PUT calls (only one of the two may be specified).

  • Be aware that some targets accept an array of objects rather than integers or strings. The format can be found in the examples at the bottom of this page.
  • For Programmatic Guaranteed Buying Line Items:
    • You can only target one deal target (see Deal Targets below) and the allow_unaudited field must be set to true.
    • Do not set any other targeting fields.
  • For Augmented Line Items, it is mandatory to set at least one country as geography targeting (See Country Targets below).
  • Effective August 30, 2021:
    • TapAd's Graph will provide global coverage excluding Europe.

    • Xandr's Graph will provide coverage for Europe and the United States.

      Adjust your code accordingly.

Field Type Description
graph_id int - Null if the line item is targeting your member seat's default graph selection.
- 0 if the line item is targeting no graph.
- 3 if the line item is targeting the TapAd Graph.
- 4 if the line item is targeting the Xandr Graph.
Note: For select EMEA Invest member seats included in the default cross-device pilot, there is a change to the graph_id field expectations.
Passing graph_id as Null will now correspond to your member seat's default graph selection. For members in our EMEA pilot, this will be graph_id = 4. To disable cross-device targeting, these member seats will need to pass graph_id = 0.
daypart_timezone string The timezone to be used with the daypart_targets. For more details, see API Timezones.

Note: null is equivalent to the user's timezone.

Default: null
daypart_targets array of objects The day parts during which to serve the campaign. For more details, see Daypart Targets below.

Note: If you do not set any daypart targets, the campaign will serve on all days of the week at all times.
segment_targets array of objects Note: If you use segment_targets and edit the associated campaign in our UI, the segments will be converted to a group in the segment_group_targets array. Therefore, it's recommended to use segment_group_targets when working via the API.

The segment IDs to target, each of which has an associated action (include or exclude). You define the Boolean logic between segments with the segment_boolean_operator field outside of the array. For more details, see Segment Targets and example below.
segment_group_targets array of objects The segment groups to target. Whereas the segment_targets array allows you to define Boolean logic between individual segments, this array allows you to establish groups of segments, defining Boolean logic between the groups as well as between the segments within each group. You define the Boolean logic between groups with the segment_boolean_operator field outside of the array; you define the Boolean logic between segments in a group with the boolean_operator field within the group object. For more details, see Segment Group Targets and an example below.

Note: Null segments cannot be added.
You may not add null segments to this array using POST or PUT.
segment_boolean_operator enum If using segment_targets, this defines the Boolean logic between the segments specified. If using segment_group_targets, this defines the Boolean logic between the segment groups (the Boolean logic between segments in a group is defined directly in the segment_group_targets array).
Possible values: and or or.
Default: and
age_targets array of objects The list of age ranges to target for this profile. The allow_unknown field is available as a Boolean in order to account for ad calls where the age of the user is not available. For more description and examples, see the Age Targets section below.
gender_targets object The gender targeting used for the profile. Possible values for gender are m or f. The allow_unknown field is available as a Boolean in order to account for ad calls where the gender of the user is not available. See the Gender Targets section below.
country_targets array of objects The country IDs to be either excluded or included in a profile, as defined by the country_action field. You can use the Country Service to retrieve a list of country IDs. For more details and format, see Country Targets.
Required: POST/PUT, when country_action is include.
country_action enum Action to be taken on the country_targets list. Possible values: include or exclude.
Default: exclude
region_targets array of objects The region/state IDs to be either excluded or included in a profile, as defined by the region_action field. You can use the Region Service to retrieve a list of region IDs. For more details and format, see Region Targets below.
Required On: POST/PUT, when region_action is include.
require_transparency_and_consent_framework_string boolean - If true, only allow associated objects to purchase inventory where valid TCF string is present.
- If false, allow associated objects to purchase any inventory that falls within pre-defined targeting declarations.
- This is only supported on advertiser level as targeting at other levels may lead to undefined behavior.

Note: This parameter is only applicable to the traffic coming from territories where GDPR applies.

Default: false
region_action enum Action to be taken on the region_targets list.
Possible values: include or exclude.
Default: exclude
dma_targets array of objects The IDs of designated market areas to be either excluded or included in a profile, as defined by the dma_action field. You can use the Designated Market Area Service to retrieve a list of DMA IDs. See format example.
dma_action enum Action to be taken on the dma_targets list.
Possible values: include or exclude.
Default: exclude
city_targets array of objects The IDs of cities to be either included or excluded in a profile, as defined by the city_action field. You can use the City Service to retrieve a list of city IDs. For more details and format, see City Targets below.
Required On: POST/PUT, when city_action is include.
city_action enum Action to be taken on the city_targets list. Possible values: include or exclude.
Default: exclude
domain_targets array of objects List of domains to be either included or excluded in a profile, as defined by the domain_action field. For format, see the example below.
domain_action enum Action to be taken on the domain_targets list. For details on domains, see the Create a Domain or App List in documentation.
Possible values: include or exclude.
Default: exclude
domain_list_targets array of objects The IDs of domains lists to either include or exclude in a profile, as defined by the domain_list_action field. You can use the Domain List Service to retrieve domain list IDs. See the example below for format.

Note: You can use no more than 100 domain lists in a single profile.
domain_list_action enum Action to be taken on the domain_list_targets list. For details on domains, see Working with Targeting Lists in documentation. Possible values: include or exclude.
Default: exclude
platform_placement_targets array of objects RTB or other Networks' inventory you can target. You can use Inventory Resold or Reporting services to find platform placements.
size_targets array of objects List of eligible sizes to be included in the profile.
The sizes are in an array size objects, each object containing the width and height of each target size. See example below.

Note: When you enable roadblocking on a guaranteed line item, this value is combined with creative sizes on the line item and campaign to produce forecasting. The size with the lowest forecasted number of impressions will be returned as the forecasted capacity.
seller_member_group_targets array of objects The seller member groups to be excluded or included in a profile. To target Xandr's direct supply, see the format below.
member_targets array of objects Seller member IDs to be either excluded or included in a profile. The specific format can be found in the example at the bottom of the page.
member_default_action enum Deprecated.
Default: null
video_targets object Video target IDs to be included in a profile. For the specific format, see Video Targets below.
engagement_rate_targets array of objects Target specific, highly performant inventory based on historic performance. For details, see Engagement Rate Targets below.
Default: null
publisher_targets array of objects Managed/direct publisher IDs to be either excluded or included in a profile.
site_targets array of objects The sites IDs to be either excluded or included in a profile. Exclude or include is inherited from the publisher_targets field.
Default: If you do not provide action with site_targets, action will default to NULL and profile.inventory_action will be used.
placement_targets array of objects The placement IDs to be either excluded or included in a profile. Exclude or include is inherited from the publisher_targets field.

Default: If you do not provide action with placement_targets, action will default to NULL and profile.inventory_action will be used.
inventory_action enum Action to be taken on the inventory_targets, publisher_targets, site_targets, and placement_targets list. Possible values: include or exclude. If action is include, then any targeted publisher, site, or placement will be included.
Default: exclude
content_category_targets object with string and array The content categories to target for this profile as well as whether to allow unknown categories. For more details and format, see Content Category Targets below. To retrieve content category IDs, use the Content Category Service.
deal_targets array of objects The deal IDs to be targeted by this profile. A deal is an agreement between a seller and buyer that may provide the buyer preferential pricing, access to exclusive inventory, reduced competition on inventory, or other opportunities. For more details and format, see Deal Targets below.
For more information on how the value of this field and the deal_action_include field affect targeting results, see Targeting Results for deal_action_include AND deal_targets fields below.
deal_list_targets array of objects The deal list IDs to be targeted by this profile. See example below.
Deal list IDs can be fetched using the Deal List Service.
platform_publisher_targets array of objects Third party publisher IDs to be either excluded or included in a profile. For a list of IDs the Inventory Resold Service.
platform_content_category_targets array of objects List of network resold content categories to target for this profile. For a list of IDs, see the Inventory Resold Service.
use_inventory_attribute_targets Boolean If true, the profile will allow inventory that has the sensitive attributes included in inventory_attribute_targets.
Default: false
trust enum Indicates the level of audit which inventory must meet in order to be eligible.
Possible values: appnexus or "seller". If this field is set to "appnexus", the allow_unaudited field must be set to false.
Default: seller
allow_unaudited Boolean If true, this profile will allow unaudited inventory to pass targeting. If the trust field is set to appnexus, this must be set to false.

- This setting overrides the seller trust settings in the inventory_trust object of the Member Service.
- For Programmatic Guaranteed Buying Line Items, allow_unaudited must be set to true.
Default: false
session_freq_type enum Indicates how the number of impressions seen by the user are counted during the current browsing session. Possible values: platform (across all publishers in the current session) or publisher (for the specific publisher).
Default: platform
inventory_attribute_targets array of objects The IDs of inventory attributes to target for this profile. You can use the Inventory Attribute Service to retrieve a list of IDs.
intended_audience_targets array of strings The intended audience targets. Possible values: general, children, young_adult, or mature.

Note: You can only choose to include (not exclude) intended audience targets.
See example.

Note: To use the intended audience targeting, default_trust under inventory_trust (an attribute under the member) must be set to seller. Without this setting, the intended audience targeting will not be applied.
language_targets array of objects The IDs of the browser languages to either include or exclude in the profile, as defined by the language_action field. You can use the Language Service to retrieve language IDs.
language_action enum Action to be taken on language_targets. Possible values: include or exclude.
Default: exclude
querystring_targets array of objects The query string targets to either include or exclude in the profile, as defined by the querystring_action field.
querystring_action enum Action to be taken on the querystring_targets.
Possible values: include or exclude.
Default: exclude
querystring_boolean_operator enum Boolean logic to be applied to the querystring_targets.
Possible values: and or or.
Default: and
postal_code_targets array of objects The postal code IDs to target. See example.
IDs can be fetched using the Postal Code Service.
postal_code_list_targets array of objects The postal code list IDs to target. See example.
IDs can be fetched using the Postal Code List Service.
postal_code_action_include boolean Whether to include the postal codes defined in postal_code_targets, postal code lists defined in postal_code_list_targets in your targeting, and political districts defined in political_district_targets.
Default: true
zip_targets array of objects Deprecated. Use postal_code_targets instead.
supply_type_targets array of strings The type(s) of supply to either include in or exclude from targeting, as defined by the supply_type_action field. Possible values: web, mobile_web and mobile_app.

Note: The facebook_sidebar option has been deprecated.
supply_type_action enum Supply types are web, mobile_web, and mobile_app. Possible values: include or exclude. If this field is set to include, only inventory of types included in supply_type_targets will be targeted. If exclude, only inventory not in supply_type_targets will be targeted (except facebook_sidebar, which has been deprecated).
Default: exclude
user_group_targets object Every user is randomly assigned to 1 of 100 user groups, no group holding any advantage over another. You can use this field to target a specific range of these user groups. Also, you can use the include_cookieless_users field to include or exclude users without cookies. For formatting, see the View a profile example below.

Note: The User Group Pattern Service can help you calculate your user group targets.
The most common use for user group targets is defining user groups for A/B testing of campaign targeting strategies. Here's how it works: You set test user group targets in one profile and control user group targets in another. Then you apply the user group label to each affected campaign, using the label to identify the user group as test or control (see the labels field in the Campaign Service). Then you run the Network Analytics, Network Advertiser Analytics, or Advertiser Analytics report grouped by user_group_for_campaign to rank how campaigns performed by user group.
position_targets object The fold positions to target. For more details, see Position Targets below.
browser_targets array of objects The IDs of browsers to either include in or exclude from your targeting, as defined by the browser_action field. You can use the Browser Service to retrieve a list of browser IDs. For the format, see the example below.
browser_action enum Action to be taken on the browser_targets. Possible values: include or exclude.
Default: exclude
location_target_latitude double The latitude of the user's location. This must be between -90 and 90, with up to 6 decimal places, where south is negative and north is positive. A profile can be targeted to a specific location when GPS data is available from a mobile device. When lat/long targeting is set, users will only be targeted within the area defined by the center (location_target_latitude, location_target_longitude) and radius location_target_radius. Users will not be targeted when GPS data is not available for the impression.
location_target_longitude double The longitude of the user's location. This must be between -180 and 180, with up to 6 decimal places, where west is negative and east is positive. A profile can be targeted to a specific location when GPS data is available from a mobile device. When lat/long targeting is set, users will only be targeted within the area defined by the center (location_target_latitude, location_target_longitude) and radius location_target_radius. Users will not be targeted when GPS data is not available for the impression.
location_target_radius integer length in meters For more information, see location_target_latitude.
device_model_targets array of objects The models of mobile devices (i.e., iPhone) to either include in or exclude from your targeting, as defined by the device_model_action field. To retrieve a complete list of device models registered in our system, use the read-only Device Model Service. For more details and format, see Device Model Targets below.
device_model_action enum Action to be taken on device_model_targets. Possible values: include or exclude.
Default: exclude
device_type_targets array of strings The types of devices to either include in or exclude from your targeting, as defined by the device_type_action field.
Possible values:
- phone
- tablet
- pc
- tv
- gameconsole
- stb
- mediaplayer

For format, see Device Type Targets below.
device_type_action enum Action to be taken on device_type_targets. Possible values: include or exclude.
Default: exclude
carrier_targets array of objects The mobile carriers to either include in or exclude from your targeting, as defined by the carrier_action field. To retrieve a complete list of mobile carriers registered in our system, use the read-only Carrier Service. For more details and format, see Carrier Targets below.
carrier_action enum Action to be taken on the carrier_targets. Possible values: include or exclude.
Default: exclude
inventory_url_list_targets array of objects Contains a list of inventory list IDs (allowlists and/or blocklists). Used to attach a single allowlist and/or one or more blocklists to the profile.
- The allowlist contains a list of domains or apps to be targeted by the line item using the profile. If an allowlist is included, domains and apps not in the allowlist will not be targeted.
- Each blocklist contains a list of domains or apps that are to be excluded from targeting by line item that uses the profile.

For more details, see Inventory Lists below.
operating_system_family_targets array of objects The operating systems as a whole (e.g., Android, Apple iOS, Windows 7, etc.) to either include in or exclude from your targeting, as defined by the operating_system_family_action field.

Note: This field is used to target all versions of operating systems, whereas operating_system_extended_targets is used to target specific versions of operating systems. For more details and format, see Operating System Family Targets below.
operating_system_family_action enum Action to be taken on operating_system_family_targets. Possible values: include or exclude.
Default: exclude
use_operating_system_extended_targeting Boolean Read-only. If true, the operating_system_extended_targets field will be respected.
By default, newer profiles will have this field set to true. However, older profiles (and any "newer" profiles created by duplicating them) will have this field set to false by default.
There is no way to update an older profile (or its duplicates) to set this field to true. If you want add OS extended targeting to these old profiles (or their duplicates), you must create a new profile and add your targeting settings to the new profile.
Default: true
operating_system_extended_targets array of objects The list of specific operating systems to either include in or exclude from your targeting.

Note: This array is used to target specific operating system versions, whereas operating_system_family_targets is used to target all versions of operating systems. For more details and format, see Operating System Extended Targets below.

Note: This field will be respected only if use_operating_system_extended_targeting is true.
operating_system_action enum Deprecated. Use operating_system_extended_targets instead.
Default: exclude
operating_system_targets array of objects Deprecated. Use operating_system_extended_targets instead.
mobile_app_instance_targets array of objects A list of mobile app instances that you'd like to include or exclude from targeting. For field definitions, see Mobile App Instance Targets below. For more details about what mobile app instances are and how they work, see the Mobile App Instance Service.
mobile_app_instance_action_include Boolean Whether to include the mobile app instances defined in mobile_app_instance_targets in your campaign targeting.
Default: false
mobile_app_instance_list_targets array of objects This list contains mobile app instance lists (in other words, it's a list of lists). For field definitions, see Mobile App Instance List Targets below. For more information about mobile app instance lists are and how they work, see the Mobile App Instance List Service.
mobile_app_instance_list_action_include Boolean Whether to include the mobile app instance lists defined in mobile_app_instance_list_targets in your campaign targeting.
Default: false
deal_action_include Boolean Whether to include or exclude deals defined in deal_targets and deal lists defined in deal_list_targets in campaign and/or line item targeting. When set to true, deals and deal lists will be included.

Note: To target or exclude deals and deal lists, in addition to setting this field to true or false, you must also:
- Provide a list of deals and deal lists to include or exclude in the deal_targets and deal_list_targets array. An empty list would either target no deals/deal lists (if deal_action_include is set to true) or target all deals/deal lists (if deal_action_include is set to false).
- (Only when using ALIs) Set the deals field to true within the supply_strategies array of the Line Item Service.

For more information on how the value of this field and the deal_targets field affect targeting results, see Targeting Results for deal_action_include AND deal_targets fields.
Default: true
ip_range_list_targets array of objects A list of IP address ranges to be included or excluded from campaign targeting. For more information, see IP Range List Targets below, as well as the documentation for the IP Range List Service.
key_value_targets array of objects A list of custom key/value targets. For details and examples, see Key value targets below.
ad_slot_position_action_include Boolean Intent to target specific slots in an ad pod. Note that you can target ad slots or ad bumpers, but not both.
Default: false
ad_slot_position_targets array of ints The ad slot positions a buyer wants to serve on. -1 represents the last position, 0 represents the first. By default when ad_slot_position_action_include is set to false, an empty array means spending can happen on any position. Set ad_slot_position_action_include to true first if you want to use ad_slot_position_targets to specify positions to target.
Default: empty row
ad_slot_intro_bumper_action_include Boolean This controls if the creative will target video intro positions for VAST video auctions. The default is true. To ensure that your creative does not target the intro adpod position, set this field to false.

Note: You can target ad slots or ad bumpers, but not both.

Default: true
ad_slot_outro_bumper_action_include Boolean This controls if the creative will target video outro positions for VAST video auctions. The default is true. To ensure that your creative does not target the outro adpod position, set this field to false.

Note: You can target ad slots or ad bumpers, but not both.

Default: true
screen_size_action string Deprecated.
Default: exclude
screen_size_targets array of objects Deprecated.
optimization_zone_action string Not currently supported.
Default: exclude
optimization_zone_targets array of objects Not currently supported.
created_on timestamp Read-only. The date and time when the profile was created.
is_expired Boolean Read-only. If true, the object associated with the profile is expired. This parameter is only supported for internal purposes.
Default: false
inventory_network_resold_targets array of objects Deprecated.
exelate_targets array of objects Deprecated.
inventory_url_allowlist_settings object This object contains fields used to determine how allowlists are applied to line item buying. See Inventory URL Allowlist Settings.
ads_txt_authorized_only Boolean When true, the line item will only target web inventory from authorized sellers of domains that have an ads.txt file.

Note: The ads_txt_authorized_only targeting parameter only applies to Open Exchange inventory. It does not affect targeting of deal inventory. It also does not apply to app inventory (since use of an ads.txt file for app inventory has not yet been adopted by the industry). For more information, see Ads.txt FAQ for Buyers.
Default: false
political_district_targets array of objects The political district IDs to target.
See example.
IDs can be fetched using the Political District Service.

dma_targets format


domain_targets format


size_targets example


seller_member_group_targets format


deal_list_targets example


intended_audience_targets example


postal_code_targets example


postal_code_list_targets example


political_district_targets example


Targeting results for deal_action_include AND deal_targets fields

The following targeting results occur for these values of the deal_action_include AND deal_targets fields:

deal_action_include deal_targets Targeting Result
true null Target no deals
false null Target all deals
true Contains deal targets Include these deals in targeting
false Contains deal targets Exclude these deals in targeting

Mobile app instance targets

For more information about mobile app instances, including instructions on adding them to your profile, see the Mobile App Instance Service.

Field Type Description
id int The unique ID of the mobile app instance.
bundle_id string The bundle ID of this mobile app instance.
os_family_id int The OS family ID associated with this mobile app instance.

Mobile app instance list targets

For more information about mobile app instance lists, including instructions on adding them to your profile, see the Mobile App Instance List Service.

Field Type Description
id int The unique ID of the mobile app instance list.
name string The name of this mobile app instance list.
description string An optional description of the list's purpose or contents.

Daypart targets

Each object in the daypart_targets array includes the following fields. For formatting, see the View a profile example below.

Field Type Description
day enum The day of the week.
Possible values: sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, or all.

Note: These strings must be in lower case.
start_hour int The start hour for the daypart. This must be an integer between 0 and 23. The campaign will start serving at the beginning of the hour (6 is equivalent to "6:00" am).
end_hour int The end hour for the daypart. This must be an integer between 0 and 23. The campaign will stop serving at the end of the hour (23 is equivalent to "23:59").

Segment targets

You define the Boolean logic between segments with segment_boolean_operator field outside of the array. If segment_boolean_operator is AND, then the profile will only target users that satisfy all segment targets. If the segment_boolean_operator is OR, then the profile will target users that satisfy any of the specified segments. For detailed guidance on Boolean logic for segment targeting, see Segment Targeting.

Field Type Description
id int The ID of the segment.
Required On: POST
code string The custom code for the segment.
action enum Possible values: include or exclude.
Default: include
start_minutes int The lower bound for the amount of time since a user was added to the segment.
Default: 0
expire_minutes int The upper bound for the amount of time since a user was added to the segment.
Default: -1
other_equals int The exact segment value to target.

Note: If you use other_in_list, you cannot use this field.
Default: null
other_less int The non-inclusive upper bound for segment value targeting.
Default: null
other_greater int The non-inclusive lower bound for segment value targeting.
Default: null
other_in_list array The list of segment values to target.If you use other_equals, you cannot use this field.
Default: null


For other_equals, other_less, other_greater, and other_in_list, the segment value can be an "other" value passed by the segment pixel or can be related to segment query string values (see the "querystring_mapped" field in the Segment Service). For examples of how to target query string values in a segment, see other examples below.

In segment targeting, you need to keep the settings for the Boolean logic consistent, otherwise you would not be able to edit the segments in Microsoft Invest UI. For consistent Boolean logic settings, you need to ensure that:

  • segment_boolean_operator field is set as either “and” or “or”.
  • The boolean_operator field in each object of the segment_group_targets array (See Segment Group Targets) is set as either “and” or “or”. However this value should be the opposite of what is set in segment_boolean_operator above. For example, if the value set in segment_boolean_operator is "or", the value of boolean_operator for the objects should be "and".
  • The value of boolean_operator field for all objects in the segment_group_targets array needs to be same. In short, you cannot have boolean_operator of one object as "and" and other as "or" in the same profile. For an example of consistent and inconsistent JSONs, see below.

Consistent JSONs

               "name":"Travel Intender",
               "name":"XAS - US HH Demographic - Online Shopping - Travel",
               "name":"XAS - US HH Demographic - Online Shopping - Electronics and Gadgets",
               "name":"XAS - US HH Demographic - Online Shopping - Apparel",
               "name":"XAS - US HH Demographic - Online Shopping - Buy Online",
               "name":"XAS - US HH Demographic - Online Shopping - Personal Health",
               "name":"XAS - US HH Demographic - Online Shopping - Shoes",
               "name":"XAS - US HH Demographic - Online Shopping - Shoes",
               "name":"Xandr Audiences - Demographic - Occupation - Detail - Attorneys",
               "name":"Xandr Audiences - Demographic - Occupation - Detail - Accountants/CPA",

Inconsistent JSONs

            "- - same as segment_boolean_operator + also all other boolean_operators in the rest of the object is set to",
            "therefore this is inconsistent behavior"
               "name":"Travel Intender",
               "name":"XAS - US HH Demographic - Online Shopping - Travel",
               "name":"XAS - US HH Demographic - Online Shopping - Electronics and Gadgets",
               "name":"XAS - US HH Demographic - Online Shopping - Apparel",
               "name":"XAS - US HH Demographic - Online Shopping - Buy Online",
               "name":"XAS - US HH Demographic - Online Shopping - Personal Health",
               "name":"XAS - US HH Demographic - Online Shopping - Shoes",
               "name":"XAS - US HH Demographic - Online Shopping - Shoes",
               "name":"Xandr Audiences - Demographic - Occupation - Detail - Attorneys",
               "name":"Xandr Audiences - Demographic - Occupation - Detail - Accountants/CPA",

Segment targets example

In this example, since the segment_boolean_operator is AND, the profile will target only users that fit in both segment 86 and segment 202.

            "name":"Network segment 1",
            "name":"Credit Score segment",

Segment group targets

Each segment group object contains the following fields.


You define the Boolean logic between groups with the segment_boolean_operator field outside of the array, and you define the Boolean logic between segments in a group with the boolean_operator field within the group object. See the example below for formatting and for an example of the logic of combining segment_boolean_operator and boolean_operator. For detailed guidance on Boolean logic for segment targeting, see Segment Targeting.

Null segments cannot be added.

You may not add null segments to this array using POST or PUT.

Field Type Description
boolean_operator enum The boolean logic between segments in a segment group. Possible values: and or or.
The value of boolean_operator field for all objects in the segment_group_targets array needs to be same.
In short, you cannot have boolean_operator of one object as "and" and other as "or" in the same profile.
Default: or
Required: POST
id int The ID of the segment.
Required: POST
code string The custom code for the segment.
action enum Possible values: include or exclude.
Default: include
start_minutes int The lower bound for the amount of time since a user was added to the segment.
Default: 0
expire_minutes int The upper bound for the amount of time since a user was added to the segment.
Default: -1
other_equals string The exact segment value to target.

Note: If you use other_in_list, you cannot use this field.
Default: null
other_less int The non-inclusive upper bound for segment value targeting.
Default: null
other_greater int The non-inclusive lower bound for segment value targeting.
Default: null
other_in_list array The list of segment values to target.

Note: If you use other_equals, you cannot use this field.
Default: null


For other_equals, other_less, other_greater, and other_in_list, the segment value can be an "other" value passed by the segment pixel or can be related to segment query string values (see the "querystring_mapped" field in the Segment Service). For examples of how to target query string values in a segment, see other examples below.

Segment group targets example

In this example, since the segment_boolean_operator is OR and the boolean_operator for each group is AND, the profile will target only users that fit in both segment 11 and segment 22 or both segment 33 and segment 44.


Age targets

Field Type Description
allow_unknown Boolean Determines whether to include targets where age is not know.
Default: false
ages array of objects The age ranges targeted in this profile.

ages object

Field Type Description
low int The lower bound of the age range (min 13).
high int The upper bound of the age range (max 100).

Age targets example


Gender targets

The gender_targets object contains the following fields.

Field Type Description
gender enum The gender of the user. Possible values: m (male), or f (female).
Default: null
Required On: POST
allow_unknown Boolean If true, target ad calls where the gender of the user is not available.
Default: false

Country targets

Each object in the country_targets array contains the following fields.

Field Type Description
id int The ID of the country. You can use the Country Service to retrieve a complete list of country IDs.
name string Read-only. The name of the country.
code string Read-only. The code for the country.

Country targets example

            "name":"United States",

Region targets

Each object in the region_targets array contains the following fields.

Field Type Description
id int The ID of the region. You can use the Region Service to retrieve a list of region IDs.
name string Read-only. The name of the region.
code string Read-only. The code for the region.
country_name string Read-only. The name of the country to which the region belongs.
country_code string Read-only. The code for the country to which the region belongs.

Region targets example

            "name":"New York",
            "country_name":"United States",
Field Type Description
require_transparency_and_consent_framework_string boolean - If true, only allow associated objects to purchase inventory where valid TCF string is present
- If false, allow associated objects to purchase any inventory that falls within pre-defined targeting declarations.


This parameter is only applicable to the traffic coming from territories where GDPR applies.



City targets

Each object in the city_targets array contains the following fields.

Field Type Description
id int The ID of the city to target. You can use the City Service to retrieve a list of city IDs.
name int Read-only. The name of the city to target.
region_name string Read-only. The name of the region to which the city belongs.
region_code string Read-only. The code of the region to which the city belongs.
country_name enum Read-only. The name of the country to which the region belongs.
country_code enum Read-only. The code of the country to which the region belongs.

City targets example

            "country_name":"United States"

Inventory lists

Each object in the inventory_url_list_targets array includes the following fields.

Field Type Description
deleted Boolean Read-only. Indicates whether the inventory list has been deleted.
id int The ID of the allowlist or blocklist to be applied.
- The allowlist contains a list of domains and apps to be targeted by the line item that uses the profile.
- Each blocklist contains a list of domains and apps to be excluded from targeting by the line item that uses the profile.
Required On: POST, PUT
list_type string Read-only. Denotes whether the list is a blocklist or allowlist. Valid values are allowlist or blocklist.

Note: The list_type field (used by the Inventory List Service) is not used by the Profile Service for determining whether an inventory list is excluded (blocklist) in targeting or included (allowlist). For excluding or including an inventory list in targeting, see exclude field in this table.
name string Read-only. Name of the allowlist or blocklist.
exclude Boolean Read-only. If true, the inventory list will be excluded from targeting (i.e., treated as a blocklist). If false, the inventory list will be included in targeting (i.e., treated as an allowlist). This field is solely dependent on the inventory list_type field described above.

Inventory lists example

            "name":"Blocklist to exclude medical sites",
            "name":"Blocklist to exclude military sites",
            "name":"Line Item - Blocklist - 2017-08-23T21:44:42Z",
            "name":"Test Allowlist for Targeting",

Content category targets

The content_category_targets object includes the allow_unknown field, which is a Boolean, and the content_category array. Each object in the content_category array contains the following fields.

Field Type Description
id int The ID of the content category to target.
Default: null
Required On: POST
action num The action to take for this content category.
Possible values: include or exclude.
If include, then category will be targeted; if exclude, the category will explicitly not be targeted.
Default: exclude

Content category targets example


Video targets

The video_targets object contains the allow_unknown_playback_method, allow_unknown_context, allow_unknown_player_size fields and the playback_methods, contexts, player_sizes arrays. For Deals, it also contains the deal_creative_duration field and the video_frameworks arrays.

Field Type Description
allow_unknown_playback_method Boolean Use this field to target inventory where the playback method is unknown. Set this field to true when using the fields of the playback_method array to target specific playback methods AND when you want to include inventory for which no playback method information has been provided.
If you are not targeting specific playback methods, this field will have no effect on targeting.
Default: false
allow_unknown_context Boolean Use this field to target inventory where the context is unknown. Set this field to true when using the fields of the contexts array to target specific contexts AND when you want to include inventory for which no context information has been provided.
If you are not targeting specific contexts, this field will have no effect on targeting.
Default: false
allow_unknown_player_size Boolean Use this field to target inventory where the player size is unknown. Set this field to true when using the fields of the player_sizes array to target specific player sizes AND when you want to include inventory for which no player size information has been provided.
If you are not targeting specific player sizes, this field will have no effect on targeting.
Default: false


  • When you do NOT set any specific video targeting options, you will target all inventory, including undefined inventory.
  • Ensure that you have elected to include or exclude intro and outro creatives by setting them in the ad_slot_intro_bumper_action_include and ad_slot_outro_bumper_action_include fields.


The default value is an empty array, and will target any roll position. The contexts array contains objects with the following fields:

Field Type Description
id int The ID of the context. Possible values:
- 1: position-pre-roll
- 2: position-mid-roll
- 3: position-post-roll
- 4: outstream
name string Read-only. Possible values: pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll, or outstream.

Playback methods

The default value is an empty array, and will target any playback method. The playback_methods array contains the following fields:

Field Type Description
id int The ID of the playback method. Possible values:
- 1: playback-method-auto-play-sound-on
- 2: playback-method-auto-play-sound-off
- 3: playback-method-click-to-play
- 4: playback-method-mouse-over
- 5: playback-method-auto-play-sound-unknown
name string Read-only. Possible values: auto_play_sound_on, auto_play_sound_off, click_to_play, mouse_over, or auto_play_sound_unknown.

Player sizes

The default value is an empty array, and will target any player size. The player_sizes array contains objects with the following fields:

Field Type Description
id int The ID of the player size. Possible values:
- 1: player-size-sm
- 2: player-size-med
- 3: player-size-lg
name string Read-only. Possible values: small, medium, or large.
min_width int Read-only. The minimum width of the player, in pixels.
max_width int Read-only. The maximum width of the player, in pixels.

Creative duration

The deal_creative_duration setting is only used by video deal line items. It lets deals target impressions that allow at least a given creative duration, so creatives of the defined length can successfully serve through a deal without errors. It will aggregate only the impressions with the given setting already in place.

Field Type Description
deal_creative_duration int The duration of the video creative in seconds.

Video frameworks

The video_frameworks array is only used by video deal line items. It lets deals target impressions that allow a given video framework (for example, VPAID) so creatives of this type can successfully serve through a deal without errors. This setting won’t override existing placement settings; it will aggregate only the impressions with the given setting already in place.

Field Type Description
id int The id of the video framework. IDs include:
- VPAID 1.0
- VPAID 2.0
name string The name of the video framework.
Possible values:
- vpaid_1_0
- vpaid_2_0
- mraid_1
- ormma
- mraid_2

Video frameworks example


Engagement rate targets

The engagement_rate_targets array of objects is used to target specific, highly performant inventory based on historic performance. You can use targeting criteria to purchase either video inventory with a high completion rate, or highly viewable inventory, by specifying the desired video completion rate or viewability rate.

Field Type Description
engagement_rate_type enum The targeting criteria.
Possible values:
- 1: video_completion - Video Completion Rate. A prediction of how likely a video impression is to be fully played (video completes/total impressions).
- 2: view - Predicted IAB Viewability Rate (previously known as "Estimated IAB Viewthrough Rate"). A prediction of how likely a web display impression is to be viewable (viewed/measured impressions), judged by the IAB standard.
- 3: view_over_total - Predicted IAB Viewability Rate Over Total. A prediction of how likely a web display impression is to be viewable (viewed/total impressions), judged by the IAB standard.
- 4: predicted_iab_video_view_rate - Predicted IAB Video Viewability Rate. A prediction of how likely a web video impression is to be viewable (viewed/measured impressions), judged by the IAB standard.
- 5: predicted_iab_video_view_rate_over_total - Predicted IAB Video Viewability Rate Over Total A prediction of how likely a web video impression is to be viewable (viewed/total impressions), judged by the IAB standard.
- 6: predicted_100pv50pd_video_view_rate - Predicted Video Viewability Rate (100% View, 50% Duration, Sound On). A prediction of how likely a web video impression is to be viewable (viewed/measured impressions), judged by this custom standard (100% viewable, 50% duration, sound on).
- 7: predicted_100pv50pd_video_view_rate_over_total - Predicted Video Viewability Rate Over Total (100% View, 50% Duration, Sound On). A prediction of how likely a web video impression is to be viewable (viewed/total impressions), judged by this custom standard (100% viewable, 50% duration, sound on).
- 8: predicted_100pv1s_display_view_rate - Predicted Viewability Rate (100% View). A prediction of how likely a web display impression is to be viewable (viewed/measured impressions), judged by this custom standard (100% viewable, 1 second).
- 9: predicted_100pv1s_display_view_rate_over_total - Predicted Viewability Rate Over Total (100% View). A prediction of how likely a web display impression is to be viewable (viewed/total impressions), judged by this custom standard (100% viewable, 1 second).
engagement_rate_pct int Possible values: 1 - 100.

Deal targets

Each object in the deal_targets array contains the following fields.


To target or exclude deals, in addition to setting the fields within this array as needed, you must also:

  • Set the deal_action_include field to true or false (depending on inclusion or exclusion).
  • When using ALIs, set the deals field to true within the supply_strategies array of the Line Item Service.
  • Programmatic Guaranteed Buying Line Items can only have one deal target in the deal_targets array.
Field Type Description
id int The ID of the deal. To retrieve the IDs of your deals, use the Deal Buyer Access Service.
name string Read-only. The name of the deal.
code string Read-only. The custom code for the deal. For deals with external supply partners, this is generally the string that you will use to identify the deal.

Deal targets example

            "name":"Deal with external supply partner",
            "name":"Deal with UI seller",

Position targets

The position_targets object contains the following fields.

Field Type Description
allow_unknown Boolean If true, the profile will target placements for which the fold position is not known.
Default: false
positions array of objects The fold positions to target. Possible values: "above" or "below".

Position targets example


Device model targets

Each object in the device_model_targets array contains the following fields.


To retrieve the IDs of device models registered in our system, use the Device Model Service.

Field Type Description
id int The ID of the device model.
name string Read-only. The name of the device model, i.e., Onetab XST2, PAD7, A101, etc.

Device model targets example

            "name":"Onetab XST2"

Device type targets

The device_type_targets array can contain one or more of the following strings:

  • phone
  • tablet
  • pc
  • tv
  • gameconsole
  • stb
  • mediaplayer

Device type targets example


Carrier targets

Each object in the carrier_targets array contains the following fields.


  • To retrieve the IDs of mobile carriers registered in our system, use the Carrier Service.

  • The ability to target by carrier refers to the fact that you can target devices currently using that carrier's network. You are not able to target subscribers of the network.

    For example, a Verizon iPhone using a 4G network can be targeted as Verizon when on 4G, but not when the user is connected to their home wifi.

Field Type Description
id int The ID of the mobile carrier.
name string Read-only. The name of the mobile carrier.
country enum Read-only. The ISO code for the country in which the carrier operates.

Carrier targets example

            "name":"Verizon - US",
            "name":"Sprint - US",
            "name":"Orange - US",

IP range list targets

For more information about IP range lists, see the IP Range List Service.

Per profile, you can target up to 10 "include" IP range lists (include set to true in the IP range list) and no more than 1 "exclude" IP range list (include set to false in the IP range list). The excluded IP ranges must be a subset of the included IP ranges.

Field Type Description
id int The unique ID of this IP range list.
name string Read-only. The name of this IP range list.
include Boolean Read-only. Whether to include or exclude the IP ranges in the IP range list. This is defined in the IP range list itself, not in the profile
description string Read-only. An optional description of the list's purpose or contents.

Operating system extended targets

The operating_system_extended_targets array specifies operating system versions (e.g., Android 3.x, Apple iOS 6, etc.) to either include in or exclude from your targeting.


operating_system_extended_targets array is used to target specific operating system versions, whereas operating_system_family_targets is used to target all versions of operating systems.

  • OS family targets and OS extended targets work together

    The OS Family and OS Extended Targets are most effective when used together. For examples of how to use their combined targeting capabilities, see the Use OS Family Targets and OS Extended Targets together example below.

  • To use operating_system_extended_targets, you must set use_operating_system_extended_targeting to true. Once a profile is created using the operating_system_extended_targets, you will not be allowed to set use_operating_system_extended_targeting to false or populate the operating_system_targets fields on PUT.

Each object in the operating_system_extended_targets array contains the following fields.

Field Type Description
id int The ID of the operating system version. To retrieve the IDs of operating system versions registered in our system, use the Operating System Extended Service.
name string Read-only. The name of the operating system version, e.g., Android 3.x, Apple iOS 5, etc.
action enum Action to be taken on id.
Possible values: include or exclude.

Operating system extended targets example

            "name":"Android 2.1",
            "name":"Android 2.2",

Operating system family targets

The operating_system_family_targets array specifies the operating systems as a whole (e.g., Android, Apple iOS, Windows 7, Windows 11 etc.) to either include in or exclude from your targeting, as defined by the operating_system_family_action field.


operating_system_family_action field is used to target all versions of operating systems, whereas operating_system_targets is used to target specific versions of operating systems.

OS Family Targets and OS Extended Targets Work Together

The OS Family and OS Extended Targets are most effective when used together. For examples of how to use their combined targeting capabilities, see the Use OS Family Targets and OS Extended Targets together example below.

Each object in the operating_system_family_targets array contains the following fields.

Field Type Description
id int The ID of the operating system family. To retrieve the IDs of operating system families registered in our system, use the Operating System Family Service.
name string Read-only. The name of the operating system family, i.e., Microsoft Windows, Android, Apple iOS, etc.

Operating system family targets example

            "name":"Apple iOS"

Key value targets

The key_value_targets field defines the combination of custom keys and values that are targeted in this profile. The field is a parsed version of a logical expression.

You can find more information on how key value targeting works and details on how to parse out expressions for the profile service at Custom Key Value Targeting.

key_value_targets object

Field Type Description
kv_expression object This is a wrapper object that contains all the key/value targeting objects, including the header and exp objects.
Field Type Description
header object Versioning information used to evaluate the expression.
exp object The regular expression that defines the combination of key/values.

header object

Field Type Value Description
an_version string 1.0 The version of the back-end engine evaluating the expression.
Current version is 1.0. This field is required on PUT and POST.
client_version string 1.0 The version of the client-facing implementation of the expression (the format shown in the example below). Current version is 1.0. This field is required on PUT and POST.

exp object

Field Type Description
typ string The operators used in the expression. Possible values include:
- and
- or
- not
- in
- eq (equal to)
- gt (greater than)
- lt (less than)
- gte (greater than or equal to)
- lte (less than or equal to)
- neq (not equal to)

The operators and, or, and not can be used only with sub-expressions.
The operators gt, lt, gte and lte can be used only with numeric values.
All operators must be lowercase.
sbe exp object An object containing the sub-expression (the elements of the expression).
key string The name of the targeting key.
vtp type This field identifies the data type of the expression value. The value you enter in this field must match the field and type of the corresponding value field. The following values are valid:
- num: numeric; a value must be provided in the vnm field.
- str: string; a value must be provided in the vst field.
- nma: numeric array; a value must be provided in the vna field.
- sta: string array; a value must be provided in the vsa field.
vnm numeric value The value as a 32-bit signed float (for example, 25.3). Numbers can be up to 13 digits (with a maximum of six digits to the right of the decimal point).
vst string The value as a string.
vna array of numeric values A set of values as an array of floats.
vsa array of strings A set of values as an array of strings.

Key value targets example


Inventory URL allowlist settings

The fields in this object are used to set how allowlists attached to a line item will be applied. All allowlists will be applied to RTB buying by default. You can additionally choose to apply the allowlists to Managed buying as well.

Field Type Description
apply_to_managed boolean Designates whether the allowlist is to be applied to managed buying. If set to true, any allowlists associated with the line item will be applied to managed buying.

Note: Set this field to true if the line item associated with this profile has its inventory_type field set to direct.
Default: false
apply_to_rtb boolean Read-only. All allowlists associated with the line item will be applied to RTB buying.
Default: false

Inventory URL allowlist settings example



View a profile

This is an example of a profile service.


For the sake of demonstration, this profile has an unrealistic targeting strategy.

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''

         "last_modified":"2015-07-17 20:01:56",
         "created_on":"2015-07-17 20:01:56",
               "name":"United States",
               "name":"New York",
               "country_name":"United States",
               "name":"Social media",
               "name":"Photo and video sharing",
               "name":"Forums (moderated)",
               "name":"Forums (unmoderated)",
               "name":"Incentivized clicks",
               "name":"Non-english languages",
               "name":"Streaming media",
               "name":"Toolbars, plugins, or extensions",
               "name":"Contextual Nudity",
               "name":"Internet Explorer (other versions)",
               "name":"Opera (all versions)",
               "name":"Test Domain List 1",
               "billing_name":"AppNexus Demo"
               "name":"BlackBerry OS"
               "name":"Mopub iOS Apps 1-100",
                  "name":"Beauty and Personal Care",
                  "name":"Arts and Entertainment",

Target a range of query string values

Scenario: Two auto publishers told you to expect "car year" data in the query strings of their placements. The first passes the year with the "car_year" parameter, and the second passes the year with the "car_YYYY" parameter. In order to target this information in your campaign, you added the "car_year" parameter to segment 25 and the "car_YYYY" parameter to segment 26. Now you want to update the campaign's profile to target placements that include either parameter when the parameter passes any year between "car_year=2009" and "car_year=2012", so you create the following JSON and make a PUT call to update the profile.

$ cat profile_update

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X PUT -d @profile_update ''


Target a list of query string values

Scenario: An auto publisher told you to expect any of the following key-values in the query strings of their placements: "car_make=ford", "car_make=honda", or "car_make=toyota". In order to target such information, you added the parameter and values to segment 12. Now you want to update the campaign's profile to target those values, so you create the following JSON and make a PUT call to update the profile.

$ cat profile_update

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X PUT -d @profile_update ''


Target an exact query string value

Scenario: An auto publisher told you to expect the following key-values in the query strings of their placements: car_color=red, car_color=blue, or car_color=black. In order to target such information, you added the parameter and values to segment 15. Now you want to update the campaign's profile to target a specific query string value, black, so you create the following JSON and make a PUT call to update the profile.

$ cat profile_update

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X PUT -d @profile_update ''


Target specific countries

Scenario: You want to target your profile to the United States and Canada. This requires setting country_action to include and country_targets to US and CA, so you create the following JSON and make a PUT call to update the profile.

$ cat profile_update

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X PUT -d @profile_update ''


Target a specific state but exclude a DMA

Scenario: You want to target your profile to the state of New York, excluding the New York City area. This requires setting region_action to include, region_targets to US:NY, dma_action to exclude, and dma_targets to 501, which is the DMA code for New York City. You therefore create the following JSON and make a PUT call to update the profile.

$ cat profile_update

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X PUT -d @profile_update ''


Target a deal

Scenario: You have negotiated a deal with a seller that grants you access to inventory that is not available to other buyers (i.e., a private auction). To take advantage of this deal, you need to use the Deal Buyer Access Service to find the deal ID and then update the deal_targets array of your profile to target that ID.

  1. To find the ID for your deal, you make a GET call to the Deal Buyer Access Service and identify the right deal. Alternately, if you know the member ID of the seller, you can pass it in the query string to retrieve only deals you have with that seller, as shown below.

    $ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''
                "name":"Private deal for buyer 1085 with floor of 2.5",
                "start_date":"2013-12-01 00:00:00",
                "end_date":"2013-12-31 23:59:59",
                "last_modified":"2013-12-04 22:37:49",
                   "name":"Private Auction"
  2. You then create the JSON file with deal_targets set to the ID of the deal.

    $ cat profile_update
  3. Finally, you make a PUT call to update the profile.

    $ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X PUT -d @profile_update ''

Use OS family targets and OS extended targets together

The OS extended and OS family targets work in tandem to allow different targeting scenarios for specific operating system families. This functionality is best represented by usage examples. This section contains the following examples (scroll down or search to view them).

  • Target iOS 7.0 devices; all other OS families and other iOS versions will not serve.
  • Target all iOS devices regardless of version; all other OS families will not serve.
  • Target all OSes that are not Unknown, Linux, or Symbian.
  • Target all Android devices, along with iOS 7.0.
  • Target all Android and all iOS and all Windows Mobile.
  • Target Mac OS 10.8 (Mountain Lion) and MS Windows 8.0.
  • Target Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) and all Windows Desktop except XP and 2000.
  • Target all iOS operating systems except 2.0 and 2.1.
  • Invalid configuration: Cannot include an OS family and exclude its members.
  • Invalid configuration: Cannot include and exclude members of the same OS family.
  • Invalid configuration: Cannot include members of an excluded OS family.

Target iOS 7.0 devices; all other OS families and other iOS versions will not serve

         "name":"iOS 7.0",

Target all iOS devices regardless of version; all other OS families will not serve

         "name":"Apple iOS"

Target all OS that are not Unknown, Linux, or Symbian

In other words, serve on any Android, iOS, MacOS, Windows, Blackberry, or Windows Mobile device.

            "name":"Symbian OS"

Target all Android devices, along with iOS 7.0

All other iOS versions will not serve, and all non-Android devices will not serve.

         "name":"iOS 7.0",

Target all Android and all iOS and all Windows mobile

            "name":"Apple iOS"
            "name":"Microsoft Mobile"

Target Mac OS 10.8 (Mountain Lion) and MS Windows 8.0

This example combines OS Extended Targets from different OS families.

            "name":"10.8 Mountain Lion",
            "name":"Windows 8",

Target Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) and all Windows Desktop except XP and 2000

            "name":"10.8 Mountain Lion",
            "name":"Windows 2000",
            "name":"Windows XP",

Target all iOS operating systems except 2.0 and 2.1

            "name":"Apple iOS"
            "name":"iOS 2.0"
            "name":"iOS 2.1"

The following profile targeting configurations are invalid and may result in unexpected behavior.

Invalid configuration: Cannot include an OS family and exclude its members

            "name":"Apple iOS"
            "name":"iOS 2.0"
            "name":"iOS 2.1"

Invalid configuration: Cannot include and exclude members of the same OS family

            "name":"iOS 2.0",
            "name":"iOS 2.1",

Invalid configuration: Cannot include members of an excluded OS family

            "name":"Apple iOS"
            "name":"iOS 2.0"
            "name":"iOS 2.1"

Target ad pod positions

Target specific ad slot positions (last, first, third)


Target only bumper positions (intro and outro)


Target any ad pod slot


Exclude all ad pod slots and bumpers

This behavior is not something you will want to replicate; you will not serve on anything.


Target only the intro bumper


The following profile targeting configurations are invalid and may result in unexpected behavior.

Invalid configuration: Cannot target all ad slots and all bumper positions


Target a Programmatic Guaranteed deal

Scenario: You have negotiated a Programmatic Guaranteed deal (PG deal) with a seller and would like to target this deal with a PG buying line item. You'll need to create a PG deal profile using the PG deal ID. You then must associate this profile with a PG buying line item to target the deal (see the Create a PG buying line item example in Line Item ALI Service).

  1. Create a PG deal profile JSON that includes the deal target ID.


    For PG buying line items, you can only have one deal target in the deal_targets array.

    $ cat pg_deal_profile
  2. Make a POST request to the endpoint with this PG deal profile JSON and an appropriate advertiser_id.

    $ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @pg_deal_profile ''
             "last_modified":"2019-08-07 19:43:12",
             "created_on":"2019-08-07 19:43:12",
                   "name":"PG Deal 123",
  3. Create a PG buying line item and associate it with the ID of the newly created PG deal profile (see the Create a PG buying line item example in Line Item ALI Service).

    Target a specific political district
