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IChannelReceiver Интерфейс


Предоставляет необходимые функции и свойства для каналов получателя.

public interface class IChannelReceiver : System::Runtime::Remoting::Channels::IChannel
public interface IChannelReceiver : System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannel
public interface IChannelReceiver : System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannel
type IChannelReceiver = interface
    interface IChannel
type IChannelReceiver = interface
    interface IChannel
Public Interface IChannelReceiver
Implements IChannel


ref class MyCustomChannel: public IChannelReceiver
   ChannelDataStore^ myChannelData;
   int myChannelPriority;

   // Set the 'ChannelName' to 'MyCustomChannel'.
   String^ myChannelName;

   // Implement 'ChannelName' property.
   TcpListener^ myTcpListener;
   int myPortNo;
   bool myListening;
   Thread^ myThread;

      : myChannelPriority( 25 ), myChannelName( "tcp" ), myListening( false )

   MyCustomChannel( int portNo )
      myPortNo = portNo;
      array<String^>^myURI = gcnew array<String^>(1);
      myURI[ 0 ] = String::Concat( Dns::Resolve( Dns::GetHostName() )->AddressList[ 0 ], ":", portNo );

      // Store the 'URI' in 'myChannelDataStore'.
      myChannelData = gcnew ChannelDataStore( myURI );

      // Create 'myTcpListener' to listen at the 'myPortNo' port.
      myTcpListener = gcnew TcpListener( myPortNo );

      // Create the thread 'myThread'.
      myThread = gcnew Thread( gcnew ThreadStart( myTcpListener, &TcpListener::Start ) );
      this->StartListening( nullptr );

   property String^ ChannelName 
      virtual String^ get()
         return myChannelName;

   property int ChannelPriority 
      virtual int get()
         return myChannelPriority;
   virtual String^ Parse( String^ myUrl, [Out]String^% objectURI )
      Regex^ myRegex = gcnew Regex( "/",RegexOptions::RightToLeft );
      // Check for '/' in 'myUrl' from Right to left.
      Match^ myMatch = myRegex->Match(myUrl);
      // Get the object URI.
      objectURI = myUrl->Substring( myMatch->Index );
      // Return the channel url.
      return myUrl->Substring( 0, myMatch->Index );

   // Implementation of 'IChannelReceiver' interface.
   property Object^ ChannelData 
      virtual Object^ get()
         return myChannelData;

   // Create and send the object URL.
   virtual array<String^>^ GetUrlsForUri( String^ objectURI )
      array<String^>^myString = gcnew array<String^>(1);
      myString[ 0 ] = String::Concat( Dns::Resolve( Dns::GetHostName() )->AddressList[ 0 ], "/", objectURI );
      return myString;

   // Start listening to the port.
   virtual void StartListening( Object^ data )
      if ( myListening == false )
         myListening = true;
         Console::WriteLine( "Server Started Listening !!!" );

   // Stop listening to the port.
   virtual void StopListening( Object^ data )
      if ( myListening == true )
         myListening = false;
         Console::WriteLine( "Server Stopped Listening !!!" );
class MyCustomChannel : IChannelReceiver
   private ChannelDataStore myChannelData;
   private int myChannelPriority = 25;
   // Set the 'ChannelName' to 'MyCustomChannel'.
   private string myChanneName = "tcp";
   // Implement 'ChannelName' property.
   private TcpListener myTcpListener;
   private int myPortNo;
   private bool myListening = false;
   private Thread myThread;
   public MyCustomChannel(int portNo)
      myPortNo = portNo;
      string [] myURI = new string[1];
      myURI[0] = Dns.Resolve(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList[0] + ":" +
      // Store the 'URI' in 'myChannelDataStore'.
      myChannelData = new ChannelDataStore(myURI);
      // Create 'myTcpListener' to listen at the 'myPortNo' port.
      myTcpListener = new TcpListener(myPortNo);
      // Create the thread 'myThread'.
      myThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(myTcpListener.Start));
   public string ChannelName
         return myChanneName;
   public int ChannelPriority
         return myChannelPriority;
   public string Parse(string myUrl, out string objectURI)
      Regex myRegex = new Regex("/",RegexOptions.RightToLeft);
      // Check for '/' in 'myUrl' from Right to left.
      Match myMatch = myRegex.Match(myUrl);
      // Get the object URI.
      objectURI = myUrl.Substring(myMatch.Index);
      // Return the channel url.
      return myUrl.Substring(0,myMatch.Index);
   // Implementation of 'IChannelReceiver' interface.
   public object ChannelData
         return myChannelData;

   // Create and send the object URL.
   public string[] GetUrlsForUri(string objectURI)
      string[] myString = new string[1];
      myString[0] = Dns.Resolve(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList[0]
                                                         + "/" + objectURI;
      return myString;

   // Start listening to the port.
   public void StartListening(object data)
      if(myListening == false)
         myListening = true;
         Console.WriteLine("Server Started Listening !!!");

   // Stop listening to the port.
   public void StopListening(object data)
      if(myListening == true)
         myListening = false;
         Console.WriteLine("Server Stopped Listening !!!");
Class MyCustomChannel
      Implements IChannelReceiver 
      Private myChannelData As ChannelDataStore
      Private myChannelPriority As Integer = 25
      ' Set the 'ChannelName' to 'MyCustomChannel'.
      Private myChanneName As String = "tcp"
      ' Implement 'ChannelName' property.
      Private myTcpListener As TcpListener
      Private myPortNo As Integer
      Private myListening As Boolean = False
      Private myThread As Thread

      Public Sub New(ByVal portNo As Integer)
         myPortNo = portNo
      Dim myURI(0) As String
      myURI(0) = Dns.Resolve(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList(0).ToString() + ":" + _
      ' Store the 'URI' in 'myChannelDataStore'.
      myChannelData = New ChannelDataStore(myURI)
      ' Create 'myTcpListener' to listen at the 'myPortNo' port.
      myTcpListener = New TcpListener(myPortNo)
      ' Create the thread 'myThread'.
      myThread = New Thread(New ThreadStart(AddressOf myTcpListener.Start))
      End Sub

      Public ReadOnly Property ChannelName() As String Implements IChannelReceiver.ChannelName
         Return myChanneName
      End Get
      End Property

      Public ReadOnly Property ChannelPriority() As Integer _
                                          Implements IChannelReceiver.ChannelPriority
         Return myChannelPriority
      End Get
      End Property

      Public Function Parse(ByVal myUrl As String, ByRef objectURI As String) As String _
                                                      Implements IChannelReceiver.Parse
      Dim myRegex As New Regex("/", RegexOptions.RightToLeft)
      ' Check for '/' in 'myUrl' from Right to left.
      Dim myMatch As Match = myRegex.Match(myUrl)
      ' Get the object URI.
      objectURI = myUrl.Substring(myMatch.Index)
      ' Return the channel url.
      Return myUrl.Substring(0, myMatch.Index)
      End Function 'Parse
      ' Implementation of 'IChannelReceiver' interface.

   Public ReadOnly Property ChannelData() As Object Implements IChannelReceiver.ChannelData
         Return myChannelData
      End Get
   End Property

   ' Create and send the object URL.
   Public Function GetUrlsForUri(ByVal objectURI As String) As String() _
                                             Implements IChannelReceiver.GetUrlsForUri
      Dim myString(0) As String
      myString(0) = Dns.Resolve(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList(0).ToString() + "/" + objectURI
      Return myString
   End Function 'GetUrlsForUri

   ' Start listening to the port.
   Public Sub StartListening(ByVal data As Object) Implements IChannelReceiver.StartListening
      If myListening = False Then
          myListening = True
          Console.WriteLine("Server Started Listening !!!")
      End If
   End Sub

   ' Stop listening to the port.
   Public Sub StopListening(ByVal data As Object) Implements IChannelReceiver.StopListening
      If myListening = True Then
          myListening = False
          Console.WriteLine("Server Stopped Listening !!!")
      End If
   End Sub
End Class


Принимающая сторона каналов должна предоставлять IChannelReceiver интерфейс .



Получает данные для указанного канала.


Возвращает имя канала.

(Унаследовано от IChannel)

Возвращает приоритет канала.

(Унаследовано от IChannel)



Возвращает массив всех URL-адресов для URI.

Parse(String, String)

Возвращает URI-объект в качестве внешнего параметра и URI текущего канала в качестве возвращаемого значения.

(Унаследовано от IChannel)

Дает текущему каналу команду на отслеживание запросов.


Дает текущему каналу команду на прекращение отслеживания запросов.

Применяется к