Aracılığıyla paylaş

AppDomain.GetAssemblies Yöntem


Bu uygulama etki alanının yürütme bağlamı içine yüklenen derlemeleri alır.

 cli::array <System::Reflection::Assembly ^> ^ GetAssemblies();
 virtual cli::array <System::Reflection::Assembly ^> ^ GetAssemblies();
public System.Reflection.Assembly[] GetAssemblies ();
member this.GetAssemblies : unit -> System.Reflection.Assembly[]
abstract member GetAssemblies : unit -> System.Reflection.Assembly[]
override this.GetAssemblies : unit -> System.Reflection.Assembly[]
Public Function GetAssemblies () As Assembly()



Bu uygulama etki alanındaki derleme dizisi.


Özel durumlar

İşlem, yüklenmemiş bir uygulama etki alanında deneniyor.


Aşağıdaki kod örneği, uygulama etki alanına yüklenen tüm derlemelerin listesini almak için yöntemini kullanır GetAssemblies . Derlemeler daha sonra konsolda görüntülenir.

Bu kod örneğini çalıştırmak için adlı CustomLibrary.dllbir derleme oluşturmanız veya yöntemine GetAssemblies geçirilen derleme adını değiştirmeniz gerekir.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Security::Policy;

//for Evidence Object
int main()
   AppDomain^ currentDomain = AppDomain::CurrentDomain;
   //Provide the current application domain evidence for the assembly.
   Evidence^ asEvidence = currentDomain->Evidence;
   //Load the assembly from the application directory using a simple name.
   //Create an assembly called CustomLibrary to run this sample.
   currentDomain->Load( "CustomLibrary", asEvidence );
   //Make an array for the list of assemblies.
   array<Assembly^>^assems = currentDomain->GetAssemblies();
   //List the assemblies in the current application domain.
   Console::WriteLine( "List of assemblies loaded in current appdomain:" );
   System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = assems->GetEnumerator();
   while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
      Assembly^ assem = safe_cast<Assembly^>(myEnum->Current);
      Console::WriteLine( assem );
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security.Policy;

class ADGetAssemblies

    public static void Main()
        AppDomain currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
        //Provide the current application domain evidence for the assembly.
        Evidence asEvidence = currentDomain.Evidence;
        //Load the assembly from the application directory using a simple name.

        //Create an assembly called CustomLibrary to run this sample.

        //Make an array for the list of assemblies.
        Assembly[] assems = currentDomain.GetAssemblies();
        //List the assemblies in the current application domain.
        Console.WriteLine("List of assemblies loaded in current appdomain:");
            foreach (Assembly assem in assems)
open System

let currentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain
//Provide the current application domain evidence for the assembly.
let asEvidence = currentDomain.Evidence
//Load the assembly from the application directory using a simple name.

//Create an assembly called CustomLibrary to run this sample.
currentDomain.Load("CustomLibrary", asEvidence)

//Make an array for the list of assemblies.
let assems = currentDomain.GetAssemblies()

//List the assemblies in the current application domain.
printfn "List of assemblies loaded in current appdomain:"
for assem in assems do
    printfn $"{assem}"
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Security.Policy

Class ADGetAssemblies
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim currentDomain As AppDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain
      'Provide the current application domain evidence for the assembly.
      Dim asEvidence As Evidence = currentDomain.Evidence
      'Load the assembly from the application directory using a simple name.
      'Create an assembly called CustomLibrary to run this sample.
      currentDomain.Load("CustomLibrary", asEvidence)
      'Make an array for the list of assemblies.
      Dim assems As [Assembly]() = currentDomain.GetAssemblies()
      'List the assemblies in the current application domain.
      Console.WriteLine("List of assemblies loaded in current appdomain:")
      Dim assem As [Assembly]
      For Each assem In  assems
      Next assem
   End Sub
End Class

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