Aracılığıyla paylaş

TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule.DateEnd Özellik


Ayarlama kuralının geçerli olmaktan çıktığı tarihi alır.

 property DateTime DateEnd { DateTime get(); };
public DateTime DateEnd { get; }
member this.DateEnd : DateTime
Public ReadOnly Property DateEnd As DateTime

Özellik Değeri

DateTime Ayarlama kuralının bitiş tarihini gösteren değer.


Aşağıdaki örnekte, yerel bilgisayarın sistem kayıt defterinde tanımlanan tüm saat dilimleri hakkında ayarlama kurallarının başlangıç ve bitiş tarihleri de dahil olmak üzere bilgiler görüntülenir.

using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Globalization;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      ReadOnlyCollection<TimeZoneInfo> timeZones = TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones();
      DateTimeFormatInfo dateInfo = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat;
      foreach (var zone in timeZones)
         Console.WriteLine("{0} transition time information:", zone.StandardName);
         Console.WriteLine("   Time zone information: ");
         Console.WriteLine("      Base UTC Offset: {0}", zone.BaseUtcOffset);
         Console.WriteLine("      Supports DST: {0}", zone.SupportsDaylightSavingTime);

         TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule[] adjustmentRules= zone.GetAdjustmentRules();
         // Indicate that time zone has no adjustment rules
         if (adjustmentRules.Length == 0) {
            Console.WriteLine("      No adjustment rules defined.");
         else {
            Console.WriteLine("      Adjustment Rules: {0}", adjustmentRules.Length);
            // Iterate adjustment rules       
            foreach (var adjustmentRule in adjustmentRules) {
               Console.WriteLine("   Adjustment rule from {0:d} to {1:d}:", 
               Console.WriteLine("      Delta: {0}", adjustmentRule.DaylightDelta);
               // Get start of transition
               TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime daylightStart = adjustmentRule.DaylightTransitionStart;
               // Display information on floating date rule
               if (!daylightStart.IsFixedDateRule)
                  Console.WriteLine("      Begins at {0:t} on the {1} {2} of {3}", 
                                 (WeekOfMonth) daylightStart.Week,  
               // Display information on fixed date rule 
                  Console.WriteLine("      Begins at {0:t} on {1} {2}", 
               // Get end of transition.
              TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime daylightEnd = adjustmentRule.DaylightTransitionEnd;
               // Display information on floating date rule.
               if (!daylightEnd.IsFixedDateRule) 
                  Console.WriteLine("      Ends at {0:t} on the {1} {2} of {3}", 
                                 (WeekOfMonth) daylightEnd.Week,  
               // Display information on fixed date rule.
                  Console.WriteLine("      Ends at {0:t} on {1} {2}", 

   private enum WeekOfMonth 
      First = 1,
      Second = 2,
      Third = 3,
      Fourth = 4,
      Last = 5,
// A portion of the output from the example might appear as follows:
//       Tonga Standard Time transition time information:
//          Time zone information:
//             Base UTC Offset: 13:00:00
//             Supports DST: False
//             No adjustment rules defined.
//       Samoa Standard Time transition time information:
//          Time zone information:
//             Base UTC Offset: 13:00:00
//             Supports DST: True
//             Adjustment Rules: 4
//          Adjustment rule from 1/1/0001 to 12/31/2009:
//             Delta: 00:00:00
//             Begins at 12:00 AM on January 1
//             Ends at 12:00 AM on January 1
//          Adjustment rule from 1/1/2010 to 12/31/2010:
//             Delta: 01:00:00
//             Begins at 11:59 PM on the Last Saturday of September
//             Ends at 12:00 AM on the First Friday of January
//          Adjustment rule from 1/1/2011 to 12/31/2011:
//             Delta: 01:00:00
//             Begins at 3:00 AM on the Fourth Saturday of September
//             Ends at 4:00 AM on the First Saturday of April
//          Adjustment rule from 1/1/2012 to 12/31/9999:
//             Delta: 01:00:00
//             Begins at 12:00 AM on the Last Sunday of September
//             Ends at 1:00 AM on the First Sunday of April
//       Line Islands Standard Time transition time information:
//          Time zone information:
//             Base UTC Offset: 14:00:00
//             Supports DST: False
//             No adjustment rules defined.
open System
open System.Globalization

let timeZones = TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones()
let dateInfo = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat

type WeekOfMonth = 
    | First = 1
    | Second = 2
    | Third = 3
    | Fourth = 4
    | Last = 5

for zone in timeZones do
    printfn $"{zone.StandardName} transition time information:"
    printfn "   Time zone information: "
    printfn $"      Base UTC Offset: {zone.BaseUtcOffset}"
    printfn $"      Supports DST: {zone.SupportsDaylightSavingTime}"

    let adjustmentRules= zone.GetAdjustmentRules()
    // Indicate that time zone has no adjustment rules
    if adjustmentRules.Length = 0 then
        printfn "      No adjustment rules defined."
        printfn $"      Adjustment Rules: {adjustmentRules.Length}"
    // Iterate adjustment rules       
    for adjustmentRule in adjustmentRules do
        printfn $"   Adjustment rule from {adjustmentRule.DateStart:d} to {adjustmentRule.DateEnd:d}:"
        printfn $"      Delta: {adjustmentRule.DaylightDelta}"
        // Get start of transition
        let daylightStart = adjustmentRule.DaylightTransitionStart
        // Display information on floating date rule
        if not daylightStart.IsFixedDateRule then
            printfn $"      Begins at {daylightStart.TimeOfDay:t} on the {enum<WeekOfMonth> daylightStart.Week} {daylightStart.DayOfWeek} of {dateInfo.GetMonthName daylightStart.Month}"
        // Display information on fixed date rule 
            printfn $"      Begins at {daylightStart.TimeOfDay:t} on {dateInfo.GetMonthName daylightStart.Month} {daylightStart.Day}"
        // Get end of transition.
        let daylightEnd = adjustmentRule.DaylightTransitionEnd
        // Display information on floating date rule.
        if not daylightEnd.IsFixedDateRule then
            printfn $"      Ends at {daylightEnd.TimeOfDay:t} on the {enum<WeekOfMonth> daylightEnd.Week} {daylightEnd.DayOfWeek} of {dateInfo.GetMonthName daylightEnd.Month}"
        // Display information on fixed date rule.
            printfn $"      Ends at {daylightEnd.TimeOfDay:t} on {dateInfo.GetMonthName daylightEnd.Month} {daylightEnd.Day}"

// A portion of the output from the example might appear as follows:
//       Tonga Standard Time transition time information:
//          Time zone information:
//             Base UTC Offset: 13:00:00
//             Supports DST: False
//             No adjustment rules defined.
//       Samoa Standard Time transition time information:
//          Time zone information:
//             Base UTC Offset: 13:00:00
//             Supports DST: True
//             Adjustment Rules: 4
//          Adjustment rule from 1/1/0001 to 12/31/2009:
//             Delta: 00:00:00
//             Begins at 12:00 AM on January 1
//             Ends at 12:00 AM on January 1
//          Adjustment rule from 1/1/2010 to 12/31/2010:
//             Delta: 01:00:00
//             Begins at 11:59 PM on the Last Saturday of September
//             Ends at 12:00 AM on the First Friday of January
//          Adjustment rule from 1/1/2011 to 12/31/2011:
//             Delta: 01:00:00
//             Begins at 3:00 AM on the Fourth Saturday of September
//             Ends at 4:00 AM on the First Saturday of April
//          Adjustment rule from 1/1/2012 to 12/31/9999:
//             Delta: 01:00:00
//             Begins at 12:00 AM on the Last Sunday of September
//             Ends at 1:00 AM on the First Sunday of April
//       Line Islands Standard Time transition time information:
//          Time zone information:
//             Base UTC Offset: 14:00:00
//             Supports DST: False
//             No adjustment rules defined.
Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
Imports System.Globalization

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim timeZones As ReadOnlyCollection(Of TimeZoneInfo) = TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones()
      Dim dateInfo As DateTimeFormatInfo = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat
      For Each zone In timeZones
         Console.WriteLine("{0} transition time information:", zone.StandardName)
         Console.WriteLine("   Time zone information: ")
         Console.WriteLine("      Base UTC Offset: {0}", zone.BaseUtcOffset)
         Console.WriteLine("      Supports DST: {0}", zone.SupportsDaylightSavingTime)

         Dim adjustmentRules() As TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule = zone.GetAdjustmentRules()
         ' Indicate that time zone has no adjustment rules
         If adjustmentRules.Length = 0 Then
            Console.WriteLine("      No adjustment rules defined.")
            Console.WriteLine("      Adjustment Rules: {0}", adjustmentRules.Length)
            ' Iterate adjustment rules       
            For Each adjustmentRule In adjustmentRules
               Console.WriteLine("   Adjustment rule from {0:d} to {1:d}:", 
               Console.WriteLine("      Delta: {0}", adjustmentRule.DaylightDelta)
               ' Get start of transition
               Dim daylightStart As TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime = adjustmentRule.DaylightTransitionStart
               ' Display information on floating date rule
               If Not daylightStart.IsFixedDateRule Then
                  Console.WriteLine("      Begins at {0:t} on the {1} {2} of {3}", 
                                 CType(daylightStart.Week, WeekOfMonth),  
               ' Display information on fixed date rule 
                  Console.WriteLine("      Begins at {0:t} on {1} {2}", 
               End If
               ' Get end of transition.
               Dim daylightEnd As TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime = adjustmentRule.DaylightTransitionEnd
               ' Display information on floating date rule.
               If Not daylightEnd.IsFixedDateRule Then 
                  Console.WriteLine("      Ends at {0:t} on the {1} {2} of {3}", 
                                 CType(daylightEnd.Week, WeekOfMonth),  
               ' Display information on fixed date rule.
                  Console.WriteLine("      Ends at {0:t} on {1} {2}", 
               End If
         End If   
   End Sub

   Private Enum WeekOfMonth As Integer
      First = 1
      Second = 2
      Third = 3
      Fourth = 4
      Last = 5
   End Enum
End Module
' A portion of the output from the example might appear as follows:
'       Tonga Standard Time transition time information:
'          Time zone information:
'             Base UTC Offset: 13:00:00
'             Supports DST: False
'             No adjustment rules defined.
'       Samoa Standard Time transition time information:
'          Time zone information:
'             Base UTC Offset: 13:00:00
'             Supports DST: True
'             Adjustment Rules: 4
'          Adjustment rule from 1/1/0001 to 12/31/2009:
'             Delta: 00:00:00
'             Begins at 12:00 AM on January 1
'             Ends at 12:00 AM on January 1
'          Adjustment rule from 1/1/2010 to 12/31/2010:
'             Delta: 01:00:00
'             Begins at 11:59 PM on the Last Saturday of September
'             Ends at 12:00 AM on the First Friday of January
'          Adjustment rule from 1/1/2011 to 12/31/2011:
'             Delta: 01:00:00
'             Begins at 3:00 AM on the Fourth Saturday of September
'             Ends at 4:00 AM on the First Saturday of April
'          Adjustment rule from 1/1/2012 to 12/31/9999:
'             Delta: 01:00:00
'             Begins at 12:00 AM on the Last Sunday of September
'             Ends at 1:00 AM on the First Sunday of April
'       Line Islands Standard Time transition time information:
'          Time zone information:
'             Base UTC Offset: 14:00:00
'             Supports DST: False
'             No adjustment rules defined.


özelliğinin DateEnd değeri, saat bileşeni olmayan bir tarih değeridir.

Geçerli ayarlama kuralının bitiş tarihi genellikle bilinmediğinden, özel bir ayarlama kuralı oluşturduğunuzda özelliğine DateEnd atayabilirsinizDateTime.MaxValue.Date.


Aksini yapmak için zorlayıcı bir neden yoksa, ayarlama kuralının bitiş tarihini saat diliminin standart saati gözlemlediği zaman aralığı içinde gerçekleşecek şekilde tanımlamanız gerekir. Bunu yapmak için zorlayıcı bir neden yoksa, ayarlama kuralının bitiş tarihini saat diliminin yaz saati gözlemlediği zaman aralığı içinde gerçekleşecek şekilde tanımlamamalısınız. Örneğin, bir saat diliminin gün ışığından yararlanma saatinden geçişi Mart ayının üçüncü Pazar günüyse ve yaz saati kullanımına geçişi Ekim ayının ilk Pazar günü gerçekleşirse, ayarlama kuralının geçerlilik bitiş tarihi belirli bir yılın 31 Aralık'ı olmamalıdır, çünkü bu tarih yaz saatiyle yararlanma süresi içinde gerçekleşir.

Varsayılan olarak, Windows XP'deki kayıt defteri her saat dilimi için bitiş tarihi 31 Aralık 9999 Cuma (değeri DateTime.MaxValue.Date) olan tek bir ayarlama kuralı tanımlar. Birleşik Devletler saat dilimleri için Windows Vista'daki kayıt defteri iki ayarlama kuralı tanımlar:

  • Pazartesi, Ocak 01, 0001, Pazar, Aralık 31, 2006.

  • 01 Ocak 2007 Pazartesi - 31 Aralık 9999 Cuma.

Bu, kayıt defterinde depolanan saat dilimi ayarlama kuralları geçerli saat dilimiyle ilgili işlemleri gerçekleştirmek için yararlı olsa da, geçmiş saat dilimi bilgilerini almak için güvenilir bir şekilde kullanılamayacağı anlamına gelir. Geçmiş saat dilimine duyarlı bir uygulamada kullanılabilecek birden çok ayarlama kuralına sahip özel bir saat dilimi tanımlama hakkında bilgi için bkz . Nasıl yapılır: Ayarlama Kuralları ile Saat Dilimleri Oluşturma.

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