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Microsoft Monetize - Control your deals with sellers

You can control deals received from sellers on the Deals screen. You can:

  • Set deal review preferences to require a review or allow any new deals received from a seller to be set to Active status automatically

  • Accept or decline deals upon review

  • Manage the status of deals at any time by accepting, deactivating, or declining them

  • Assign a deal alias (internal name) to any seller deal for easier management within your organization


    For more information on managing deals with sellers including viewing basic and advanced deal metrics, monitoring each deal's health, and running detailed reports, see Manage Your Deals with Sellers.

Getting to the deals screen

To reach the Deals with Sellers screen, select Partners > Deals.

Setting deal review preferences

Buyers can configure the default manner in which they process new seller deals by selecting one of the following settings:

  • Default Active: new seller deals will be set to Active status by default when received. Deals can be declined or changed to Inactive status later if necessary (see Managing Deal Status).

  • Require Review: new seller deals will be set to Pending status by default when received until the deals are reviewed by the buyer and accepted or declined (see Accepting or Declining Deals).


    • Default Active is the default setting if no deal review preference is set.
      • Changing the review preference only affects new deals. It does not change the status of existing deals.

    To set the deal review preference for new seller deals, do the following:

  1. Select Partners > Deals.
  2. On the top right of the Deals screen, click the edit icon on New Deals Do Not Require Approval (or New Deals Require Approval if it’s been changed previously) to open Review Preferences.
  3. On the Review Preferences page, select either:
    • Default Active – to accept all new deals and set their status to Active
    • Require Review – to require review of all new deals before accepting or declining them
  4. Click Save.

Accepting or declining deals

If you have set your buyer review preference to Require Review (see Setting Deal Review Preferences), you can then review new deals and accept or decline them. You can also accept or decline deals that are in any status (i.e., Pending, Active, Inactive, or Declined). Accepting deals changes the deal status to Active and declining deals changes the deal status to Declined.

Accepted deals

When you select Accept, the deal is:

  • Added to your list of Active deals

  • Eligible for targeting

  • Passed to the bidstream


    Accepted deals can be set to Inactive status (see Managing Deal Status) if you want to remove them from the list of Active deals.

Declined deals

When you select Decline, the deal is:

  • Added to your list of Declined deals

  • Not eligible for targeting

  • Not passed to the bidstream


    You can change Declined deals to Active at any time (see Managing Deal Status).

To accept or decline one or more new deals:

  1. Select Partners > Deals.
  2. Check the box next to any deals you want to accept or decline (you can search by Deal Name, Deal Alias, Deal ID, or Code).
  3. In the Select drop-down, select Accept or Decline.

Managing deal status

You can manage the status of deals so you can control when each deal is available for targeting. A deal can have a status of Pending, Active, Declined, or Inactive. The following table provides a description of each status, when the status occurs, and available actions you can perform given the status of the deal:

Buyer Deal Status Description Status Occurs When: Available Actions
Pending - Deal not passed in bidstream
- Not available for targeting
- Not included in Target All Deals
Review Preferences set to Require Review. Accept or Decline deal.
Active - Deal passed in bidstream
- Available for targeting, and included in Target All Deals.
- Review Preferences set to Default Active.
- Pending deal is accepted.
- Inactive or Declined deal set to Active.
Set status to Inactive or Declined
Declined - Deal not passed in bidstream
- Not available for targeting
- Not included in Target All Deals
- Pending deal is declined.
- Active deal set to Declined
Set status to Active or Inactive
Inactive - Deal not passed in bidstream
- Not available for targeting
- Not included in Target All Deals
Active deal set to Inactive. Set status to Active or Declined.

Change deal status

To change the status of deals you receive from sellers to Active, Inactive, or Declined, do the following:

  • When you set a deal to Active status, it will only be active if the seller has activated the deal.
  • You cannot change the status of a deal to Pending. This status is only set if a new deal is received when Review Preferences is set to Require Review.
  1. Select Partners > Deals.
  2. Click anywhere in the row of the deal you want to change the status of (you can search by Deal Name, Deal Alias, Deal ID, or Code to find a specific deal).
  3. In the Deal Controls section, click the edit icon and select a status from the Acceptance Status drop-down.
  4. Click Save.

Setting groups of deals to active or declined status

While you can change the status of each deal to Active or Declined using the Deal Controls of each deal, you can only make these changes one deal at a time. If you have a group of deals that you’d like to set to Active or Declined status, you can check the box next to these deals and click Accept in the Select drop-down to set them to Active status, or Decline to set them to Declined status (see Accepting or Declining Deals).

Assigning a deal alias

You can assign a Deal Alias to use as a buyer internal name for seller deals so you can manage these deals by a name you provide for it. The alias you assign to a deal appears in the Deal Alias column of the Deals with Sellers page along with the Deal Name that the seller provided for the deal.


The Deal Alias you assign to a deal is not viewable by the seller of the deal.

To assign a Deal Alias to a deal, do the following:


The Deal Alias field is limited to 254 characters.

  1. Select Partners > Deals.
  2. Click anywhere in the row of the deal you want to assign a Deal Alias to (you can search by Deal Name, Deal Alias, Deal ID, or Code to find a specific deal).
  3. In the Deal Controls section, click the edit icon and enter the internal name in the Deal Alias field.
  4. Click Save.