ITPhone interface (tapi3if.h)

The ITPhone interface is the main interface for the new Phone objects in the TAPI 3.1 object model. This interface allows access to the phone device at a level comparable to that available with the TAPI 2.x C API. The interface also allows the application to determine which addresses the phone is usable on, and to get a list of terminals associated with the phone. The IEnumPhone::Next and ITPhoneEvent::get_Phone methods create the ITPhone interface.


The ITPhone interface inherits from the IDispatch interface. ITPhone also has these types of members:


The ITPhone interface has these methods.


The Close method closes this phone device. The phone device remains closed until the application calls the ITPhone::Open method. For more information, see the following Remarks section.

The DeviceSpecific method enables service providers to provide access to device specific features not offered by other TAPI functions.

The DeviceSpecificVariant method enables service providers to provide access to features not offered by other TAPI functions. (ITPhone.DeviceSpecificVariant)

The EnumerateAddresses method enumerates the addresses that the phone can be used on. The application does not have to call ITPhone::Open before executing this method.

The EnumeratePreferredAddresses method enumerates the preferred addresses for the phone object. The application does not have to call ITPhone::Open before executing this method.

The EnumerateTerminals method retrieves an enumeration of terminals that are associated with the phone. The application does not have to call ITPhone::Open before executing this method.

The get_Addresses method returns a collection of addresses that the phone can be used on. The application does not have to call ITPhone::Open before executing this method.

The get_ButtonFunction method retrieves the button function associated with a particular button.

The get_ButtonMode method retrieves the button mode associated with a particular button.

The get_ButtonState method retrieves the button state associated with a particular button.

The get_ButtonText method retrieves the button text associated with a particular button.

The get_Display method gets the display for the phone. In TAPI, the display is simply an NxM character buffer.

The get_HookSwitchState method retrieves the current hookswitch state for a particular hookswitch device on the phone.

The get_LampMode method gets the current lamp mode for the given lamp.

The get_PhoneCapsBuffer method gets a buffer capability/information about the phone, based on the PHONECAPS_BUFFER enum passed in.

The get_PhoneCapsLong method gets a DWORD capability of the phone, based on the PHONECAPS_LONG enum passed in. The application does not have to call ITPhone::Open before executing this method.

The get_PhoneCapsString method gets a string capability/information about the phone, based on the PHONECAPS_STRING enum passed in. The application does not have to call ITPhone::Open before executing this method.

The get_PreferredAddresses method returns a collection of addresses that the phone is preferred for use on. The application does not have to call ITPhone::Open before executing this method.

The get_Privilege method retrieves the privilege of the open phone.

The get_RingMode method retrieves the current ring mode for the phone.

The get_RingVolume method retrieves the current ring volume for the phone.

The get_Terminals method retrieves a collection of terminals that are associated with the phone. The application does not have to call ITPhone::Open before executing this method.

The GetPhoneCapsBuffer method gets a buffer capability/information about the phone, based on the PHONECAPS_BUFFER enum passed in.

The NegotiateExtVersion method allows an application to negotiate an extension version to use with the specified phone device. This operation need not be called if the application does not support provider specific extensions.

The Open method opens this phone device. The phone device remains open until the application calls ITPhone::Close or until TAPI is shut down.

The put_ButtonFunction method sets the button function.

The put_ButtonMode method sets the button mode.

The put_ButtonText method sets the button text.

The put_HookSwitchState method sets the current hookswitch state for a particular hookswitch device on the phone.

The put_LampMode method sets the current lamp mode for the given lamp.

The put_RingMode method requests that the phone change its ring mode.

The put_RingVolume method requests that the phone change its ring volume.

The SetDisplay method sets what will appear in a given row and column of the phone's display.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header tapi3if.h (include Tapi3.h)