Time Signature Track
Markers in the time signature track, also called the TimeSig track, govern the display of measure, beat, and grid lines in the editing windows of various tracks, and define the rhythm for purposes of Boundaries and Segment Alignment. If there is no time signature track, the time signature of the entire segment is 4/4.
A time signature track can only be assigned to a single track group, but you can insert a separate time signature track for each track group in a segment.
If a segment contains a style track, the time signatures for the segment are initially determined by the styles in the track. Each time you insert a style, the time signature of that style is automatically inserted in the time signature track. In any segment that contains a style track, you cannot edit the time signatures or insert new ones.
If a segment does not contain a style track, you can enter or edit time signatures. No more than one time signature per measure can be entered.
Note If you do not use a style track in a segment, make certain there is a time signature in measure 1. Without a time signature in the first measure, using the metronome during recording or playback will produce a quarter-note tick until the first time signature is reached in the segment. This occurs whether or not the time signature later in the segment has a note value other than a quarter note.
Time signatures include a grid setting for more precise placement of notes and cueing of events. Grid Divisions are shown in maximized sequence tracks.
Pattern tracks have their own time signatures, which can be edited on the Part tab of the Pattern Track Properties window.