
PowerShell.InvokeAsync Method




Invoke a PowerShell command asynchronously. Use await to wait for the command to complete and obtain the output of the command.


Invoke a PowerShell command asynchronously. Use await to wait for the command to complete and obtain the output of the command.

InvokeAsync<T>(PSDataCollection<T>, PSInvocationSettings, AsyncCallback, Object)

Invoke a PowerShell command asynchronously. Use await to wait for the command to complete and obtain the output of the command.

InvokeAsync<TInput,TOutput>(PSDataCollection<TInput>, PSDataCollection<TOutput>)

Invoke a PowerShell command asynchronously. Use await to wait for the command to complete and obtain the output of the command.

InvokeAsync<TInput,TOutput>(PSDataCollection<TInput>, PSDataCollection<TOutput>, PSInvocationSettings, AsyncCallback, Object)

Invoke a PowerShell command asynchronously and collect output data into the buffer output. Use await to wait for the command to complete and obtain the output of the command.


Invoke a PowerShell command asynchronously. Use await to wait for the command to complete and obtain the output of the command.

public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection<System.Management.Automation.PSObject>> InvokeAsync ();
member this.InvokeAsync : unit -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection<System.Management.Automation.PSObject>>
Public Function InvokeAsync () As Task(Of PSDataCollection(Of PSObject))


The output buffer created to hold the results of the asynchronous invoke.


Cannot perform the operation because the command is already started. Stop the command and try the operation again. (or) No command is added.

Object is disposed.

The running PowerShell pipeline was stopped. This occurs when Stop() or StopAsync(AsyncCallback, Object) is called.

Applies to


Invoke a PowerShell command asynchronously. Use await to wait for the command to complete and obtain the output of the command.

public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection<System.Management.Automation.PSObject>> InvokeAsync<T> (System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection<T> input);
member this.InvokeAsync : System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection<'T> -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection<System.Management.Automation.PSObject>>
Public Function InvokeAsync(Of T) (input As PSDataCollection(Of T)) As Task(Of PSDataCollection(Of PSObject))

Type Parameters


Type of the input buffer.



Input to the command. See remarks for more details.


The output buffer created to hold the results of the asynchronous invoke.


Cannot perform the operation because the command is already started. Stop the command and try the operation again. (or) No command is added.

Object is disposed.

The running PowerShell pipeline was stopped. This occurs when Stop() or StopAsync(AsyncCallback, Object) is called.


When invoked using InvokeAsync, invocation doesn't finish until Input is closed. Caller of InvokeAsync must close the input buffer after all input has been written to input buffer. Input buffer is closed by calling Close() method.

If you want this command to execute as a standalone cmdlet (that is, using command-line parameters only), be sure to call Close() before calling InvokeAsync(). Otherwise, the command will be executed as though it had external input. If you observe that the command isn't doing anything, this may be the reason.

Applies to

InvokeAsync<T>(PSDataCollection<T>, PSInvocationSettings, AsyncCallback, Object)

Invoke a PowerShell command asynchronously. Use await to wait for the command to complete and obtain the output of the command.

public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection<System.Management.Automation.PSObject>> InvokeAsync<T> (System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection<T> input, System.Management.Automation.PSInvocationSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object state);
member this.InvokeAsync : System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection<'T> * System.Management.Automation.PSInvocationSettings * AsyncCallback * obj -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection<System.Management.Automation.PSObject>>
Public Function InvokeAsync(Of T) (input As PSDataCollection(Of T), settings As PSInvocationSettings, callback As AsyncCallback, state As Object) As Task(Of PSDataCollection(Of PSObject))

Type Parameters


Type of the input buffer.



Input to the command. See remarks for more details.


Invocation Settings.


An AsyncCallback to call once the command is invoked. Note: when using this API in script, don't pass in a delegate that is cast from a script block. The callback could be invoked from a thread without a default Runspace and a delegate cast from a script block would fail in that case.


A user supplied state to call the callback with.


The output buffer created to hold the results of the asynchronous invoke.


Cannot perform the operation because the command is already started. Stop the command and try the operation again. (or) No command is added.

Object is disposed.

The running PowerShell pipeline was stopped. This occurs when Stop() or StopAsync(AsyncCallback, Object) is called.


When invoked using InvokeAsync, invocation doesn't finish until Input is closed. Caller of InvokeAsync must close the input buffer after all input has been written to input buffer. Input buffer is closed by calling Close() method.

If you want this command to execute as a standalone cmdlet (that is, using command-line parameters only), be sure to call Close() before calling InvokeAsync(). Otherwise, the command will be executed as though it had external input. If you observe that the command isn't doing anything, this may be the reason.

Applies to

InvokeAsync<TInput,TOutput>(PSDataCollection<TInput>, PSDataCollection<TOutput>)

Invoke a PowerShell command asynchronously. Use await to wait for the command to complete and obtain the output of the command.

public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection<System.Management.Automation.PSObject>> InvokeAsync<TInput,TOutput> (System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection<TInput> input, System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection<TOutput> output);
member this.InvokeAsync : System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection<'Input> * System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection<'Output> -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection<System.Management.Automation.PSObject>>
Public Function InvokeAsync(Of TInput, TOutput) (input As PSDataCollection(Of TInput), output As PSDataCollection(Of TOutput)) As Task(Of PSDataCollection(Of PSObject))

Type Parameters


Type of input object(s) for the command invocation.


Type of output object(s) expected from the command invocation.



Input to the command. See remarks for more details.


A buffer supplied by the user where output is collected.


The output buffer created to hold the results of the asynchronous invoke, or null if the caller provided their own buffer.


Cannot perform the operation because the command is already started. Stop the command and try the operation again. (or) No command is added.

Object is disposed.

The running PowerShell pipeline was stopped. This occurs when Stop() or StopAsync(AsyncCallback, Object) is called. To collect partial output in this scenario, supply a PSDataCollection<T> for the output parameter, and either add a handler for the DataAdding event or catch the exception and enumerate the object supplied for output.


When invoked using InvokeAsync, invocation doesn't finish until Input is closed. Caller of InvokeAsync must close the input buffer after all input has been written to input buffer. Input buffer is closed by calling Close() method.

If you want this command to execute as a standalone cmdlet (that is, using command-line parameters only), be sure to call Close() before calling InvokeAsync(). Otherwise, the command will be executed as though it had external input. If you observe that the command isn't doing anything, this may be the reason.

Applies to

InvokeAsync<TInput,TOutput>(PSDataCollection<TInput>, PSDataCollection<TOutput>, PSInvocationSettings, AsyncCallback, Object)

Invoke a PowerShell command asynchronously and collect output data into the buffer output. Use await to wait for the command to complete and obtain the output of the command.

public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection<System.Management.Automation.PSObject>> InvokeAsync<TInput,TOutput> (System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection<TInput> input, System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection<TOutput> output, System.Management.Automation.PSInvocationSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object state);
member this.InvokeAsync : System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection<'Input> * System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection<'Output> * System.Management.Automation.PSInvocationSettings * AsyncCallback * obj -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection<System.Management.Automation.PSObject>>
Public Function InvokeAsync(Of TInput, TOutput) (input As PSDataCollection(Of TInput), output As PSDataCollection(Of TOutput), settings As PSInvocationSettings, callback As AsyncCallback, state As Object) As Task(Of PSDataCollection(Of PSObject))

Type Parameters


Type of input object(s) for the command invocation.


Type of output object(s) expected from the command invocation.



Input to the command. See remarks for more details.


A buffer supplied by the user where output is collected.


Invocation Settings.


An AsyncCallback to call once the command is invoked. Note: when using this API in script, don't pass in a delegate that is cast from a script block. The callback could be invoked from a thread without a default Runspace and a delegate cast from a script block would fail in that case.


A user supplied state to call the callback with.


The output buffer created to hold the results of the asynchronous invoke, or null if the caller provided their own buffer.


Cannot perform the operation because the command is already started. Stop the command and try the operation again. (or) No command is added.

Object is disposed.

The running PowerShell pipeline was stopped. This occurs when Stop() or StopAsync(AsyncCallback, Object) is called. To collect partial output in this scenario, supply a PSDataCollection<T> for the output parameter, and either add a handler for the DataAdding event or catch the exception and use object supplied for output.


When invoked using InvokeAsync, invocation doesn't finish until Input is closed. Caller of InvokeAsync must close the input buffer after all input has been written to input buffer. Input buffer is closed by calling Close() method.

If you want this command to execute as a standalone cmdlet (that is, using command-line parameters only), be sure to call Close() before calling InvokeAsync(). Otherwise, the command will be executed as though it had external input. If you observe that the command isn't doing anything, this may be the reason.

Applies to