Maintaining Chord Consistency
A chord can exist in the following places in Chordmap Designer:
- As part of the Chord Palette.
- In the Signpost List.
- In the Chord Path Window.
To maintain consistent chord behavior throughout the chordmap, it is important to keep the Chord Properties closely matching one another. For example, signpost chords in the Chord Path window are linked to and interact with corresponding chords in the Signpost list. Changing the properties of a signpost chord in the Chord Path window or the Signpost list may break the link between the chords.
To match one another, chords must have at least two characteristics in common:
- They must have the same root note (such as 2C, 2D, or 1F#).
- They must have the same four-level chord structure.
It is not required that chords have the same chord scale, inversion settings, or chord quality description, such as major and minor.
To maintain consistent chords in a chordmap, you can plan ahead by editing the properties of one chord and using copies of that chord in other places.
For example, it is recommended that you keep the properties of signposts in the Chord Path Window the same as the properties of the corresponding chord in the Signpost List. Therefore, if you plan to change a signpost's properties, it is recommended that you first delete all instances of the chord from the Chord Path window and then change the properties of the chord in the Signpost list. You can then re-enter the signpost chords in the Chord Path window using the Insert into Chordmap command on the shortcut menu for the Signpost list.
Similarly, if you change the properties of a chord in the palette, you can re-enter the chord in the Signpost list or the Chord Path window to ensure consistency between all three areas of the chordmap.
The following figure shows the recommended procedure for editing a chord and replacing it in the Signpost list and Chord Path window.