Pattern Editor
The Pattern Editor component is used to create Patterns, which are used in Styles and in the Pattern Track. It is also used to create Motifs, which are special patterns played as segments.
To open the Pattern Editor for a style pattern or motif, double-click the pattern or motif in the Style Designer Window, or click it and press ENTER. Patterns in pattern tracks are edited in the Segment Designer Window.
The following figure shows the elements of the Pattern Editor window for a style pattern. The editing window for a pattern track in Segment Designer is similar, but does not contain a Chords for Comp track, and uses the timeline of the segment.
The Pattern Editor window contains the following elements:
The time signature comes from the style properties. See Setting a Style's Time Signature and Grid.
Chords for Composition track
Part list
Displays an entry for each part, showing the information in the following table from left to right.
Element Description PChannel number Performance channel used to play the part. Each part has a unique PChannel. However, multiple instances of each part can be displayed, for convenience while editing. PChannel name (in parentheses) Name used for the PChannel throughout the project. Part name Internal name of the part. These properties can be edited in the Part Properties window.
Part editing windows
When minimized, these display only the notes for each part. When maximized, they contain Note Editing Windows and strips for Variation Switch Points and Continuous Controllers.
For general information on editing the notes in parts, see Note Entry and Editing.