Linux Distribution
Hi All, I want to install Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on Windows Server 2019. I am following the MS article linked below: The article mentions performing the steps listed, but…
2 Learn Accounts Incorrect one used for Exam
I have 2 learn profiles. I have passed Az400 in the 2nd profile by mistake. I should have used the first profile which has other certifications. Can the 2 profiles be merged with all the certifications kept? I passed AZ400 and have not received my…
access to my organization
I can not access to my organization on Azure DevOps portal. It was CICD pipeline for ADF. this error "401 - Uh-oh, you do not have access. Your account, is not authorized to view this page. Make sure the…
Black screen when connecting to a Virtual machine in azure
When I RDP to my virtual desktop i get a black screen and can't see the display
Automatically Cleaning SCCM Client Cache
A "chicken and egg" problem is encountered when attempting to delete the SCCM cache using a script executed from within the SCCM cache itself. Is there an automatic process in SCCM for cleaning up the client cache? What are the recommended…
When are the concurrency grants request forms being opened up again? This form should allow requests for concurrency in Azure DevOps, but has been closed since early December. Anyone know when this opens up again?
Having issue while streaming data from event hub into databricks using managed identity process
I'm trying to stream data from azure event hub to azure dataframe in databricks notebook using python. I have utilized managed Identity process to utilize passwordless process. It is giving the following error message when trying to stream the data.
Trying to follow "Deploy an AKS cluster with Confidential Containers and a default policy" getting "No such key 'clusters' in existing config"
I'm trying to follow the guide here and I'm at the stage where I want to get the cluster credentials. I ran az aks get-credentials --resource-group myResourceGroup…
Vulnerabilities on 'Azure Stack HCI' Cluster nodes | Need help
Hi, We have a production Azure Stack HCI v22H2 platform that hosts customers’ critical workloads. We recently received vulnerability scan results for HCI nodes, showing the following vulnerabilities as security threats that we need to remediate…
Microsoft Graph V1 Teamwork SendActivityNotificationToRecipients Returns 202 Accepted Status Code, but Activity Feed Notification Is Never Received in Microsoft Teams
I am attempting to use the Microsoft Graph API to send Activity notifications to recipients in Microsoft Teams. (Using this documentation…
Getting error creating database in SQL Elastic Pool, but can do it through the portal
I have a SQL Elastic Pool, MyPool, configured with 200 eDTUs and 800 GB storage It contains a database, DBPrimary, with data space used = 127 GB, max storage = 300 GB I have another database outside of the pool, DBProd, with data space used = 117 GB, Max…
Onedrive Ondemand App?
Hello everyone, I am creating an AVD environment, which includes applications, such as Powerbi, etc. Within the virtual machine where Powerbi exists, I have Onedrive installed, which if you log in, opens Onedrive automatically, as we know it. However,…
I am trying to deploy my function to azure function app using VS code. But an error is raised. Following is the error raised: "Internal error: Expected value to be neither null nor undefined: newSiteName"
It was working fine till morning. But now it is raising this error. Even when I am creating it from scratch. It is raising this error when I try to deploy using Azure Functions extension from VS code.
Error Disabling Microsoft Managed MFA Policy due to Invalid User Ids
We are completing a migration away from per-user MFA to conditional access-enforced MFA for all users. As we now have a policy in place that enforces MFA for all users, I'd like to turn off the Microsoft-managed "Multifactor authentication for…
Add a public i.p. to data factory
I'd like to set up a public static i.p. to data factory, so my client could whitelist me in his firewall. I went through all of the documentation, created virtual network(s) & public i.p.(s). When I try to create a new Integration runtime, in the…
Using Azure Databricks Clusters with Unity Catalog and Managed Identity Support.
We are leveraging Azure Databricks for our Data Engineering project and intend to utilize Databricks clusters that support both Unity Catalog and Managed Identity. However, according to the Databricks documentation…
Which open source LLM do we support ?
I have fine tuned some open source models like LLama-3.1, Qwen2.5. My question is that: is Azure able to serve all the fine-tuned open source models ? If not, which models are supported ?
Where do I find the QR codes for Microsoft 365 accounts?
I have successfully restored Authenticator to a new phone. All the accounts are working except for the five Microsoft 365 work accounts that I use. They all tell me, "Action required. Scan the QR code provided by your organization to finish…
Why is there no MDT Support for Windows 11?
Curious to know why Microsoft has decided to not support Windows 11 with MDT? I know of many organizations that leverage MDT for their offline (isolated/closed network) environments. Especially with Long Term Servicing Channel version of Windows. Is…
AZ - 800 exam not visible in my portal
Hi Team, I have cleared the AZ-800 on 25 sept 2024. I got the mail of passing the exam and also in dashboard its visible that I passed the exam. But certificate is not visible. az800 mail.PNG The mail which I received after clearing the exam in that…