To perform administrative tasks and facilitate many of the premium features in Viva Engage, users need to be assigned specific roles. The following table describes each of the admin roles and their business functions in Viva Engage.
A Viva Engage license isn't required for an admin to configure Viva Engage (core or premium).
Microsoft 365 Global administrators and Engage administrators don't require a Viva Engage Core or premium license to access the Engage website, the Engage Admin center, or legacy network admin center.
Other Viva Engage admin roles can also administer premium features without an assigned premium license.
Select a role in the table to learn more about it.
Manages all aspects of Microsoft Entra and services that use Microsoft Entra identities. This role controls admin role assignment and configuration in Viva Engage. As such, global admins have unlimited access to settings and to most data, including subscription management.
Configures and manages all aspects of Viva Engage including tenant settings, core and premium features, badges enablement, and compliance. This role is also referred to as Yammer administrator in Microsoft Entra ID.
Manages day-to-day activity and usage in a community to keep it engaged and productive.
Who assigns roles and where?
Some admins have more permissions than others and can assign Viva Engage roles to users. The following table lists admin roles in order of permission levels, with holders of broadest permissions at the top.
Admin role
Can assign these roles
Assigned in
Microsoft 365 Global Administrator
Other global admins, Engage admins, Answers admins (Knowledge manager)
Export data and perform integrations with other tools
Who can assign
Engage admin or verified admin
How to assign
In the Yammer admin center, select Admins. Find and select the user's name and select Make this user an admin. If the user is already an admin, find their name from the Current Admins list and select Grant Verified Admin.
Network Administrator
Configure network settings, usage policy, and user profiles
Assign corporate communicators
Manage internal users, outside guests, and unlisted groups
View activity log in leadership management page in Engage admin center
Enable or disable leadership corner in Viva Engage
Manage storylines for the tenant (storyline creation access management, setting default notifications, etc.)
Manage analytics for campaigns, answers, and the overall network
Import Q&A content through Answers intelligent importer
View reports in the Microsoft 365 Usage Reporting dashboard
Who can assign
Engage admin or network admin and verified admin
How to assign
In the Yammer admin center, select Admins. Find and select the user's name and select Make this user an admin. If the user is already an admin, find their name from the Current Admins list and select Grant Network Admin.
View activity log on leadership management page in Engage admin center
Close conversations
Create and manage official campaigns:
Publish draft campaigns to Active and viewable to the network
Set Active campaigns to Ended
Republish recurring campaigns from Ended to Active
Delete campaigns created by mistake
Update campaign assets (such as goal tracker, cover photo, hashtag theme colors, pinned posts, or pinned resources and links)
View campaign analytics
Who can assign
Engage admin, network admin, verified admin, and other corporate communicators
How to assign
In the Viva Engage admin center, on the Setup and configuration tab, select Manage corporate communicators. Select Add user to search for a user by name or email ID. Assignees appear in the list of active corporate communicators in your organization.
Community Administrator
Community admins only have permissions in their communities:
Engage admins can assign community admins. Additionally, any Engage user who creates a community is automatically assigned the community admin role. Community admins can assign up to 100 other community admins. Note: Network admins and verified admins can prevent Engage users from creating communities. In this case, they must assign the initial community admin who performs all community admin tasks.
How to assign
On the community page, select Settings icon > Manage Members and Admins. Choose a user and select either Make Admin or Revoke Admin.