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Target video attributes via query string parameters

If you use a tag solution for in-stream video, effectively targeting demand requires knowledge and careful implementation of the range of possible tag parameters.

Microsoft Advertising provides clients with a simple-to-use tag to source video demand from a client or server environment. Requests are fulfilled via industry standard VAST XML where the VAST can contain VAST (media files only), VPAID1 (Flash) or VPAID2 (Flash or JavaScript). The ptv and vmap tags can be used on the client side, and the ssptv and ssvmap tags can be used on the server side. These tags are used across multiple use cases, sourcing demand to different device contexts such as desktop web, mobile web, mobile app (iOS and Android), OTT, IPTV, game consoles, and more.

When used for desktop web video, cookies can be used; for mobile apps, device identifiers such as IDFA and AAID can be used. For OTT or IPTV IP, other identifiers may be used for user and device identification. The ptv and ssptv tags can be used with OpenRTB protocols (2.2 and higher).

This page describes available query string parameters and what they target. Each attribute can be added to a/ptv or/ssptv tag using a query string parameter. These attributes are distinct from the creative attributes. Here's an example of a query string parameter:,2&schain=<blahblah>

The following targetable attributes of the video placement and player are compliant with the OpenRTB 2.2 and OpenRTB 2.3 specifications. (For more information, see Incoming Bid Requests from SSPs) The ad call accepts the query string parameters shown below. The Compatible Handlers column notes which tag type(s) work with each parameter.

The following parameters are especially important for success:

  • For web and mobile web inventory, always include the referrer parameter on your video request. For example, include "" where is the appropriate URL for your inventory.
  • Mobile app and CTV inventory require the appid parameter instead of referrer. For example, include "appid=com.xandr" where com.xandr is the app ID for your inventory.
  • To receive exchange demand, you must pass in the either the referrer or appid parameter on all ad requests for video inventory. Not doing so will significantly limit demand for your inventory, and prevent you from monetizing effectively.


Device ID fields are casesensitive.

Basic targetable attributes

Parameter Type Required? Compatible Handlers Description
gdpr boolean Yes, on all GET calls in the EU ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap A boolean value that shows GDPR status for the call.
- 0 = no = GDPR does not apply
- 1 = yes = GDPR applies
gdpr_consent string Yes, on all GET calls in the EU ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap A string containing GDPR consent data. This field is comparable to getConsentData as discussed in IAB Europe's Consent String and Vendor List Format: Transparency & Consent Framework as well as
vmax_slot_duration int Required to monetize CTV inventory on requests with multiple slots in a pod. ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Maximum video duration per slot in an ad pod in seconds. Any creative with a duration longer than this value will be excluded from the pod.

Note: This value only overrides the slot maximum duration defined on the placement video settings if the placement and request (i.e. vmaxduration) does not have a pod maximum duration value specified.
vmax_num_ads int No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Maximum number of ads per ad pod. This is the number of requests that will be sent for a given pod.
vmaxduration int Required to monetize CTV inventory. ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap For single requests, this is the maximum video placement duration in seconds. Any creative with a duration longer than this value will be excluded from the auction. For podded inventory, this is the length of the full pod.
vskippable int No ptv, ssptv Denotes whether the placement is skippable. Possible values:
- 1 - the ad slot is skippable
- 0 - the ad slot is not skippable
vplaybackmethod int No ptv, ssptv Designates the playback method of the placement:
- 1 - Auto-play, sound-on
- 2 - Auto-play, sound-off
- 3 - Click-to-play
- 4 - Mouse-over
- 5 - Auto-play, sound unknown
vwidth int Required to monetize inventory ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Player width (in pixels). While not required, this parameter is recommended in order to ensure video bidders receive both width and height on bid requests.
vheight int Required to monetize inventory ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Player height (in pixels). While not required, this parameter is recommended in order to ensure video bidders receive both width and height on bid requests.
vcontext int Required to monetize inventory ptv, ssptv Position of the video placement. Possible Values:
- 1 - Linear Pre-roll
- 2 - Linear Mid-roll
- 3 - Linear Post-roll
- 4 - Outstream
vframeworks int Required to monetize inventory ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Frameworks supported by the player. Possible values:
- 1 - VPAID 1.0
- 2 - VPAID 2.0
- 3 - MRAID-1
- 4 - MRAID-2
- 5 - ORMMA
- 6 - OMID-1

Note: vframeworks supports single as well as a list of comma-separated integer values. For example,
referrer string Yes, for web traffic ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The URL where the ad will be rendered.
appid int Yes, for mobile app/CTV traffic ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The bundle ID of the mobile/CTV application. A platform-specific application identifier intended to be unique to the app and independent of the exchange. This string is used to identify an app running on Android or Apple iOS mobile devices as well as on Connected TV devices, such as Android TV, Apple TV, Roku, etc. For more details/examples see, IAB Tech Lab OTT/CTV Store Assigned App Identification Guidelines.

- On Android (mobile & CTV), this is the app’s alphanumeric package name defined by the developer in the Google Play Store. It’s formatted as follows: com.example.helloworld, wherein this bundle ID appears at the end of the URL of the app store’s detail page
- On iOS (mobile) and tvOS (CTV), this is the app’s numeric iOS store ID, auto-generated by the Apple App Store. It’s formatted as follows: 123456789, wherein this bundle ID appears at the end of the URL of the app store’s detail page.
- On Roku (CTV), this is the numeric ID autogenerated by Roku. It’s formatted as follows: 123456,wherein this bundle ID is available in the HTML meta-tags in the Roku Channel Store page source following IABTL app-ads.txt guidelines.

Many buyers set campaign targeting and reporting based on appid. Failing to supply a correct appid will make your inventory unattractive to these buyers. Therefore, passing this field is strongly recommended when supply_type is set to mobile_app. Note that this is what our Mobile SDKs do when they request an ad. To find the app ID for a particular app, inspect the app’s detail page, which you can find using a web search. For example, here are the detail pages for the “Tubi” app (with appid bundles available as per above descriptions):

- Google Play (Android):
- Apple (iOS / tvOS):
- Roku:
vv int Required to monetize CTV inventory. ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The VAST version supported by the player:
- 2 - VAST 2.0
- 3 - VAST 3.0
- 4 - VAST 4.0
- 5 - VAST 4.1
- 6 - VAST 4.2.
schain string Required for requests on resold inventory ptv, ssptv Advertising systems should support a parameter in their ad tags or VAST URLs to accept a string-serialized SupplyChain. It is recommended that this parameter be schain. For more information about schain string parameters and their corresponding JSON objects, see: SupplyChain for Non-OpenRTB Requests

eids string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap An extended ID (eid) is passed by a publisher when an auction is initiated. Each eid has 3 comma separated fields, where the source and id are the required fields.
- source: The identity solution source, representing the origin of the ID. For example, you can specify or a custom string for publisher provided ID solutions.
- id: The user ID provided by identity solution.
- rti_partner: The third party identity solution name.
The following example shows two extended IDs, each with their respective fields. To pass multiple IDs, separate the eids with a pipe character:
    - Extended ID1:,id=987654,rti_partner=TDID
    - Extended ID2:,id=1234567,rti_partner=(none)

The two extended IDs are then passed into an endpoint, in the following way:

intro_bumper_min_duration int No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The minimum ad duration, in seconds, if you plan to allow Intro bumpers.
The intro_bumper_min_duration overrides vmin_ad_duration for the intro bumper slot. If intro_bumper_min_duration and override vmin_ad_duration are passed, intro_bumper_min_duration will apply only to the intro bumper and vmin_ad_duration will still be applied to the remainder of the pod.
Note: If the intro min is passed on the request, it activates intro bumpers on the ad request, even if the placement was not enabled for intro bumpers. See Step 14c in Configure a Placement for In-Stream Video.
intro_bumper_max_duration int No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The maximum ad duration, in seconds, if you plan to allow Intro bumpers.
Note: If the intro max is passed on the request, it activates intro bumpers on the ad request, even if the placement was not enabled for intro bumpers. See Step 14c in Configure a Placement for In-Stream Video.
outro_bumper_min_duration int No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The minimum ad duration, in seconds, if you plan to allow Outro bumpers. The outro_bumper_min_duration overrides vmin_ad_duration for the outro bumper slot. If outro_bumper_min_duration and override vmin_ad_duration are passed, the outro_bumper_min_duration will apply only to the outro bumper and vmin_ad_duration will still be applied to the remainder of the pod.
Note: If the outro min is passed on the request, it activates outro bumpers on the ad request, even if the placement was not enabled for outro bumpers. See Step 14c in Configure a Placement for In-Stream Video.
outro_bumper_max_duration int No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The maximum ad duration, in seconds, if you plan to allow outro bumpers.
Note: If the outro max is passed on the request, it activates outro bumpers on the ad request, even if the placement was not enabled for outro bumpers.See Step 14c in Configure a Placement for In-Stream Video.

Additional settings

Parameter Type Required? Compatible Handlers Description
id int Yes ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The unique ID of the placement where the ad will serve. If you'd rather not pass the raw placement ID, you can pass in a combination of member and inv_code parameters. For more information, see the documentation for those parameters.
member int No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap (Optional) The member ID of the member on whose placement the ad will serve. Instead of passing the placement ID, you can pass a combination of this field and inv_code to uniquely identify a specific placement.
carrier string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Name of the mobile carrier. This is optional because our system can usually deduce the carrier from the device's IP address. For Example: AT&T - US. For more information on allowed values for this field, see Carrier Service.
connection_type string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The type of network used by the device. Allowed values are "wifi" or "wan".
content_len int Recommended to monetize CTV inventory. ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The content duration in seconds.
content_livestream int Recommended to monetize CTV inventory. ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Whether the content is live or video on demand (VOD). 0: VOD, 1: Live.
content_genre string Recommended to monetize CTV inventory. ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The genre that best describes the content.
content_program_type string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The type of program (For example: movie, event, episode, etc).
content_contentrating string Recommended to monetize CTV inventory. ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The content rating (For example: PG-13).
content_album string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Album to which the content belongs; typically for audio.
content_artist string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Artist credited with the content.
content_cat string array Recommended to monetize CTV inventory. ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Array of IAB content categories that describe the content producer. Refer to list 5.1.
content_context int Recommended to monetize CTV inventory. ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Type of content (game, video, text, etc.).
content_data_id string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Exchange-specific ID for the data provider.
content_data_name string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Exchange-specific name for the data provider.
content_data_segment object array No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Array of Segment objects that contain the actual data values.
content_embeddable int No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Indicator of whether or not the content is embeddable (Example: An embeddable video player), where 0 = no, 1 = yes.
content_episode int Recommended to monetize CTV inventory. ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Episode number.
content_isrc string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap International Standard Recording Code conforming to ISO-3901.
content_keywords string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Comma separated list of keywords describing the content.
content_prodq int Recommended to monetize CTV inventory. ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Production quality.
content_producer_id string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Content producer or originator ID. Useful if content is syndicated and may be posted on a site using embed tags.
content_producer_cat string array No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Array of IAB content categories that describe the content producer. Refer to list 5.1.
content_producer_name string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Content producer or originator name (e.g., “Warner Bros”).
content_producer_domain string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Highest level domain of the content producer (Example: “”).
content_qagmediarating int No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Media rating per IQG guidelines. Refer to List 5.19.
content_season string Recommended to monetize CTV inventory. ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Content season (Example: “Season 3”).
content_series string Recommended to monetize CTV inventory. ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Content series. Video Examples: “The Office” (television), “Star Wars” (movie), or “Arby ‘N’ The Chief” (made for web). Non-Video Example: “Ecocentric” (Time Magazine blog).
content_sourcerelationship int No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap 0 = indirect, 1 = direct.
content_title string Recommended to monetize CTV inventory. ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Content title. Video Examples: “Search Committee” (television), “A New Hope” (movie), or “Endgame” (made for web). Non-Video Example: “Why an Antarctic Glacier Is Melting So Quickly” (Time magazine article).
content_url string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap URL of the content, for buy-side contextualization or review.
content_userrating string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap User rating of the content (Example: Number of stars, likes, etc.).
content_network string Recommended to monetize CTV inventory. ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The top-level parent company or, where relevant, a sub-brand which owns multiple TV-like channels, d2c content brands, or digital properties on which the content is being viewed.
content_language string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The language of the video content. Specify the language using the two-letter ISO-639-1-alpha-2 code.
channel_name string Recommended to monetize CTV inventory. ptv, ssptv The name of channel the content is airing on.
airtime string No ptv, ssptv The original airtime. It only applies to time-shifted content.
content_id string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The unique alphanumeric content identifier.
devmake string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The manufacturer of the device requesting the ad. Typically, this value is parsed from the UA string parameter (for server-side implementations) or included automatically in the request headers (for client-side integrations). Otherwise, you can use this parameter to pass the information in the query string directly. For Example: da-4G Systems. For more information on allowed values for this field, see the name values from the Device Make Service and prefix them with "da-".
devtype string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The type of the device requesting the ad. Typically, this value is parsed from the UA string parameter (for server-side implementations) or included automatically in the request headers (for client-side integrations). Otherwise, you can use this parameter to pass the information in the query string directly. Allowed values are da-Tablet, da-Mobile Phone, da-Game Console, da-TV, da-Set Top Box, da-Media Player. For more information on how the values in this field get mapped into targeting/reporting, see the Device Type Targets section of Profile Service.
devmodel string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The specific name or number of the device requesting the ad. Typically, this value is parsed from the UA string parameter (for server-side implementations ) or included automatically in the request headers (for client-side integrations). Otherwise, you can use this parameter to pass the information in the query string directly. For Example: da-3499464. For more information on allowed values for this field, see the code values with “da-” prefix from the Device Model Service.
dnt boolean No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap This field is deprecated, and may be removed in the future. Use the LimitAdTrackingEnabled flag instead.
If true, the user has set the system-level preference to not receive behaviorally targeted ads. Allowed values: true, false, 1, or 0.
devtime int No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The time on the device, measured in seconds since the epoch, or UNIX Time.
devtz string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The device's timezone.
external_uid string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap A string that corresponds to an external user ID for this user.
ifa string Required to monetize inventory ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The unique device identifier using the UUID standard (8-4-4-4-12)
ifa_type string Required to monetize inventory ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Possible values are aaid (Android), idfa (AppleTV), afai (Amazon Fire), msai (Microsoft), rida (Roku), ppid, tifa (Tizen (Samsung)), vida (Vizio), lgudid (LG).

Note: If you can't dynamically pass in device or platform IDs, you should use:
- ifa_type=openudid for CTV ad requests if you have authentication data and can pass persistent IDs
- &ifa_type=sessionid if you don't have authentication data with persistent IDs
LimitAdTrackingEnabled boolean No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap If true, the user has set the system-level preference to not receive behaviorally targeted ads. Allowed values: true, false, 1, or 0.
For more information about the system-level ads preferences on iOS, see Opt out of interest-based ads from iAd.
For more information about the system-level ads preferences on Android, see Advertising ID.
md5udid string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The MD5 hash of the ANDROID_ID. This should only be sent for Android devices. This should be URL-encoded.
sha1udid string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The SHA1 hash of the ANDROID_ID. This should only be sent for Android devices. This should be URL encoded..
rida string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The device ID for a Roku device.

Note: This parameter isn't needed if ifa and ifa_type are passed.
idfa string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The Apple advertising identifier for iOS devices running iOS 6+.

Note: This parameter isn't needed if ifa and ifa_type are passed.
aaid string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The Google advertising identifier for Android devices as retrieved from Google Play services.
adid string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The Windows advertising identifier for Windows devices.
Note: This parameter isn't needed if ifa and ifa_type are passed.
ip string Required to monetize CTV inventory. ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap IP address of the device making the ad request, e.g.,
- If no ip is specified for /ptv and /ssptv calls, the system will use the IP passed via the "X-Forwarded-For" HTTP header for geo detection.
language string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The device's language, specified with an ISO Language Code.
loc string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The user's location expressed in latitude and longitude, in the format: snnn.ddddddddddddd,snnn.ddddddddddddd. Up to 13 decimal places of precision are allowed.
loc_age int No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Age of the location data in milliseconds.
loc_prec int No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Precision of the location data in meters.
mcc int No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The Mobile Country Code as specified by the ITU.
mnc int No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The Mobile Network Code as specified by the ITU.
openudid string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The OpenUDID of the device. This should only be sent for iOS versions 5 and below.
orientation string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Device screen orientation during the ad request. Allowed values are "v" or "h".
os string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The operating system and the version number of the device requesting the ad. Typically, this value is parsed from the UA string parameter (for server-side implementations) or included automatically in the request headers (for client-side integrations). Otherwise, you can use this parameter to pass the information in the query string directly. For Example: iPhone - iOS (other versions). For more information on allowed values for this field, see Operating System Service.
pcode string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The postal code of the user requesting an ad. If not specified, postal code will be determined from the IP address.
redirenc string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The redirect URL that should be used in the case where there is no valid creative to serve. The url should be encoded.
reserve int No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The reserve price for this inventory, which is the minimum net amount the placement will accept for placing a creative. This parameter will override a preset price and will set the hard floor (and soft floor where relevant) if Yield Management is not being used or if the reserve price is greater in value than the YM Floor wherein the Floor Rule has the override setting on.
sha1mac string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The SHA1 hash of the ODIN. This should only be sent for iOS versions 5 and below. This should be URL encoded.
st string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The supply type of the inventory, which indicates the environment in which an ad will be shown. Allowed values: "mobile_app", "mobile_web", or "web". Defaults to "mobile_app".
size string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Deprecated. Use vwidth and vheight instead. The requested banner size, for example, "320x50", or the screen size for Interstitial ads.
tmpl_id int No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The supply template identifier.
traffic_source_code string No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap A traffic source code provides the ability to check the third-party traffic source of a particular impression. If the traffic source code is pre-registered with Microsoft Advertising, and is passed via the query string using the trafficSourceCode property, then it would let you know the sources for the third-party traffic occurred for an impression.
This traffic_source_code is included in the Standard Feed and can be used to pass publisher key-value information to the feed.
ua string Required to monetize CTV inventory. ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The user agent string associated with the device requesting an ad. If specified, this value will be used rather than the standard user agent sent via HTTP header. This should be URL encoded. The user agent identifies information such as the device’s operating system as well as the device’s make and model, along with the information about the application, and the software vendor acting on behalf of the user. Many buyers target their audiences based on these parameters and not including them will restrict demand.
us_privacy string No ptv, ssptv The IAB Tech Lab's US Privacy String communicates signals regarding consumer privacy and choice under US privacy regulation. Part of Service Policies
For more information, see: Part of Service Policies
placement_set string No vmap, ssvmap The placement set to be associated with the tag. To learn more, see Placement Set Service.
vmin_ad_duration* int Required to monetize CTV inventory. ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The minimum ad duration, in seconds.
mimes* string Recommended to monetize CTV inventory. ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Video mimes accepted, expressed as a comma-separated list of IDs. You can find the IDs in the Placement Service documentation under "Supported Mime Types."
minbitrate* int Recommended to monetize CTV inventory. ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The minimum bitrate accepted.
mf_min_height* int No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The minimum media file height, in pixels
mf_min_width* int No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The minimum media file width, in pixels
mf_aspect_ratio* int No ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap The media file aspect ratio
an_user_id int No ssptv The Microsoft Advertising user ID
gpp string Yes, on all GET calls in applicable US states ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap Indicates the actual IAB GPP consent string. It implies which vendors are permitted to process personal data and under which conditions. This field is discussed as part of the IAB Tech Lab's Global Privacy Platform (GPP).
gpp_sid string array Yes, on all GET calls in applicable US states ptv, ssptv, vmap, ssvmap A boolean value that shows which sections of the GPP apply for the call.
ext_inv_code A predefined value passed on the query string that can be used in reporting. The value must be entered into the system before it is logged. For more information, see External Inventory Code Service. Example: ext_inv_code=10039