Tempo Track
The tempo track contains tempo settings for the segment.
By default, the tempo used in a segment is 120 beats per minute (bpm). This default tempo is not displayed anywhere in a segment until a tempo track is added. A tempo track is added to the segment automatically when a style containing a tempo is inserted in the Style Track, or when a MIDI file is imported as a segment. You can also add one manually.
When a style is added to the style track, the tempo of the style is added to the tempo track. You can edit this tempo if you like.
The first tempo in the tempo track is considered the primary tempo for the segment and should be inserted on beat 1 of measure 1. You can insert as many tempo markings as you want in a segment. The tempos apply to all tracks in all Track Groups. Note, however, that the tempo for a performance is always taken from the primary or controlling segment, and the tempo track of a secondary, non-controlling segment is ignored. For more information, see Controlling Segments.
If a segment has multiple tempo tracks, all tracks in the segment play according to the markers in the first tempo track created. Any tempo tracks added later are ignored.
For general information on entering and editing data in a track, see the following topics: