Auto scrolls to bottom in embedded power BI server report
We are embedding a power BI server report in an angular app in an iframe. Page has some other content as well. And report is embedded at the end. So now when we open our page, as soon as report gets loaded, it automatically scrolls down to bottom. How…
azure active directory service is not working, the microsoft_aad_iam tips not availabe,error code=0
my account has two azure directory, all of their azure active directory services is not working, the UI shows network error, and message shows resource ID not available. so i had to leave this topic, please have to check it. my contact email and…
Need to restrict mouser hover effect on touch action
I have an custom calendar control, I have highlighted day cell on mouser over, I need to restrict the mouse hover color applied to day cell when perform touch action in calendar.Please provide any suggestions on this. c# wpf touch
Azure IotHub -function Trigger
Hi, I would like to create a separate Azure function trigger for each of the IoT Hub events listed below: DeviceLifeCycleEvents DeviceTwinChanges DeviceTelemetryMessages Please note that I would like to trigger using Azure IoT…
安装 windbg 但是调试 dump 文件时提示 your debugger is not using the correct symbols
系统: Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter 背景:热插拔网卡,重启时蓝屏,保存有 C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP 。所以想要调试一下,看看原因。 过程: 第一次尝试 1.安装 windbg; 2.配置 Symbol File Path , SRVC:\symbol ; 3.打开 Crash Dump file…
Create a rank column by using values from other column in Power BI
I need to achieve rank column as below. Kindly help. Thanks in advance. Column1 Rank 93 1 93 1 93 1 92 2 91 3 87 4 56 5 34 6 34 6 34 6 26 7 15…
Cannot enable Dir Sync
Hi it won't let me enable DirSync. I'm using the same in-cloud global admin account as before, and I'm using the Azure Active Directory Module for Windows Powershell console and I get the return I've pasted below. PS C:\Windows\system32>…
How to trigger event in the end of async procedure
Hello, I have an async method. If the method do its work it should trigger an event, but not before. public async Task HandleProjectItem(Project clickedItem) { //some code //if code did all his work this.DataLoaded?.Invoke(this,…
[UWP] While typing "6" in french keyboard it enters like "-6" in UWP Platforms
Hi Team, I have a sample with entry/ numeric input controls. While changing the keyboard to France, while typing the 6 its turn into -6. Is that known issue? Could you please share any other workaround to resolve the same
sla for single instance that using standard SSD
Is there any SLA for a single VM using a standard SSD?
Metro Tiles individually resize
Hey all I am having a hard time trying to find the setting (if there even is one) in order to size each metro tile individually from each other. Currently it changes every tile no matter which one you choose to resize. This is the tiles normally: …
Web app for containers not working with nginx and AD B2C
Hi! We have a multicontainer app running on a web app for containers(linux) and are running in to all sorts of issues we cant solve. The app consists of three docker containers: Blazor fronend .net core webapi Nginx as reverse…
Can I change application name in Windows Hello verify window?
I wrote an command line C# application that use Windows Hello to verify credentials saved before. Now I found the Windows Hello window show the "For security, an application needs to verify your identity", and I want to change "an…
SSL ISSUE while connecting to vision url
Hi Team, We are running a program in our Linux instance in which we are connecting to and it is throwing SSL Certification failed error. Kindly suggest me how to import the SSL certificate and what…
Machine Learning/Performance issue with Writing to CSV file - C#
Hi, I developed a Machine Learning (ML.NET) -- .NET Core console application (using Multiple classes prediction template). I've created the ML Model class and I'm now applying the ML Model to another .NET Core console application to predict the…
How to force CosmosDB physical partitioning?
Is there a way to force physical partitioning or replicate what happens when passing 50GB? We need to replicate this behavior in an azure hosted dev environment. The dev environment has a 5GB collection, while the production has passed 50GB. This…
Azure notification hub
Hi, We are unable to receive the notification from Azure Notification hub. Notification status is En-queued in notification hub. Unable to receive on mobile device.
Code formatting
It looks like currently Synapse workspace doesn't have a code formatting feature, so it has to be done manually. Are there plans to add it?
speech to text : russian
Hi, I would like to run Speech to Text in Russian. I have copied the sample code For recognising russian language, what do i set my service_region to ? Please advise, thanks.
Problem in installing Words
I can't install Words properly, the pop-up message indicates that something is broken